PSY204 Practice Test 1 PDF

Title PSY204 Practice Test 1
Course Social Psychology
Institution University of the Sunshine Coast
Pages 13
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PSY204: Practice Exam 1 Section A – Multiple Choice Questions Section A has 50 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth one mark and the total marks allocated for this section is 50 marks. 1. Prejudice is a negative ________________ while discrimination is negative _____________________. a. belief; feeling b. generalization; practice c. attitude; behavior d. stereotype; practice

2. The in-group bias seems to occur more frequently among a. females than among males b. the young than among the old c. people from individualistic cultures than among people from communal cultures d. Blacks than among Whites

3. Realistic group conflict theory suggests that prejudice arises a. where there is a long history of distrust between two groups b. when a new group moves into an area c. when groups fail to communicate clearly with each other d. when groups compete for scarce resources

4. The idea that we find it useful to put people, ourselves included, into categories is an important assumption of _____________ theory. a. just world b. realistic group conflict c. social identity d. cognitive bias

5. A study of photographs in magazines and newspapers revealed that prominence was given to

a. men's faces and women's bodies b. men's bodies and women's faces c. Whites' faces and Blacks' bodies d. Whites' bodies and Blacks' faces

6. Explaining away outgroup members' positive behaviors and attributing negative behaviors to their dispositions is referred to as a. the outgroup homogeneity effect b. group-serving bias c. the just world phenomenon d. the scapegoat theory of prejudice

7. Watson's belief that Blacks are lazy is an example of ___________________________. His refusal to rent an apartment to a Black family is an example of ____________________. a. a stereotype; sexism b. discrimination; prejudice c. a stereotype; discrimination d. racism; prejudice

8. Forming a new stereotype of "serious, college-bound young people" to protect one's larger negative stereotype of irresponsible teenagers is an example of a. just world thinking b. authoritarianism c. subtyping d. external attribution

9. The just world phenomenon may lead us to believe that an unemployed person is a. a victim of discrimination b. lazy c. in need of sympathy d. in need of a retraining program

10. John has just failed a chemistry test. He goes back to his apartment and criticizes his roommate's choice of music. What term best describes John's behavior? a. institutionalized aggression b. just world action c. displaced aggression d. authoritarian regression

11. Which of the following is the best example of institutionalised aggression? a. an angry football player tackles a quarterback after he has completed a long pass b. a jealous wife finds her husband with another woman and shoots both of them c. a group of former soldiers kill the dictator of a small country for $10,000 d. a man smashes his television set after he finds it does not work

12. Compared to prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes, those convicted of unprovoked violent crimes tend to a. be first-borns b. have authoritarian attitudes c. be older d. have higher testosterone levels

13. According to Bandura, a social learning theorist, a. frustration plays no role in aggression b. observing aggressive models promotes aggression c. the hydraulic model offers the best explanation for aggression d. hostile aggression is instinctive and instrumental aggression is learned

14. Which of the following is true of findings regarding the catharsis hypothesis?

a. catharsis never occurs b. the calming effect of retaliation seems to occur only in very specific circumstances c. the catharsis hypothesis has been well-supported d. the catharsis hypothesis is valid for adults but not for children

15. Based on research presented in the text, if you go out on a blind date you would be most influenced by your date's a. open-mindedness b. sense of humor c. physical attractiveness d. sincerity

16. The finding that people pair off with others who are about as attractive as themselves is known as a. assortative mating b. complementarity c. the reciprocity effect d. Gause's law

17. Which of the following is true? a. companionate love typically leads to romantic love b. self-disclosure reduces feelings of romantic love c. companionate love is more likely to endure when both partners feel it to be equitable d. the more in love a woman is with a man, the less physically attractive she finds him.

18. Tom, who tends to be extraverted, has just moved into the dormitory at university. He is most likely to make friends with a. Bill, his next-door neighbor b. John, a chemistry major who lives across campus c. Michael, an introvert who lives on the next floor d. Stuart, a student who lives off campus and who loves dogs

19. Some years ago, a mysterious student enveloped in a big, black bag began attending a speech class at a provincial university. While the teacher knew the "Black Bag's" identity, the other students did not. As the semester progressed, the students' attitude toward the Black Bag changed from hostility to curiosity to friendship. What may best explain the students' change in attitude?

a. exposure breeds liking b. stress produces affiliation c. boredom breeds a liking for the novel d. similarity attracts

20. A stranger rides the same bus you do to school every day. According to the "mereexposure effect," as the days pass you will come to view the stranger a. as merely another student b. more unfavorably c. more critically d. more favorably

21. According to social-exchange theory we will help when a. the benefits are external and the costs are internal b. the benefits are greater than the costs c. the benefits and costs are proportional d. the benefits are smaller than the costs

22. According to Daniel Batson, genuine altruism may have its basis in feelings of a. happiness b. sadness c. guilt d. empathy

23. The social-responsibility norm is an expectation that people will a. help those that require it, without any expectation of reciprocity b. help those who have helped them c. assume responsibility for helping their parents d. assume responsibility for correcting past mistakes

24. According to the text, one possible reason why people in big cities are less helpful is that a. they have not internalized the norm of social responsibility b. they are busier than those living in small towns

c. they have a greater number of selfish genes d. they are less likely to have interpersonal relationships with many people in their city and therefore can easily be deidentified

25. Our perceiving ourselves as athletic, overweight, smart, or shy constitutes our a. egocentric beliefs b. interdependent self c. self-schemas d. self-references

26. Self-esteem refers to a. the sum total of our possible selves b. our overall self-evaluation c. the sum total of all our thoughts about ourselves d. our most central self-schemas

27. In comparison to people in Western cultures, people in Asian cultures are more likely to demonstrate a. learned helplessness b. self-handicapping c. self-serving bias d. an interdependent self

28. Dogs who learn a sense of helplessness by being taught they cannot escape shocks a. tend to band together and as a group demonstrate collective efficacy b. tend to become highly aggressive in other situations c. more readily take the initiative to escape punishment when that becomes possible d. later fail to take the initiative in another situation when they can escape punishment

29. The theory of how we explain others' behavior is known as

a. impression theory b. inferential analysis theory c. cognitive dissonance theory d. attribution theory

30. For a school debate, Sally has been asked to argue in favor of capital punishment. Research on the fundamental attribution error suggests that observers of Sally's speech will conclude that her arguments a. reflect her true attitude on the topic b. reflect a tendency to present herself favorably c. are weak because she was assigned to present a particular position on the topic d. will lead her to experience cognitive dissonance

31. To prevent customers from canceling their purchases, encyclopedia salespeople may try a number of tactics. Which sales tactic best prey’s on a customer’s sense of commitment. a. having the customer fill out the sales agreement b. make a second call to the customer three days after the sale c. attempt to sell a second more expensive item to the customer d. recruit the customer to be an encyclopedia salesperson

32. The gradual escalation of demands and active participation were described as key elements in a. the overjustification effect b. brainwashing c. the underjustification effect d. the low-balling effect

33. We are least likely to feel dissonance when we a. have made a difficult decision b. do not feel responsible for our behavior c. have harmed a friend d. have been paid a small sum of money for telling a lie

34. Norms, according to the text,

a. are composed of a set of roles b. prescribe proper behavior c. are social behaviors of typical or average people d. are laws that govern the distribution of social rewards

35. The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next defines a. social roles b. coevolution c. ingroup bias d. a culture

36. A set of behavior expectations for males or females is a a. gender norm b. sex-role preference c. gender assignment d. gender role

37. Choose the best example of communication accommodation theory a. Speaking in a foreign language. b. Nodding your head to let the speaker know you are listening. c. Mimicking the accent of the person you are speaking to. d. Saying “Ta” rather than “Thank you” to a toddler.

38. The cultural and situational rules that dictate how appropriate it is to express emotions in a given context are known as a. situational schemas b. display rules c. emotional performance d. emotional expression

39. Both acting and believing in accord with social pressure is called

a. acceptance b. reactance c. compliance d. interaction

40. The effect of group size on conformity has been explained by _____________ theory. a. cognitive dissonance b. social norm c. psychological reactance d. social impact

41. Conformity is highest when the response is _________________ and ________________. a. private; made without prior commitment b. public; made without prior commitment c. nonverbal; made in response to inanimate objects d. insignificant; made with prior commitment

42. ___________________________ is based on a person's desire to be correct. a. Indirect influence b. Nominal influence c. Normative influence d. Informational influence

43. Philip hates to attend concerts but goes because his wife wants to. After three years Philip comes to genuinely enjoy concerts. This is an example of a. how acceptance can lead to compliance b. how compliance can lead to acceptance c. the "boomerang effect" d. how psychological reactance can lead to acceptance 44. The central route is to __________ as the peripheral route is to ___________. a. analytical; motivated b. similarity; attractiveness c. heuristics; incidental cues d. high effort; low effort

45. Credible communicators are both ______________ and _______________. a. expert; attractive b. intelligent; mature c. attractive; intelligent d. expert; trustworthy

46. Which of the following is one of the four major factors studied by psychologists in research on effective persuasion? a. the function of communication b. the setting of communication c. the channel of communication d. the length of communication

47. Allied soldiers in World War II who were initially opposed to a message suggesting that the Japanese would not be easily defeated were more persuaded by a ___________________________ communication. Soldiers initially agreeing with the message were strengthened more by a ___________________________ message. a. videotaped; written b. one-sided; two-sided c. emotional; rational d. two-sided; one-sided

48. When two persuasive messages are presented back-to-back and the audience responds at some later time, a. a primacy effect occurs b. a recency effect occurs c. a primacy effect occurs with rational appeals but a recency effect occurs with emotional appeals d. social implosion occurs

49. The results of one study indicated that easy-to-understand messages were most persuasive when ___________________________ while difficult messages were most persuasive when ___________________________. a. audiotaped; written b. written; presented live

c. videotaped, written d. videotaped; audiotaped 50. Attitude inoculation seeks to strengthen beliefs a. by giving supporting arguments for the beliefs b. by using different channels to communicate the same message c. by providing social support for the beliefs d. through a weak attack on the beliefs

Section B – Short Answer Questions Section B has 13 short answer questions. The total marks allocated for this section is 20 marks. 1. Are schemas and stereotypes the same thing? If not, how do they differ? (Chapter 2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is meant by self-handicapping? Provide a real-world setting in which it can be applied. (Chapter 4) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Discuss the meaning of attitude accessibility and attitude strength. Illustrate your answer. (Chapter 5) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. If your aim were to ‘inoculate’ someone against a forthcoming propaganda campaign, how would you go about it? (Chapter 6) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What makes a group a group? What is the difference between a group and a social aggregate? (Chapter 8) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Sometimes a group makes a decision that is even more extreme than any of its individual members might have made. How so? (Chapter 9)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. How does the experience of relative deprivation impact on the tendency to aggress? (Chapter 11) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Can children really learn quite quickly how to be aggressive? (Chapter 12) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. In what ways can the tendency to aggress be reduced? (Chapter 12) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What is empathy and how is it related to helping others who are in need? (Chapter 13) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What does evolutionary social psychology have to say about how humans select a mate? (Chapter 14) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. How do non-verbal cues help to inform us about another person? (Chapter 15) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What is the definition of social psychology? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________...

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