PSY HW #9 - Homework assignment #9 on classical condtioning and behaviorism and punishment PDF

Title PSY HW #9 - Homework assignment #9 on classical condtioning and behaviorism and punishment
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution The City College of New York
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Homework assignment #9 on classical condtioning and behaviorism and punishment and reinforcement. ...


1. a) Define Classical Conditioning and Behaviorism. b) Identify the two major characteristics that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a certain way of learning where one learns by making connections with more than one stimuli and then predicts events using those stimuli. Behaviorism is the idea that psychology should be science that is not subjective and it should study behavior as its own thing and now as it relates to mental function. There are two major characteristics that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is when one connects stimuli that is not controlled by its behaviors, but in operant conditioning one learns and connects stimuli between its behavior and the events that result from that behavior. In other words, operant conditioning has a cause and effect relationship, the effect is the response or the event that happens because of the cause which in this case is the behavior. Another major characteristic that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning is that in classical conditioning, one makes connections between behaviors/stimuli that they have no control over, but in operant conditioning, one makes connections through their behavior and the response that the behavior receives.

2. Discuss the ways negative Punishment, positive punishment, and negative reinforcement differ and b) list some drawbacks of punishment as a behavior control technique. There are ways that negative punishment, positive punishment, and negative reinforcement differ. First, there is a difference between punishment and reinforcement. Reinforcement reiterates the rules and it tells you what you need to do. Punishment tells you what you are not supposed to be doing and it usually decreases the behavior that caused the punishment. With negative reinforcement, it takes away something that is particularly annoying, painful, (anything that can cause you harm/pain) etc. For example, when you are in the driver’s seat in a car, there will be loud beeping if you don’t buckle your seatbelt, the loud beeping makes you want to buckle your seatbelt because it is annoying and this is an example of negative reinforcement. Positive punishment is given when there is a behavior that is undesirable. Negative punishment is given when you end something that is wanted. For example, taking away a teenager’s phone when they break curfew is a negative punishment. There are some drawbacks for using punishment as a behavior control technique. First, punished behavior stops the unwanted behavior immediately and because of the good results (no more unwanted behavior), parent are swayed into thinking the punishment is an effective behavior control technique when it isn’t. Punishment can lead to fear and physical punishment can increase aggressive behavior later on in life. Also, depending on where a punishment is given and who it is administered by, it can teach a child that the behavior is unwanted in a certain environment, but it can be fine in a different environment. For example, a child won’t curse in front of their parents if they know they will be punished in their environment with their parent, but if they are outside of their household or away from their parents they might curse because there is no fear of retribution.

3. “Sex sells!” is a common saying in advertising. Using classical conditioning terms, explain how sexual images in advertisements can condition your response to a product. Sexual images in advertisements are unconditioned stimulus that leads to an unconditioned response of arousal. If the product is not linking with a sexual image, it is a neutral stimulus which is a stimulus that doesn’t give a response before conditioning. The product can become a conditioned stimulus which can trigger a conditioned response (sexual interest or arousal). 4. Jason's parents and older friends all smoke, but they advise him not to. Juan's parents and friends don't smoke, but they say nothing to deter him from doing so. Will Jason or Juan be more likely to start smoking? Jason may be more likely to start smoking. Studies show that kids are more likely to follow the actions of others and to say what they say. Children observe the world around them using mirror neurons which copy the haviors that they see and if you follow this theory then Jason is more likely to start smoking. 5. As we develop we learn cues that lead us to expect and prepare for good and bad events. We learn to repeat behaviors that bring rewards. And we watch others and learn. What do psychologists call these three types of learning? Cues that we learn that lead us to expect and prepare for good and bad events are learned through classical conditioning. Through operant conditioning, we learn to repeat behaviors that bring rewards. We watch other and learn with a learning technique called cognitive learning....

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