PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Topic 8 Organizational Culture PDF

Title PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Topic 8 Organizational Culture
Author RocketDelivery 2021
Institution Universiti Utara Malaysia
Pages 8
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Which of Edgar Schein’s common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organization’s reason for being? common purpose Will, the owner of Will’s Landscaping, was talking to a visitor in his office, telling her that "We are a fun-loving group that believes in te...


1. Which of Edgar Schein’s common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organization’s reason for being? common purpose 2. Will, the owner of Will’s Landscaping, was talking to a visitor in his office, telling her that "We are a fun-loving group that believes in teamwork and a family atmosphere at work, which significantly affects our work outcomes. Plus, we do things together outside of work. This is the 'social glue' that binds the members of our company together." Will was referring to his company's organizational culture. 3. Richard, the store manager at an Old Navy outlet, was speaking with Brescia, his new assistant manager, about the store's system of job relationships; he also explained whom she will report to and who will report to her. Richard said, "This system is one of the things that motivates our employees to work together to achieve our company's goals." Richard was telling Brescia about the store's organizational structure. 4. According to the competing values framework, the four types of ______ are clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy. organizational cultures 5.Tech company ITOpportunity has a clan culture; employees have generous perks and are empowered to participate in a way in the company that is fun. The end results are profitability and an enviably low 2 percent turnover rate. A clan culture has a(n) internal focus and values flexibility. 6. Online retailer Amazon relies heavily on a hierarchy culture to manage its vast and complex shipping processes. ___________ are part of Amazon's hierarchy culture. An internal focus and valuing stability and control 7. Brodie, the owner of Wave Pools, is driven by competition. He is very focused on meeting deadlines and quality, and on delivering the results that customers want. He pushes his managers to continually exceed their productivity goals, and he stresses that profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction. Brodie feels "there is not enough time for training." However, his employees are regularly rewarded for their success in meeting company goals. Wave Pools has a(n) ____ culture. Market 8. Employees and customers are treated like a family at State Street Coffee House. Jason and Jill, the owners, work to encourage unity to increase their employees' job satisfaction and commitment. At their coffee house, Jason and Jill have built a(n) clan culture.

9. Sidwan, owner of Jacuzzi Warehouse, said, "We have to focus on our customers and how we can beat the competition, so we have to be flexible." He encourages his R&D department to develop innovative products and focuses on being quick to respond to market changes. Jacuzzi Warehouse has a(n) adhocracy culture. 10. Eriq and Steven, owners of Happy Times Ice Cream Shoppe, do not have a formal policy about dress code and work procedures because they see their company as a family place that provides enjoyable work. Eriq and Steven believe that if you treat employees like family, the company will do well and grow. _____ are the core beliefs that represent the core values of Happy Times Ice Cream Shoppe’s culture. Basic assumptions 11. _______ are the rituals and ceremonies of a company, as well as the manner of dress, awards, myths and stories told about a company. Observable artifacts of organizational culture 12. Espoused values are _____. For example, Hewlett-Packard stresses the "HP Way," a collegial, egalitarian culture that gave as much authority and job security to employees as possible. explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization 13. Symbols, stories, heroes, and rites and rituals are ways in which ____ is (are) most often transmitted to employees. Culture 14. IKEA employees are inspired to work hard by an anecdote from their Swedish founder, Ingvar Kamprad, who told how he was berated by his father for failing repeatedly to get out of bed to milk the cows on his family’s farm. In an essay he recounts how one day he got an alarm clock. “‘Now by jiminy, I’m going to start a new life,’ he determined, setting the alarm for twenty to six and removing the ‘off button.’” Ingvar Kamprad is an example of a(n) hero. 15. Rites and rituals are ____. For example, employees of New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, get a free brewery-hopping trip to Belgium after being employed by the company for five years. the activities and ceremonies that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life

16. Ty has been working for Lyft for three months. He expected that his job would be to respond to requests on the app for a ride, pick up fares, and drop them off at their desired locations, but in his first few days on the job he realized that the job entails much more. He must keep his car clean and neat, and some days he will be assigned solely to go to people's houses to pick them up and bring them to the local airport, then wait at the airport to pick up arrivals and take them home, reducing their wait time. Within a few months, he has learned that Lyft drivers often express frustration with the people they call "civilians"—that is, non–Lyft drivers, whose driving skills they complain about incessantly. In his first few months on the job, ________ describes what Ty is undergoing. organizational socialization 17. Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on a recent meta-analysis of more than 38,000 organizational units and 616,000 individuals? Employees have more positive work attitudes when working in organizations with clan cultures. 18. Hewlett-Packard founders David Packard and William Hewlett strived to create a close-knit organizational culture that gave a lot of responsibility to employees and fostered innovation within the company. Individual responsibility and the importance of innovation are espoused values. 19. Making formal statements, engaging in rites and rituals, utilizing employee training and coaching, demonstrating how a leader reacts to a crises, being a role model, and giving rewards, promotions, and bonuses are some of the teaching methods that organizations can utilize to effect corporate change. 20. According to Chester I. Barnard's classic definition, an organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people. 21. Organizations that are formed to offer services to clients and not make a profit are ____, whereas, ________ are those organizations that are formed to make money, or profits, by offering products or services. nonprofit organizations; for-profit organizations 22. Dr. Potter is retiring as a veterinarian in private practice. He wants to start a(n) __________, Vets on the Go, that will provide low-income individuals with pets in the United States with veterinary assistance at no cost. nonprofit organization 23. _______ are voluntary collectives with the purpose of advancing their members' interests. One example of such a collective is the Teamsters Union. Mutual-benefit organizations 24. Examples of ______ are the AFL-CIO (a union) and the National Federation of Independent Business. Both are voluntary groups with the purpose of advancing member interests. mutual-benefit organizations

25. ________ is(are) another way of describing a vertical hierarchy. A chain of command 26. What is the main difference between a vertical hierarchy of authority and a horizontal specialization? Vertical hierarchy shows who reports to whom and horizontal specialization shows the different jobs. 27. ________ in an organization is the division of labor. For example, in a publishing company, there are people who acquire manuscripts (sponsoring editors), people who edit manuscripts (developmental editors), and people who turn manuscripts into printed books (production editors). The arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people 28. __________ is also known as division of labor. Work specialization 29. A hierarchy of authority is ____. Most military organizations are known for having a strong hierarchy of authority. a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time 30. Willis, the produce department manager at Shop More, has eight employees in his department, also known as his _________. All eight of these employees report directly to him. span of control 31. _____ are the two kinds of spans of control. Narrow and wide 32. Bianca, the CEO of Solar Tiles, has only three people reporting to her: the vice president of marketing, vice president of HR, and vice president of accounting. Bianca has a narrow span of control. 33. During weekly conference calls, Zeke, a sales manager for a national chain of clothing stores, and the other managers in his district explain to their district manager the reasons for different decisions; they also explain why certain costs and sales were higher or lower than they were the previous week. _______ is the explanation of their decisions and work results. Accountability 34. ________ enables a manager to make decisions, give orders, and utilize resources. For example, the manager of a local coffee shop has the right to hire and fire baristas based on their punctuality, performance, and customer-service ratings. Authority

35. Antwan was recently promoted to the position of shift supervisor at If The Shoe Fits, and he is now responsible for making decisions on numerous matters in the store and giving orders to the floor staff. At the same time, Antwan has the obligation to perform the many new tasks assigned to him as a supervisor, such as overseeing the closing work and the cleaning of the store. Antwan's obligations are known as his responsibility. 36. Bekah, the manager of Fit and Trim Nutrition Services, was telling her new nutritionist that "I have many decisions to make in a day, and as the manager, during the course of a week, I have to give orders to most of the 35 employees. Then there is my budget and the clinic’s resources, which I oversee." Bekah's _______ gives her the right to make decisions, give orders, and utilize resources. Authority 37. During a meeting, Tyrone, a branch manager for Fishers Credit Union, pointed to the corporate organization chart on the wall. Tyrone remarked that "These people provide advice, recommendations, and research for us, and they are indicated with a dotted line. Leona (our CEO) and the vice presidents of our organization are up here, indicated on the organization chart by a solid line vertical line." _______ are indicated on the organization chart by a solid line, and ______ are indicated by a dotted line. Line managers; staff personnel 38. Typhanie, a customer service representative with WestComm Wireless Services, was asked by one of her customers if WestComm would be interested in joining the chamber of commerce to meet potential customers and increase its contacts in the local business community. Typhanie believes this is a very good idea and approached her manager, Deondre, about becoming a chamber member. Deondre said to Typhanie, "Because the cost of membership is over $500 and you will have to leave the office to attend meetings, I will have to get approval from management above me." WestComm is an example of an organization with centralized authority. 39. With ______, important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers. decentralized authority 40. Niall, the president of Tutors For Hire, told one of his new hires that "Managers at this company are encouraged to solve their own problems rather than buck the decision to a higher level, and decisions are made more quickly, which increases our organization's flexibility and efficiency." The key benefits of _______ are the advantages that Niall related to his new hires. decentralized authority 41. Organizational design is concerned with an organization developing optimal structures of accountability and responsibility to execute its strategies.

42. Mow and Trim, a sole proprietorship that uses contract labor, has all of its authority centralized in a single person (the owner), a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization. Mow and Trim is an organization with a simple structure. 43. The structure of Cakes and Such consists of people with similar specialties put together in formal groups, such as the marketing, accounting, and human resource departments. Cakes and Such has a _____ structure. Functional 44. Disney has different divisions for movies, cable television, stores, theme parks, and so on. The Disney theme parks part of the empire alone has divisions spanning restaurants, entertainment, cruises, and hotels. Disney is an example of an organization with ____ divisions. Product 45. Global IT has designed its corporate structure with divisions based on their location. For example, there are the Southern and Northern Divisions, and globally there are the European Division and the Asian Division. Global IT is an example of a structure with geographic divisions. 46. Ford Motor Co. has separate divisions for passenger cars, for large trucks, and for farm products. Ford uses _______ in its organization. customer divisions 47. Organizations using a matrix structure contain two command structures, in which some people report to two bosses. 48. Business Designs utilizes a structure that includes functional divisions, such as accounting and production, and a divisional chain of command, such as the home products and office divisions. For example, Janett, a salesperson, reported to both her sales manager and the office products manager when she first started working on the city of Springfield account. Business Designs has a matrix structure. 49. The Safety Committee, a temporary team at Quantum Mechanics, was established to make the factory floor a safer place. Members of the committee still work in their departments full-time, but they meet twice a month for a few hours as a committee. The Safety Committee is an example of a ____ within an organization. horizontal design 50. With a hollow structure, the organization has a central core of key functions and outsources others to vendors who are less expensive or faster.

51. With a modular structure, a firm _____. An example of the modular structure is the massive 787 Dreamliner project, in which Boeing contracted with many suppliers, each responsible for one component or assembly, which were then integrated to make the aircraft. assembles pieces that are provided by outside contractors to build a product 52. Sandra, George, Jose, and Antwan are working on a project for a customer that is aimed at cutting the client's utility costs. The four members of this workgroup are located throughout the Southeast, and they are utilizing the phone, e-mail, and collaborative computing to complete this project. This workgroup is an example of a virtual organization. 53. Phones R Us, a global phone company, frequently needs to respond quickly to fast-changing consumer tastes with its smartphones. Therefore, Phones R Us has fewer rules and procedures than most organizations, and networks of employees are encouraged to cooperate and respond quickly to unexpected tasks and changes in technology. Phones R Us is utilizing a(n) ____ structure. Organic 54. According to Lawrence and Lorsch, the stability of an organization's environment determines the degree of differentiation or integration that is appropriate. 55. The more subunits into which an organization breaks down, the more highly differentiated it becomes 56. Specialists work together to achieve ________ in a highly integrated organization. a common goal 57. The nutritionists, chefs, and taste testers who work for Healthy Foods, an organization that creates health foods that taste good and are good for you, work together for a common goal of ending obesity and diabetes. This shows how Healthy Foods uses _______ in its organization. Integration 58. A formal chain of command, the standardization of rules and procedures, and the use of crossfunctional teams and computer networks so that there is frequent communication and coordination of the parts are the means for achieving a common goal through integration. 59. Some say the office culture today has become “too nice.” Which statement would not be heard in that type of setting? “Can you believe that the boss expects us to stay late and does not even ask.” 60. When is the cultural tone of a company usually set? during the hiring process

61. Which of the following is an example of an espoused value? Walk the walk and talk the talk. 62. Basic assumptions represent the core values of an organization and are difficult to change. 63. This culture type is collaborative, encourages cohesion and job satisfaction through employee involvement. Which type is it? Clan 64. In a ______ culture, employees are expected to work hard, react fast, and deliver quality work on time. Market 65. When a company rewards their employees for years of service, this is known as celebratory rites and rituals. 66. “Be all you can be is an example” of a(n) slogan or saying. 67. Tech giant, TimeHop was concerned about creating a workspace that was inviting and encouraged collaboration. Knowing that most of its employees would work odd hours, there was care taken to lighting choices and types of furniture. TimeHop was concerned with physical design. 68. Without tiers or ranks of authority, a lone manager would have to confer with everyone in his or her domain, making it difficult to get things done. 69. _____tend to have a narrow span of control, whereas _____ have a wide span of control. Presidents; first-line supervisors 70. Simply You has a president, vice president of marketing, and vice president of finance, each with their own departments under them. This is an example of which organizational structure? functional...

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