Psyc 2801 - help PDF

Title Psyc 2801 - help
Author Toyin Awosanya
Course Organizational psychology 1
Institution Carleton University
Pages 3
File Size 34.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 46
Total Views 145




What is I-O Psychology? -

Industrial and Organization (I/O) Psychology=application of psychology to the workplace. Scientific study of thinking and behavior at work.

What is it that I/O Psychologists do? -

they study and help implement behavior in organizations, such as selection, training, appraisal as well as programs that improve motivation and attitudes. approximately 1/2 of all I/O Psychologist work in academic or research settings and 1/2 in work settings or full-time practice

Industrial Psychology: -

focuses on measurement of job requirements and individual's knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance so as to match individuals with suitable jobs

Organizational Psychology: -

it is more theoretical considering process such as motivation and work attitudes, group and organizational climate as well as organizational change and development

Job analysis is the process of: -

determining the important tasks of a job to successfully perform them

Interpersonal deviance includes: -

harassment and gossip

Productivity is the ratio of output to input while performance is: -

The measure of individual proficiency relevant to organizational goals

Counterproductive behavior:


Refers to behaviors that harm the organization and other people at work, such as coworkers, supervisors, and customers. Sometimes called "desk rage" by the media.

A research design that includes a manipulated independent variable, but does not have random assignment is called: -


In the early days of psychology, experiments would record their own thoughts and experiences while completing an experimental task. This experimental method is called: -


An independent variable is the term used to: -

describe the variable that a researcher manipulates

According to the text, research design in I-O psychology can be broken down into three basic types: -

experimental, quasi-experimental, non experimental

"Disinterestedness" refers to the notion that: -

scientist should be objective and not influenced by biases or prejudices

According to the textbook, when people were asked the question: "If you were to get enough money to live as comfortably as you would like for the rest of your life, would you continue to work or would you stop working?" a majority people reported that: -

they would continue working

The Hawthorne Studies led to the dramatic discovery that: -

worker's attitudes play a role in productivity

SIOP is Division 14 of the:


American Psychological Association

Jack works 12 hour shifts on an assembly line at an automotive plant. He finds his job boring, monotonous, and physically difficult. He is extremely unhappy and resists any attempts his bosses make to increase the productivity of the assembly line. Jack's mental state could be characterized as: -

Revery obsession...

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