Psych 6 presentation 2 - chapter group project PDF

Title Psych 6 presentation 2 - chapter group project
Course Marriage, Family, and Human Intimacy
Institution Santa Monica College
Pages 3
File Size 31 KB
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Holland Ackerman! Professor Guild! Psych 6! April 28, 2019! Psych presentation chapter 13 group 5, Q5! 5. How does intrusive technology, ie. smart phones, video games, computers, etc., affect marriages and families? ! #

Due to intrusive technology such as laptops and iphones, many parents/

spouses can bring their work home with them. This turns the “workplace into the home place”. Even though couples will be off work, they will still be sending emails and texts relating to work. Sometimes they even send emails/texts to each other instead of fully communicating in person. This causes distance and less leisure/quality time with each other. ! How does it help or hinder family interaction?! #

Although it may help with long distance relationships and with keeping in

contact with distant relatives, technology does hinder the communication within a familial unit. If it’s not work related, then parents/spouses/children will spend their time on social media. My father always uses facebook or is emailing someone from work when he should be focusing on spending time with my sister and me. This always causes tension and irritation between us because it can feel as though we are not being listened to. Sometimes my sister will have to continually repeat a story because my father isn’t fully paying attention. If technology and social media are always in the equation, it takes away from having substantive conversations. It also takes away from

personal leisure time. If my father is using his iPhone to take business calls and emails at dinner time, he isn’t getting to relax himself. If he isn’t having time to unwind and spend quality time doing the things he enjoys, he gets annoyed and angry. The use of technology in this case hinders the communication and interaction of the family by causing constant irritation with one another and stress. !

Discuss the issue of 24/7 availability by text and email on leisure time at home or on ! vacation. ! #

Technology on a 24/7 basis causes a problem when families aren’t taking the

personal leisure time that they need. Vacations are stressful enough with all of the packing and timing. However, the further use of technology can double that stress. Requesting wireless internet during a vacation is an example of this. Some people insist on the availability of technology in their hotel rooms while on vacation. They use wifi to browse social media, check emails, and read the news. Instead of relaxing while on a trip, many couples still work through emails and browse social media instead of talking. Instead of using the time to unwind, people are often caught up in their technology and current events. Though technology also makes it convent to find directions and reviews on places to visit, overall it takes away from the quality leisure time spent. ! Also discuss the issue of anger over video games and texting while spending ! time with one another. ! #

As discussed before, this causes stress and tension between family members. If

a spouse or parent or child continues to prioritize their technology, it can lead to

miscommunication and resentment. I find that when my father or sister start looking at their phones, so do I. Then no one is talking anymore and our time together is wasted. ! How are you dealing with these challenges?! #

I personally deal with these challenges by mandating that all phones must be

put away during dinner time. I also tend to tell my family members important things or start discussions only when they give me their undivided attention. We also leave our phones at home when we go on walks to talk and spend time together....

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