Production Consumption and Advertising PDF

Title Production Consumption and Advertising
Author katie Dietrich
Course Introduction To Media Studies
Institution University of San Diego
Pages 3
File Size 84 KB
File Type PDF
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For Mercado's intro to media studies class...


PUBLIC RELATIONS - Persuasion and creating meaning through propaganda , public relations, and strategic - Public Relations: - PR as persuasion (early definition) - Inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill - Bernays: defined it in 1955 - Father of PR. systemize propaganda - Wanted to use propaganda for peace and made it PR - Influenced by Freud - Women and tobacco - Bernays created a campaign to make women consume tobacco called “torches of freedom” - Aka strategic communication - Educated definition: mutual understanding between an organization and it’s publics - PR specialist: - Deals w relationships between org and publics - Monitors awareness, opinions, attitudes, and behavior inside and outside - Analyze impacts - Notions about the public - Plato: royal science of government - Bacon: technocracy, society run by technical elites w scientific knowledge - Elitist view: disdain of the common people - Democracies have dilemma of defining public interest. Experts v. democracy - Propaganda - PR was born from propaganda

PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION AND ADVERTISING - Industrial Revolution - Mod 1700s to 1800s England - Invention of machines - Use of steam and other energies - Mass production - Advertising arises - Poor labor conditions - Human settlements became more urban - Late 19th early 20th century US - Technological revolutions resulted in improved methods of mass production - Taylorism: Principles of Scientific Management - Time studies, standardization of tools, worker as another took, task allocation, instruction cards - Fordism: - Henry Ford

- Assembly Line - Affordable goods for workers - T model changed the way we consumed - Overproduction and underconsumption dilemma - Scientific management and improvement in communication systems led to producing more goods than people were willing to consume - Leading to crisis - Advertising - Industrial became a marketing tool- visit factories - See how goods are produced - People weren’t consuming enough so ad industry rose AD Industry - Gillette razor blades - Social activity that became individual - Advertising changed to billboards - Media offered cheap advertising - Shaped layout of contemporary news and magazines Advertising through malls - Private place that seems public - Replaced commercial streets in 1950s Transformation in Advertising - It used to be more informative (not necessarily truthful) - Advertising became about lifestyle not the benefits of the product - Aspirational life style ex: using famous people - More money goes into advertising Separation of production and consumption - Production and consumption get separated by advertising - Conditions of labor declined so they don’t show us that just what we want to see - Overconsumption is very detrimental to our lives (pollution) Research on Values and Lifestyle (VALS) - Uses questionnaires to assess personality types and classifies people based off their consumerism. - Det. places for ads - Algorithms to track what people want and thus where ads will be most effective - Based on demographics and psychographics - Demographic: age, gender, occupation, education, ethnicity, income - Psychographics: research attempting to categorize consumers according to their attitudes, beliefs, and interests. - Classifies people by consumer motivation: ideals, achievement, self-expression Advertising Persuasion Techniques - Famous person testimonial: A well known person endorses a product or idea. - Plain Folks: association with normal people. Function and commonality - Bandwagon: you are urged to believe or do something because everybody else does - Snob appeal: convincing people that a product or service will elevate their social status

- Hidden fear appeal: plays on consumers sense of insecurity. Ex: Gum or be smelly Media Coordination - Placing advertising Media buyers: people who choose and buy the diff types of media for carrying client ads Internet - Technological merging of content in different mass media. - Internet is where it converges - Digital turn goes w post modern era - End of meta-narratives - Breaking down consensus - Fragmentation of media experiences - Post national - Post human (cyborgism) - Our digital and our real selves - Experiences aren’t real until you’ve tweeted them - In social media we are the creators and the subjects...

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