Project Experiment Report - Vacuum Cleaner PDF

Title Project Experiment Report - Vacuum Cleaner
Course Physical Modelling
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 4
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68037 Physical Modelling | Project Report Product Testing Consultant Report

Consultant Team:

Ryan Ekstrom, Shilong(Jason) Zou, Jesse Cavanough

Product: Vacuum Cleaner

Date: 12/04

Startup Number: 184

Testing Objective In this experiment we tested three different types of vacuum cleaner (Hoover, Volta and Samsung). The purpose of this investigation was to analyse the physical properties and practicality of these products to provide recommendations for customers. The parameters were to be determined as follow: ● Parameter 1: Characteristics of suction envelope Intention: Testing the suction power by using an anemometer, which allows the efficiency of different types of vacuum cleaner to be determined. ● Parameter 2: Force required to move vacuum cleaner across floor Intention: Investigating the force required to push the suction head of vacuum cleaner on the floor. This allows us to define which kind of suction head is lighter and easier to move during use. ● Parameter 3: Acoustic emission Intention: Testing the noise level during use. This allows us to analyse which vacuum cleaners have the less acoustic emission thus the less impact on the hearing of people around them. Testing Procedure Parameter 1: Connect the vacuum cleaner to a power supply. Place two wooden blocks on the floor and leave a square space between them, where the height and the width of the space are 3.5cm, 4cm (Area=15cm2). Place the suction head on the wooden blocks and cover the space between them, where the suction opening is lifted. Face the anemometer to the square space between the wooden blocks where it is perpendicular to the suction head. Turn on the anemometer and set the unit to m/s, then switch on the vacuum cleaner. Record the data displayed on the anemometer. Repeat the steps 3 times and calculate the average value for each vacuum cleaner. Parameter 2: Place the suction head on the floor, where the hose is perpendicular to the suction head. Wrap a string around the connection between the hose and the suction head and attach it to a force sensor. Connect the force sensor to a laptop and start logger. Reset the sensor reading to zero, then start pulling the force sensor in one direction about 5 seconds at a constant speed. Save the recording on logger. Repeat the steps 3 times and calculate the average force required for each vacuum cleaner. Parameter 3: Connect the vacuum cleaner to a power supply. Fix the suction nozzle and a sound level meter separately on two retort stand at a same height(35cm). Face the nozzle opening towards the sound level meter and make them close to each other(0cm). Switch on the vacuum cleaner and record the reading when the dB level of the sound level meter becomes stable. Repeat the steps with distance of 25cm, 50cm between the suction nozzle and the sound level meter. Repeat the above steps 3 times and calculate the average dB level of distances(0cm, 25cm, 50cm) for each vacuum cleaner. Analysis of Measurements (Tables, Graphs, Error Analysis) Noise levels at different distances (dB)

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68037 Physical Modelling | Project Report

Vacuum Cleaner Models


Suction flow (m/s)

Force (N)

0 cm




6.84 m/s

17.26 N

68.4 dB

39.5 dB

32 dB


7.1 m/s

15.21 N

71 dB

37 dB

30.4 dB


7 m/s

19.4 N

70.4 dB

37.8 dB

32.1 dB


6.98 m/s

17.29 N

69.93 dB

38.1 dB

31.5 dB


± 0.09 m/s


± 0.9 dB

± 0.8 dB

± 0.6 dB


9.4 m/s

11.35 N

73.5 dB

46.8 dB

35.8 dB


9.8 m/s

14.37 N

78.5 dB

48 dB

32.9 dB


9.7 m/s

17 N

73.7 dB

48.4 dB

29.9 dB


9.63 m/s

14.24 N

75.23 dB

47.73 dB

32.87 dB


± 0.1 m/s


± 2 dB

± 0.5 dB

± 2 dB


9.8 m/s

12.26 N

68.5 dB

33.2 dB

29.8 dB


10.3 m/s

12.84 N

68.2 dB

33.3 dB

30.8 dB


9.9 m/s

11.58 N

69 dB

34.8 dB

29.5 dB


10 m/s

12.23 N

68.57 dB

33.77 dB

30.03 dB


± 0.2 m/s

± 0.42 N

± 0.3 dB

± 0.5 dB

± 0.4 dB




Errors of measuring suction flow can be caused by the part of the suction opening is blocked by wooden blocks. (The suction opening is not fully aligned with the gap) Errors of determining force required to move vacuum cleaners can be caused by human errors, such as not uniform force when pulling the vacuum cleaners. Multiple tests (more than 5 times) can make the results more accurate Errors of measuring noise level can be caused by other unrelated noise (the noises from other people in the room). Testing the noise level in a quiet place would be more

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68037 Physical Modelling | Project Report

Discussion and Results This investigation determined 3 different brands of vacuum cleaner in terms of 3 parameters: the suction flow(m/s), force(N) and noise levels(dB). An anemometer was used for testing the suction flow, the results of the vacuums Volta and Samsung are quite similar, which are 9.63m/s and 10m/s. Whereas the vacuum Hoover has the suction flow of 6.98m/s, therefore it has lower suction flow thus relatively lower efficiency. The force required to move the vacuum cleaners was measured using a force sensor. From the data shown in the table, it can be deduced that the vacuum Samsung requires the least force to move the suction head across the floor hence it’s the easiest for the consumer to use, followed by Volta and then Hoover. For the noise levels, it was measured by using a sound level meter at different distances to the suction nozzle (0cm, 25cm, 50cm). From the noise levels graph shown above, at the distances of 0cm and 25cm, the results of vacuums Hoover and Volta are relatively consistent whereas Samsung has significantly higher noise level. At the distance of 50cm, all three brands have similar results.Since the distance between user and vacuum cleaner is usually within 25cm, therefore the noise of Samsung brand vacuum cleaner may cause more impact on customer’s hearing. All these experimental results are reasonably reliable since each set of the variable was tested at least 3 times and consist results were obtained. Accuracy of the results was ensured by using the proper devices, such as anemometer, force sensor and sound level meter. Uncertainties of all variables are clearly shown in both tables and graphs

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68037 Physical Modelling | Project Report

above. Uncertainty was calculated according to the formula: 1 Uncertainty= (t❑max−t ❑min ) 3 Conclusions Since the results of the vacuum Samsung have highest suction flow and it requires lowest force to move across the floor, thus it has high efficiency and less effort when using, which is reasonably recommended for customers. The Volta brand vacuum also has similar properties to the Samsung, but the shortcoming of it is the noise, use it for a long period of time may cause impact on users’ hearing. Even though the Hoover brand vacuum is quieter than the Volta, it has the lowest suction flow and requires the largest force to move across the floor, hence low efficiency and high energy consumption for the users, which is not recommended. References

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