Psych 260 syllabus spring 2020 NM PDF

Title Psych 260 syllabus spring 2020 NM
Author Anonymous User
Course Social Psychology
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 7
File Size 154 KB
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Download Psych 260 syllabus spring 2020 NM PDF


PSYCHOLOGY 260 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY SPRING 2020 TUESDAYS 15:30-18:10, GMCS-333 Instructor: Dr. Nirelia Moranton, nee Idrus Office hours: Tuesdays 14:30-15:30 or by appointment Office: NLS 24E Email: [email protected] TA: Sophie Weeks Office hours: Mondays 8:30-9:30am or by appointment Office: NLS 24C Email: [email protected] TA: Luciano Voutour Office hours: Mondays 12:00-1:30pm or by appointment Office: NSL 24C Email: [email protected] If you have any questions, first email the TAs using the subject line PSYC 260; they will send it on to Dr. Moranton, if necessary. Overview This course provides an introductory survey of the relationship between human behavior and brain function. Specific areas of emphasis include vision and other sensory processes, memory, motivation, attention, and cognition. This course is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of brain action and behavior. The course will begin by examining the basic functioning of the nervous system and neuroanatomy, followed by the biological bases of our sensations, movements, and more "primitive" behaviors. Later, we will explore how our brains give rise to more complex behaviors, including our emotions, language, dreams and selfawareness, and how drugs, brain disease, and damage can alter one's personality, indeed, one's self. Hopefully, this course will leave you with a new perspective on the definition and substance of "mind". Schedule #: 22984 Format: Face-to-Face Lecture Purpose For psychology majors, contributes to either Group IV or additional PSY unit requirement, given units are earned (D- or higher; upper division major GPA of 2.0 required to graduate). Additional Department Level Student Learning Outcomes SLO 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology SLO 1.2 Describe psychology’s content domains SLO 1.3 Describe applications of psychology

SLO 2.1 Differentiate a broad range of research methods used in psychology SLO 2.2 Evaluate knowledge claims SLO 2.3 Describe ethical considerations in psychological research SLO 3.3 Describe ethical considerations as they apply to culture and diversity Prerequisites to this class: Psychology 101 and Biology 100 Readings Textbook:

Biological Psychology (any edition) by Kalat

The Kalat text provides an overview of important concepts within the study of biological psychology. However, the lectures will expand on these concepts and often cover material not discussed in your text, so it is important that you attend class. Preparing before class by reading the assigned chapters, will facilitate your understanding of the material and will also help to stimulate class discussion. I will also provide handouts, weblinks, and other references throughout the semester. Resources Website: This class has a Blackboard course (XXXX) that contains the syllabus, announcements, weblinks, handouts, and additional study materials. Please check Blackboard at least once a week for announcements.

Office hours Please feel free to come to office hours with any and all questions about lectures, readings, in-class activities, or to discuss any concerns or if you are having difficulty with concepts. You do not need an appointment to come to see me or the TAs during office hours. If you cannot attend office hours, feel free to make an appointment well in advance of when you would like to meet. Course Evaluation 90-100% = A+;

85-89.9 = A;

80-84.9% = A-;

75-79.9 = B+;

70-74.9% = B;

65-69.9 = B-;

60-64.9% = C+;

55-59.9 = C;

50-54.9 = C-;

35-49.9 = D;...

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