Principles of Economics Chap 1, 2, and 3 PDF

Title Principles of Economics Chap 1, 2, and 3
Course Introduction to Microeconomics
Institution University of Chicago
Pages 5
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Detailed notes from Mankiw's textbook on chapters 1, 2 and 3....


Chapter 1: Ten Principles of Economics - Scarcity → The limited nature of society’s resources - Economics → The study of how society manages its scarce resources - How people spend, save, work, invest - What and how much they buy - Principle 1: People Face Trade-offs - One tradeoff common in economics is “efficiency vs equality (equity) - Efficiency → Society getting the most it can from its scarce resources - Equality → Better said as equity, is distributing economic prosperity uniformly amongst all members of society - Efficiency is the size of the economic pie, equality is the individual slices of the pie - These two work in conflict, the more one seeks for equality the smaller they make the pie - Principle 2: The Cost of Something is What You Give Up to Get it - Opportunity Cost → What you give up to get something else - Not just the price of the item but the cost of what else you could have done with it - Principle 3: Rational People Think at the Margin - Rational People → People who systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objective - Marginal Change → A small incremental adjustment to a plan of action - Adjustments made around the edge of what you are doing. Not drastic differences but slight variances - People compare Marginal Benefit with Marginal Cost - This means you do not include sunk cost - Principle 4: People respond to Incentives - Incentive → Something that engenders someone to act - They can have some unintended consequences because it can have effects on the buyer, seller, and surrounding community - Principle 5: Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off - Trade allows for specialization, allowing you to work at what you do best, and trade for other items which you are not as efficient at producing - People can buy a greater variety of goods at a lower cost - Principle 6: Markets are Usually a Good Way to Organize Economic Activity - Market Economy → An economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in the market for goods and services






“Invisible Hand” always guides the economy to equilibrium and desirable outcome Principle 7: Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcome - Government has to be there for monitor and enforce the rules which the economy can operate under, most importantly Property Rights - Government can mainly help with the equality part of economics - Property Rights → The ability of an individual to own and exercise control over scarce resources - Market Failure → A situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently - Externality → The impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander (A type of market failure) - Pollution is an example, because one company's pollution can cause negative effects on others leading to a possible market failure - Market Power → The ability of a single person or firm to have substantial influence on market prices Principle 8: A Country’s Standard of Living Depends on Its Ability to Produce Goods and Services - Standards of living are highly dependent on the country's productivity - Productivity → The quantity of goods and services produced per unit of labor Principle 9: Prices Rise When the Government Prints Too Much Money - Inflation → An increase in the overall level of prices in the economy - Caused by the large quantities of money - When there is a large money supply the value of money falls because it is very available, thus meaning it takes more dollars for the same item Principle 10: Society Faces a Short Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment - Increase the supply of money in the economy stimulates spending thus increased demands for goods etc - Increased demand means firms increase prices and also hire more workers - This means more people are being hired, this lower unemployment and higher inflation - Business Cycle → Fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production . . . largely irregular and unpredictable

Chapter 2: Thinking Like an Economist - The Scientific Method: Observation, Theory, and More Observation - Economics is a science because economics use the scientific method - Developing and testing of theories to devise how the world works - You observe something, create a theory, and observe if there is a correlation between what you saw and a large sample size tested hypothesis - Very difficult to test in economics because you have to work with whatever data is obtainable, can't make things happen to test your theories - The Role of Assumptions - We make assumptions to simplify the issues we are looking at so that once we get a grasp on those we can understand complex variations better - Assumption that everything is more elastic in long run - Assumption that prices are fixed in short run sometimes - Economic Models - Basic charts/graphs and complex equations - Omits unnecessary information to get broad overview from charts and graphs - Circular Flow Diagram → A visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through the markets among households and firms


Productions Possibility Frontier → A graph that shows the combinations of outputs that the economy can possibly produce given all available factors and the available production technology - Inside the curve is inefficient, on the curve is max production






(efficient) and outside the curve is impossible given factors Opportunity cost of the output on x-axis is the slope of the curve Bowed out graph, so opportunity cost is not constant - When looking at graph, when there is a large amount of an output the opportunity cost of making another is high - This is because at such a high output of product X those making it are usually labor unskilled in that area, so by letting them work on output Y won’t change the amount of output X you get significantly The graph can shift due to technological advances allowing more production of a certain product - Can increase outwards at both endpoints if workforce grows

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics - Microeconomics → the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact with each other in markets - Macroeconomics → The study of economy wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth The Economist as Policy Adviser - Positive Versus Normative Analysis - Positive Statements → Claims that attempt to describe the world as it is . . . “Minimum wage laws cause unemployment” - Normative Statements → Claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be . . . “The government should raise the minimum wage” - Positive statements can be proven using data, Normative statements are based on opinion and values Differences in Scientific Judgement - People can presume, interpret, or speculate about the outcomes of a test

or theory thus giving them differing positives views - These differing positives views leads to their normative views being drastically different - Normative values greatly influence people’s views on economic solutions Chapter 3: Interdependence and the Gains from Trade - Comparative Advantage: The Driving Force of Specialization - Absolute Advantage → The ability to produce a good using fewer inputs than another producer (Basically who can produce the most) - Comparative Advantage → The ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer - A producer who gives up less of other goods to produce Good X has a smaller opportunity cost of producing Good X thus having a comparative advantage - You can have an absolute advantage in both producing both goods, but can only have a comparative advantage in producing one good - Comparative Advantage and Trade - Through specialization based on comparative advantage, the economic pie will grow, so total production in the economy grows - People can get the goods which they do not produce at a lower cost, because what they receive for a certain amount when trading is greater - Trading Price Rule → For both parties to gain from trade, the price at which they trade must lie between the two opportunity costs - Has to be in middle so one party wants to sell and one party wants to buy - Price above your opportunity cost then you want to sell - Price below your opportunity cost then you want to buy - Imports → Goods produced abroad and sold domestically - Exports → Goods produced domestically and sold abroad -...

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