Prologue - practice questions PDF

Title Prologue - practice questions
Course Introduction to Psychology: Applications
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 26
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Aristotle suggested that a meal makes us sleepy by causing heat to collect around the x brain. Incorrect x throat. Incorrect x x stomach. Incorrect


Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory work involved experimental studies of x animal intelligence. Incorrect x personality development. Incorrect x social influence. Incorrect


Introspection was the basic research tool used by ________ in order to study people's inner sensations and mental images. x John B. Watson Incorrect x Charles Darwin Incorrect x B. F. Skinner Incorrect


Looking inward and reporting your immediate sensations, images, and feelings is called x cognitive neuroscience. Incorrect x behaviorism. Incorrect x humanistic psychology. Incorrect


Research participants were asked to monitor and report their own immediate sensory reactions to differently colored objects. This research involved a technique known as x behavior genetics. Incorrect x psychoanalysis. Incorrect x massed practice. Incorrect


The unreliability of introspection contributed to the waning popularity of x psychiatry. Incorrect

x cognitive psychology. Incorrect x behaviorism. Incorrect 7

William James was a prominent American x psychoanalyst. Incorrect x behaviorist. Incorrect x structuralist. Incorrect


Functionalism was a school of psychology that focused attention on the (True Answer )Correct x component elements of sensory experience. Incorrect x disruptive effects of unconscious motives. Incorrect x treatment of psychological disorders. Incorrect


Edward Titchener is to structuralism as William James is to ________. x behaviorism Incorrect x humanistic psychology Incorrect x cognitive neuroscience Incorrect x


Who was a student of William James and the first female president of the American Psychological Association? x Jean Piaget Incorrect x Margaret Floy Washburn Incorrect x Rosalie Rayner Incorrect x


Who was the American philosopher-psychologist who authored a textbook in 1890 for the emerging discipline of psychology? x Wilhelm Wundt Incorrect x John B. Watson Incorrect x Sigmund Freud Incorrect x


From the 1920s into the 1960s, American psychologists emphasized the study of x genetic influences. Incorrect x self-esteem. Incorrect x conscious thoughts and feelings. Incorrect x


The view that psychology should be an objective science that studies observable human activity without reference to mental processes is known as x x cognitive neuroscience. Incorrect x humanistic psychology. Incorrect x positive psychology. Incorrect


Behaviorists dismissed the value of x science. Incorrect x x spaced practice. Incorrect x applied research. Incorrect


John B. Watson is to Edward Titchener as ________ is to ________. x biology; environment Incorrect x mental illness; psychiatry Incorrect x cognitive perspective; psychoanalytic perspective Incorrect


Which major force in psychology emphasized unconscious thought processes? x evolutionary psychology Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior genetics Incorrect x behaviorism Incorrect


Humanistic psychologists focused attention on the importance of people's x childhood memories. Incorrect x genetic predispositions. Incorrect

x unconscious thought processes. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct 18

In the 1960s, the cognitive revolution in psychology involved a renewal of interest in the scientific study of x (True Answer )Correct x hereditary influences. Incorrect x unconscious motives. Incorrect x learned behaviors. Incorrect


Cognitive neuroscience studies relationships between x natural selection and genetic predispositions. Incorrect x childhood memories and psychological disorders. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x philosophy and physiology. Incorrect


Contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of x conscious and unconscious mental activity. Incorrect x observable responses to the environment. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x maladaptive and adaptive behaviors. Incorrect


Smiling is to feeling as ________ is to ________. x evolution; natural selection Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x conscious; unconscious Incorrect x nurture; nature Incorrect


The young science of psychology developed from the more established fields of philosophy and x economics. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x geography. Incorrect x sociology. Incorrect


The personality theorist, Sigmund Freud, was an Austrian

x chemist. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x theologian. Incorrect x politician. Incorrect 24

One of the last century's most influential observers of children was the Swiss biologist x Edward Bradford Titchener. Incorrect x Margaret Floy Washburn. Incorrect x William James. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


The nature–nurture issue refers to the debate over the relative contributions that ________ make to the development of psychological traits. x massed practice and spaced practice Incorrect x unconscious and conscious motives Incorrect x behavior and mental processes Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Innate ability is to learned skill as ________ is to ________. x observation; introspection Incorrect x psychology; psychiatry Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior; mental processes Incorrect


Plato's assumption that certain ideas are inborn is most directly relevant to the controversy regarding x conscious and unconscious thoughts. Incorrect x observation and introspection. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x basic and applied research. Incorrect


In the context of debates over the origins of psychological traits, nature is to nurture as x (True Answer )Correct x Watson is to Skinner. Incorrect x Aristotle is to Plato. Incorrect x Skinner is to Watson. Incorrect


Professor McClure believes that young children are frequently able to make morally correct decisions because humans are endowed with an inborn knowledge of basic ethical principles. The professor's belief is most consistent with the views of x Aristotle. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x John Locke. Incorrect x B. F. Skinner. Incorrect


Who suggested that the mind at birth is a blank sheet upon which experience writes? x Charles Darwin Incorrect x René Descartes Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x Plato Incorrect


Which seventeenth-century European philosopher believed that some ideas are innate? x John Locke Incorrect x Ivan Pavlov Incorrect x Edward Titchener Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their biology or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding x structuralism and functionalism. Incorrect x conscious and unconscious thought. Incorrect x observation and introspection. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Lissette wonders whether personality differences between her African-American and Asian-American friends result from biological or cultural influences. In this instance, Lissette is primarily concerned with the relative contributions of x neuroscience and cognition. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior and mental processes. Incorrect x conscious and unconscious thoughts. Incorrect


The survival of organisms best suited to a particular environment is known as x functionalism. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior genetics. Incorrect x structuralism. Incorrect


Who highlighted the reproductive advantages of environmentally adaptive traits? x Plato Incorrect x Aristotle Incorrect x John Locke Incorrect x True Answer )Correct


Charles Darwin attempted to explain the ________ that he encountered. x unconscious thought processes Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x biopsychosocial approach Incorrect x SQ3R method Incorrect


By suggesting that nurture works on what nature endows, psychologists highlight the fact that we are biologically endowed with a capacity for x inborn ideas. Incorrect x natural selection. Incorrect x introspection. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Different accounts of the same behavior that together give us a more complete understanding represent different x cognitive functions. Incorrect x unconscious motives. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x natural selections. Incorrect


The biopsychosocial approach provides an understanding of social-cultural influences integrated within the larger framework of x SQ3R. Incorrect

x introspection. Incorrect x humanistic psychology. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct 40

Janna has low self-esteem because she is often teased for being overweight. Appreciating the complexity of Janna's difficulties requires x introspection. Incorrect x psychoanalysis. Incorrect x massed practice. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


The biopsychosocial approach incorporates different levels of analysis, which x have little value for applied research. Incorrect x typically contradict common sense. Incorrect x are generally impossible to test scientifically. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


The neuroscience perspective in psychology would be most likely to emphasize that behavior is influenced by x environmental circumstances. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x unconscious conflicts. Incorrect x subjective interpretations. Incorrect


Which perspective would help us to understand the impact of strokes and brain diseases on memory? x evolutionary Incorrect x behavioral Incorrect x psychodynamic Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Professor Lopez believes that severe depression results primarily from an imbalanced diet and abnormal brain chemistry. Professor Lopez favors a ________ perspective on depression. x (True Answer )Correct x psychodynamic Incorrect x behavior genetics Incorrect x cognitive Incorrect


Which perspective highlights the reproductive advantages of inherited psychological traits? x (True Answer )Correct x cognitive Incorrect x behavioral Incorrect x social-cultural Incorrect


Professor Crisman believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference promoted the survival of our ancestors' genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the ________ perspective. x social-cultural Incorrect x cognitive Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x psychodynamic Incorrect


Which perspective studies the relative contributions of our genes and our environment on our individual differences? x cognitive Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x social-cultural Incorrect x psychodynamic Incorrect


Professor Brody attempts to measure the relative contributions of inborn traits and social influences on sexual preferences and behavior patterns. Her research efforts best illustrate the interests of the ________ perspective. x (True Answer )Correct x psychodynamic Incorrect x behavioral Incorrect x cognitive Incorrect


The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on x natural selection. Incorrect x brain chemistry. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x learned behaviors. Incorrect


Mrs. Alfieri believes that her husband's angry outbursts against her result from his unconscious hatred of his own mother. Mrs.

Alfieri is looking at her husband's behavior from a(n) ________ perspective. x evolutionary Incorrect x behavioral Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior genetics Incorrect 51

Which perspective most clearly focuses on how we learn observable responses? x evolutionary Incorrect x neuroscience Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x behavior genetics Incorrect


Akira believes that her son has become a good student because she frequently praises his learning efforts. Her belief best illustrates a ________ perspective. x behavior genetics Incorrect x neuroscience Incorrect x psychodynamic Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how x feelings are influenced by blood chemistry. Incorrect x people try to understand their own unconscious motives. Incorrect x behavior is influenced by environmental conditions. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Which perspective is most concerned with how individuals interpret their experiences? x behavioral Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x neuroscience Incorrect x behavior genetics Incorrect


Which psychological perspective is most likely to be concerned with identifying the powers and the limits of human reasoning? x

(True Answer )Correct

x behavioral Incorrect x neuroscience Incorrect x behavior genetics Incorrect 56

Which perspective in psychology is most likely to focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures? x evolutionary Incorrect x neuroscience Incorrect x cognitive Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different parenting styles are encouraged among various ethnic groups? x evolutionary Incorrect x psychodynamic Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x neuroscience Incorrect


Dr. Wilson attributes the delinquent behaviors of many teens to the pressures associated with being members of street gangs. Her account best illustrates a(n) ________ perspective. x behavior genetics Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x neuroscience Incorrect x evolutionary Incorrect


Which psychologists are MOST likely to be involved in basic research? x industrial-organizational psychologists Incorrect x cognitive psychologists Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x clinical psychologists Incorrect


Dr. Robinson conducts research on the relationship between brain chemistry and intellectual functioning. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Robinson's research best represent? x social psychology Incorrect x clinical psychology Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x industrial-organizational psychology Incorrect


Dr. Santaniello conducts research on how children's moral thinking changes as they grow older. It is most likely that Dr. Santaniello is a(n) ________ psychologist. x social Incorrect x clinical Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x industrial-organizational Incorrect


Dr. Caleigh conducts research on the relationship between adults' language skills and their capacity to solve mathematical problems. Dr. Caleigh is most likely a _________ psychologist. x (True Answer )Correct x biological Incorrect x clinical Incorrect x social Incorrect


Dr. Roberts studies how best to test for individual differences in traits such as anxiety and self-esteem. Which specialty area does her research best represent? x social psychology Incorrect x biological psychology Incorrect x industrial-organizational psychology Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Dr. Mills conducts research on why individuals conform to the behaviors and opinions of others. Which specialty area does his research best represent? x cognitive psychology Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x developmental psychology Incorrect x clinical psychology Incorrect


Which psychologists are MOST likely to be involved in applied research? x (True Answer )Correct x developmental psychologists Incorrect x personality psychologists Incorrect x biological psychologists Incorrect


Dr. Lipka focuses on ways to improve employee job satisfaction and productivity. Dr. Lipka is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.

x clinical Incorrect x developmental Incorrect x personality Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct 67

Dr. Vazquez helps people to make career choices by assisting them in identifying their strengths and interests. Dr. Vazquez is most likely a x biological psychologist. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x cognitive psychologist. Incorrect x social psychologist. Incorrect


Clinical psychologists specialize in x constructing surveys. Incorrect x animal research. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x providing drugs to treat behavioral disorders. Incorrect


For no apparent reason, Adam has recently begun to feel so tense and anxious that he frequently stays home from work. It would be best for Adam to contact a ________ psychologist. x developmental Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x personality Incorrect x biological Incorrect


The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a x clinical psychologist. Incorrect x personality psychologist. Incorrect x developmental psychologist. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct


Discovering and promoting human strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive is the major focus of x the psychodynamic perspective. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x evolutionary psychology. Incorrect x behavior genetics. Incorrect


Rather than seeking to change people to fit their environments, ________ work to create social and physical environments that are healthy for all. x counseling psychologists. Incorrect x cognitive psychologists. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x clinical psychologists. Incorrect


The testing effect refers to the ________ that accompanies repeated retrieval of learned information. x positive psychology Incorrect x natural selection Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x increasing boredom Incorrect


SQ3R is a study method incorporating five steps: survey, question, read, ________, and review. x revise Incorrect x reason Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x research Incorrect


The SQ3R study method emphasizes the importance of x massed practice. Incorrect x introspection. Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x role modeling. Incorrect


Discerning the unstated assumptions and values that underlie conclusions best illustrates ________, which is an important learning tool. x critical thinking Incorrect x the testing effect Incorrect x (True Answer )Correct x SQ3R Incorrect


Julie, a physics major, has difficulty believing that psychology is a science, because people cannot observe other people's thoughts and sensations. Explain how Edward Titchener and John B. Watson would have responded to Julie's skepticism regarding

psychology's scientific status. x 78

Jack is a second-grade student. He seems to have no interest in learning, often daydreaming in class and frequently disrupting the class by throwing objects at other students. Describe how a biopsychosocial approach might provide both an integrated explanation of Jack's classroom behavior and practical suggestions for helping Jack to cope more effectively with the challenges he faces. x


Kathy does not want to become a psychologist because she has no interest in analyzing emotionally disturbed people. Use your knowledge of psychology's perspectives and subfields to expand Kathy's limited understanding of...

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