Principles of Management Exam 3 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Principles of Management Exam 3 Flashcards Quizlet
Author Melissa Novak
Course Principles of Management
Institution Hagerstown Community College
Pages 8
File Size 238.1 KB
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Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet logy / Organizational Psychology

Principles of Management: Exam 3 Terms in this set (123) 1. extroversion 2. agreeableness The Big Five Personality Dimensions

3. conscientiousness 4. emotional stability 5. openness to experience


Core Self-Evaluation

stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity

represents a broad personality trait comprising four positive individual traits ; (1) self-efficacy (2) self-esteem (3) locus of control (4) emotional stability


belief in one's personal ability to do a task


self-respect; the extent to which people like or dislike themselves

Organizational Behavior

Locus Of Control

Emotional Intelligence

behavior that is dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work

measure of how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts

the ability to cope, to empathize with others, and to be self-motivated

abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations; the Values

relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior


Cognitive Dissonance

Employee Engagement

Job Satisfaction

Organizational Commitment


learned predisposition toward a given object

the psychological discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior

an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work

the extent to which one feels positive or negative about various aspect's of one's work

Behavior that reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals

awareness; interpreting and understanding one's environment



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet 1. Selective Attention 2. Interpretation and evaluation The Four Steps of Perception

3. Storing in Memory 4. Retrieving from memory to make judgements and decisions

1. Stereotyping 2. Implicit Bias The Five Distortions of Perception

3. The Halo Effect 4. The Recency Effect 5. Casual Attribution

the phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others lead Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true (Pygamalion Effect)

1. personality Diversity Wheel

2. internal dimensions 3. external dimensions 4. organizational dimensions

1. stereotypes and prejudices 2. fear of discrimination against majority group members Barriers to Diversity

3. resistance to diversity program priorities 4. negative diversity climate 5. lack of support for family demands 6. a hostile work environment for diverse employees

Glass Ceiling

the metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs

the tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, Stress

constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively

Type A Behavior



Extrinsic Reward

Intrinsic Reward

Content Perspectives

behavior describing people involved in a chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time

state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion

the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior

the payoff, such as money, a person receives from others for performing a particular task

the satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, a person receives from performing the particular task

theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people (aka need-based perspectives)



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet theories of employee motivation concerned with the thought processes by which Process Perspectives

people decide how to act: expectancy theory, equity theory, and goal-setting theory

psychological structure proposed by Maslow where people are motivated by five needs 1. physiological Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

2. safety 3. love 4. esteem 5. self-actualization

McClellan's Acquired Needs Theory

a theory that states three needs - achievement, affiliation and power - are major motives determining people's behaviors in the workplace

assumes people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment with their behavior Daci and Ryan's Self Determination Theory

and well-being influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness

proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

work satisfaction = motivating factors work dissatisfaction = hygiene factors

Equity Theory

in the area of employee motivation, the focus on how employees perceive how fairly they think they are being treated compared with others

theory suggests that people are motivated by two things Expectancy Theory

1. how much they want something 2. how likely they think they are to get it




Goal-Setting Theory


Job Design

Job Rotation

Job Enlargement

the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired

belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance

value, the importance a worker assigns to the possible outcome or reward

employee-motivation approach that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely/Target Dates

the division of an organization's work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance

a job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from one job to another

increasing the number of different tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet building into a job such motivating factors as responsibility, achievement, Job Enrichment

recognition, stimulating work, and advancement

The job design model that consists of five core job characteristics that affect three Job Characteristics Model

critical psychological states of an employee that in turn affect work outcomes—the employee's motivation, performance, and satisfaction

Negative Reinforcement

process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

Positive Reinforcement

the use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior



weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced

process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive

1. positive reinforcement The Four Types of Reinforcement

2. negative reinforcement 3. extinction 4. punishment

small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common Teams

purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable


Formal Group

Informal Group

Self-Managed Team

Cross-Functional Team

Continuous Improvement Team




two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms and goals and have a common identity

a group, headed by a leader, that is established to do something productive for the organization

a group formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader, although a leader may emerge from the membership

group of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains

a team that is staffed with specialists pursuing a common objective

consist of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace and quality related problems

the first of five stages of creating a team, people getting oriented and getting acquainted

second of five stages of creating a team, individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group emerge

third of five stages of creating a team, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet



fourth of five stages of creating a team, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task

last of five stages of creating a team, members of the group prepare for disbandment

Group Cohesiveness

a "we feeling" that binds group members together


reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors

Social Loafing

Task Role

Maintenance Role



Devil's Advocacy

Dysfunctional Conflict

Functional Conflict


the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable

behavior that concentrates on getting the team's task done

relationship-oriented role, consists of behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members

general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow

a cohesive group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives

taking the side of an unpopular point of view for the sake of argument

conflict that hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests

conflict that benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests

process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party

Personality Conflict

interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement

Intergroup Conflict

conflict that occurs between two or more groups

Cross-Cultural Conflict

conflict associated with or stemming from cultural differences

Conflict Intensity and Outcomes

Five Conflict-Handling Styles




avoiding, accommodating, forcing, compromising, collaborating

ignoring or suppressing a conflict

allowing the desires of the other party to prevail

simply ordering an outcome



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet Compromising



Coercive Power

both parties give up something to gain something

strives to confront the issue and cooperatively identify the problem, generating and weighing alternatives and selecting a solution

the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals

results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates

Expert Power

resulting from specialized information or expertise

Legitimate Power

results from formal positions with the organization

Referent Power

derived from one's personal attraction, wanting to be like you

Reward Power

results from authority to reward subordinated

Five Sources of Power

legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent

Trait Approach



Behavioral Approaches to Leadership

Task-Oriented Leadership

Relationship-Oriented Leadership

Contingency Approach

Empowering Leadership

Participative Leadership

Servant Leadership

attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders

a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles

a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

task-oriented and relationship-oriented

leadership that ensures the people, equipment and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization

leadership that is primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people

a model that determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationshiporiented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others

a leadership style in which the leader consults employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions

providing increased service to - meeting the goals of both followers and the organization - others rather than oneself



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet based on the premise that a leader's effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which a leader's style fits or matches characteristics of the situation at hand Fiedler's Contingency Model

the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the House's Path-Goal Theory

workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths or behavior that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support

Leader-Member Exchange Model of Leadership

emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different



Transactional Leadership

Transformational Leadership

Charismatic Leadership

Legitimating Tactics


Coalition Tactics


Personal Appeals



Inspirational Appeals

Rational Persuasion

focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests

once assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders, now considered part of transformational leadership

basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors

demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats

getting others to support your effort to persuade someone

making explicit or implied promises and trading favors

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request

getting others to participate in a decision or change

trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

trying to convince someone with reason, logic, or facts

Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Ingratiation Common Influence Tactics

Personal appeals Exchange Coalition tactics Pressure Legitimating tactics



Principles of Management: Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet 1. performance and productivity Important Workplace Behaviors

2. absenteeism and turnover 3. organizational citizenship behaviors 4. counterproductive work behaviors

Counterproductive Work Behaviors

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors



types of behavior that harm employees and the organization as a whole

behaviors that are not directly part of employees' job descriptions - that exceed their work-role requirements

when an employee doesn't show up for work

the movement of employees in and out of an organization when they obtain and then leave their jobs

1. Rewards must be linked to performance and be measurable. Motivation and Compensation

2. The rewards must satisfy individual needs. 3. The rewards must be agreed on by manager and employees. 4. The rewards must be believable and achievable by employees.

1. the need for work-life balance Nonmonetary Ways of Motivating Employees

2. the need to expand their skills 3. the needs for a positive work environment 4. the need to matter (finding meaning in their work)


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