PSYCH 600 Adolescent Development AND Their Differences Presentation Notes AND Slides PDF

Title PSYCH 600 Adolescent Development AND Their Differences Presentation Notes AND Slides
Author carie dearing
Course Developmental Psychology
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 3
File Size 66.1 KB
File Type PDF
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PSYCH 600 ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR DIFFERENCES PRESENTATION NOTES AND SLIDES Introduction The following presentation will explain the similarities and differences in adolescence development. There are both similarities and differences when it has to do with males and females as they develop during their adolescence. The historical eras and cultures could also have to do with how they develop during this time. Adolescence Adolescence is the period following puberty to which the male and female begin to develop. There are many factors that play into this period for the person such as emotional, cognitive and physical. This is a transitional stage to where their bodies are going to change physically setting them up for adulthood. This happens during a persons teenage years of their life. It can all depend on the time and culture when they say a child will begin to transform into adolescence (Greene, 1992). Similarities in Males and Females During Adolescence  Peer Pressure  Confusion  Lack of Emotional Control  Insecurity  Anxiety  General Rebellious  There are many similarities in males and females during the adolescence years. They all seem to go through a point to where there is peer pressure. This is where others are trying to talk them into doing something whether it is right or wrong. They all seem to have some point to where they are confused as to what is happening to them and the changes that they are going through. Lack of emotional control seems to play a large part in all of this and they may not be able to control what they are feeling at the time. Insecurity and anxiety are what can happen to their minds when they are going through these changes and they tend to seem generally rebellious at this stage when it comes to listening to their parents (Miller, 2015). Differences in Males and Females During Adolescence  Females show higher rate of confidence  Gender identity is higher in males  Females are more prone to eating disorders

 Females self esteem is often lower  Males develop athletically  Girls develop emotionally  For females at this stage in their life it seems that they tend to develop in more of an emotional way then males do. They seem to be more aware of their feelings and this in turn can cause them to have a lower self esteem. This can come into play to where it can cause females to have more of a problem with eating disorders among other things then a male would have at this time in their lives. Females also seem to be more confident during this time then the males are. So the males would have more of an insecurity then the female. Males seem to have a high rate of gender identity and also seem to develop in more of an athletically way (Miller, 2015). Different Historical Times  Society saw 13 year old's as adults during the Shakespeare Times  Puberty was at an earlier age years ago  Far smaller world for teens back then  Back in the day it seemed that girls and boys went through puberty at much of an earlier age. The society back then saw teens as adults in a much earlier age. For instance boys and girls now stay under their parents much longer then they used to for instance for teenagers now it is from 12-18 to where back in the day it was more like 11-13. But you have to think about how back then the world was much smaller and there was not as much that they had to carry around on their shoulders as they do now. It was more of a simpler life (Psychology Today, 2018). Different Cultures  Family  Ethics  National Culture  Different cultures can have a lot to do with the type of family that you are brought up in and their values and ethics that they live by. This can have a difference on a child while they are going thru their adolescence times. How Different Cultures Affect Adolescence  Moral Differences  Independence vs. Dependence  Effects on the Ego

 Culture Confusion  The way that different cultures affect adolescence all depends on how their family thinks. This can have a great impact on the moral differences that each culture seems to go by with their children and how they grow up and transform into adults. It can have an effect on their egos and also cause some confusion in the teenager. This can make it to where the teenager is trying to find some self identity but is having a hard time doing so with the culture that they may be from. Depending on the culture really depends on how the children are raised as in some cultures they may be raised as strong willed to where another culture may not (Verial, 2017). Conclusion There are many things that come into play when it has to do with a child developing and growing up. It can affect all children in different ways. This can have to do with their culture for instance as all is not totally the same. This can be a difficult time for children as they become teenagers and are transforming into adults. References  Greene, A.L. (1992, June). Stages on Life's Way, Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, 3, (364).  Miller, J. (2015, Summer). Similarities and Differences Between Boys and Girls. Healthworks, 20(2).  Psychology Today. (2018). Retrieved from  Verial, D. (2017, June). How Cultural Differences Influence Adolescent Development. Livestrong, 47(2)....

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