PSYCH 635 Shaping AND Chaining Lecture Notes PDF

Title PSYCH 635 Shaping AND Chaining Lecture Notes
Author carie dearing
Course Learning Psychology
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 4
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PSYCH 635 SHAPING AND CHAINING LECTURE NOTES Is having a social life with friends, families and going places and have a great day. Getting together and planning, what you're doing to do have for a special event of the day, date and the location. Time it and what you want to do. I love being together with all that, sometimes I can't because with my husband illness is holding me back to a point of view. We find ways to get things done. I just say I want him along to enjoy life. In Le Vygotsky, was young and in a career of his or her interested, has a disease is "tuberculosis," at a young age is sad. Ability to think I can, I do that, sometimes if you're called things when you're and it stays with you. To fight it in your life you need to be strong. Learn what you can stand up, and share what you can do and find better ways is doing it. Never stop trying to find your life your social is yours to have. A child developmental needs to be taught, learn the basic skills and have the time of life. Our life is on borrowed time, so be kind to others. Bring your burdens to God, and he hears your cry and your voice. Be kind to one and other. Learning theories: An educations perspective ( 7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. It was long assumed that learning occurs with reinforcement with needed repetition of a stimulus that can strengthen a response, however psychologist Edwin Guthrie’s theory of one trial learning claimed that learning could take place in single pairing of a response and stimulus (Schunk, 2014). The theory of one trial learning assumes that there are instances in which there is a single pairing of a response to a stimulus occurs in an immediately learned response, and in these types of scenarios it does not require the repetition of the stimulus to produce a learned response. In a one trial learning the stimulus is such a strong factor that it elicits a permanent response that does not require the use of repetitive strengthening, because the initial stimulus produces the upmost strongest response that does not require repetition for learning to occur. The example of one trial learning that is consistent with most at an early age is touching fire, because most understand that after their first encounter with placing their hand in fire will quickly realize that this type of behavior can have negative health impacts on the body. Those people who place their hand in fire for the first time will have the experience of one trial learning and will not place there hand inside an open flame because of their strength of their initial learned response. Reinforcement has been a favorite topic of mine, Its a process that is defined to effect that it has on behavior and it is also able to increases or strengthens the response. (Boden,2006) Their is also a continuous amount of process that reinforce that amounts of change that specified behavior. . Reinforcement schedules are the rules which are utilized in presenting reinforces after a particular behaviors. When thinking about what types of the reinforcement schedules are they includes the following fixed ratio schedule, the fixed interval schedule, variable ration and the variable interval schedule (Skinner & Ferster, 2015). Reinforcement is a consequence that is then applied that will strengthen actions on future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus each individual may reflect their own behaviors and or they are able to engage in individual to perform better. (Boden,2006) Reinforcement is the use of a reinforce to achieve a specific desired behavior. When individuals use a reinforce, they stimulate the behavior to occur. A continuous process of putting a reinforce to change a specific behavior can lead to behavioral changes. In schedule of reinforcement, the reinforce usually establishes a rule stating the instances and the periods in which a behavior can occur and be controlled. This helps to change a specific behavior so that it can be adequately managed. The management of these behaviors can always engage an individual to perform better and have better reinforcements of behavior.

The management of these behaviors can always guide an individual to perform better so as to improve their overall performance (Boden, 2006). Chaining can be described as a complex behavior that consists of two or more component of behaviors that occur together in a sequence. Shaping, on the other hand can be described as a systemic and differentially reinforcement of behavior. Shaping can be used to help learners in the acquisition of new behaviors. Shaping usually involves enhancing principles of reinforcement and extension. Most of the reinforced behaviors usually increase satisfaction to enhance performance over time. The complex behaviors help to enhance performance and also encourage discriminative stimulus and responses in individuals. Identifying the behavior and conducting effective task analysis to measure the behavioral performance can be a major effective way of measuring the performance of a behavior with time (Boden, 2006). Chaining can be described as an instructional procedure that is often used in behavioral psychology to provide experimental analysis of behavior. The idea behind chaining is to reinforce a person’s response to the behavior especially those behaviors that take place in sequences. This helps to change an individual’s behaviors and actions to the desired effect. Shaping, on the other hand, involves the planning of behavior to change it through strengthened actions. The main similarity between chaining and shaping is to establish a behavior that has not yet occurred. This helps to improve the behavioral performance while at the same time encouraging individuals to perform to their optimum level. Through effective timing, a complex behavior can be shaped through the chaining and shaping processes, which help to improve behavioral performance. The reinforcement of the behaviors through successful approximations is one of the best ways to ensure that the desired behavior has been accomplished effectively (Boden, 2006). In this type of learning, learning occurs in a single pairing of the responses as well as the stimulus. The learning is later strengthened overtime by the recurrent exposure to the stimulus. This type of learning is an association on a single event that learning takes place instantly. One-trial learning is associated with classical conditioning as well as the reflexes. One-trial learning is involuntary and does not require thinking and this means that it is passive (McDouges, Irvy, & Taylor, 2016). A good example is involving the process of teaching the prison staffs by the prison psychologists. The prison psychologists teach these staffs on how to work with the prisoners or inmates. The type of teaching involves the use of the verbal cues which is important in allowing the process of following the simple directions. This is basically due to the fact that the inmates are forgetful with regard to the questions being asked. Reinforcement schedules are the rules which are utilized in presenting reinforces after a particular operant behavior. The rules related to the reinforcement schedule are defined based on the time and the number of responses needed to present reinforce. There are four types of the reinforcement schedules and they include the fixed ratio schedule, the fixed interval schedule, variable ration and the variable interval schedule (Skinner & Ferster, 2015). In an example case for example of the variable interval reinforcement schedule, an individual or an animal is getting reinforced based on the different amount of time which can be predicted. For example, when Joshua is the manager at a restaurant, when someone from the quality control division pays a visit to this restaurant, in case the restaurant is clean and the services being provided is fast, every person on that particular shift is earning a bonus of $ 15. The management of this restaurant is unaware on the time which the quality control personnel will be showing up, and therefore, Joshua will always make an

attempt to keep the restaurant clean and making sure that workers are providing a prompt and courteous service (Skinner & Ferster, 2015). According to ( Allen interrogation in our four options in psychology we all have a choice). What to use and have that saying is yours. "Forensic," is like applying for a job, is like our studying in a day of practice and more practice. "Encoding, storing and retrieval of memories," We need to train by self or in a group is the learning what you can do and working at it every day, by the minutes, hours, and to go to sleep. I love music, playing the piano is my favorite instrument, learning all the keys on it a purpose. "Every go boy or girl does find." Having the sharp keys, and putting into the lyric to nose and sounds. I would get so jealous when my cousin would "play at the piano so professional, "gathering," at special events, of the reunion, then I would say well done to him. So I did put my talent to use and do hand languages with my hands and talk to them. I like to sing, but no voice lessons. Sometimes I wish I should say things, and talk with proper grammar to have you all understand me, but that who I am, trying my best, but something is different in my brain of functioning. Let make better memory and maybe a CD's in our class of kindness and work together to have peace. Let bring out good in all. Shaping is the process that involves the establishment of behavior which is not learned or performed by a person at present. It is a conditioning paradigm which is primarily used in the experimental assessment of the behavior. A good example case is when a teacher is making an attempt to teach a student how to speak in front of the whole classroom. When the student is shy, he or she will not be able to give a speech and therefore rather than giving promise to the student on rewarding for giving the speech, it is important to give a reward to the behavior which comes close for example when he stands in front of the class. Therefore in order to help the student, it is important to reinforce, make him say a word such as hello, forcing the student to read the passage to get rewarded, and give a speech which is then reinforced (Dudzinski, Yeater, Bolton, Eskelin, & Hill, 2018). Chaining process involves the process of breaking a task into small steps and teaches each step within a sequence by itself. A good case is when a child is learning to wash hand without help which might start as learning and then turning to a faucet (Leaf, Cihon, Ferguson, & Weinkauf, 2017). Learning hierarchies are organized sets of intellectual skills with the highest element being the target skill (Schunk, 2016). In order to formulate the hierarchy, we must first know what skills the learner must perform before learning the target skill or know the skills that are a prerequisite for the target skill. The same question is asked for each prerequisite skill, counting down the hierarchy until it is figured out which skill the learner can perform now. Two or more prerequisite skills must be applied in order for the learner to learn a higher-order skill and the prerequisite can’t be dependent on each other. Some prerequisites may be more difficult to acquire but once the learner have mastered the lower-order skills, it will become easier for the learner to learn a higher-order skill (Schunk, 2016). Advanced organizers are broad statements presented at the outset of lessons that help to connect new material with prior learning (Schunk, 2016). Organizers direct the learner’s attention to the concepts that are important, highlight relationships among ideas, and link the new material to what was already known. Advanced organizers can be expository and comparative. Expository organizers provide the students with the new knowledge need to be able to comprehend the lesson. Comparative organizers introduce new material by drawing analogies with familiar material (Schunk, 2016). Comparative organizers activate and link networks in long term memory. In order for comparative organizers to be effective, the student must have a good understanding of the material being uses as the basis for the

analogy. Organizers are a way to promote learning because they help the students relate the content to a wider range of experiences. Shaping is used when the target behavior does not exist. What is reinforced is an approximation of the target behavior. Chaining is the reinforcement of successive elements of a behavioral chaining. The behavior chaining is a series of related behaviors each of which provides the cue for the next and the last that produces a reinforcer. There are two chaining procedures; forward and backwards (June, 2002). One trial learning states that learning takes place in a single pairing of a response and stimulus. It is not strengthened overtime by repeated exposure to a stimulus. Edwin Guthrie found this theory, and he did not believe in conditioning learning where a reward follows (One trail Learning). Reinforcement schedules take place in both naturally occurring learning situations as well as more structural training situations. A schedule of reinforcement is basically a rule stating which instances of a behavior will be reinfirced. (Cherry, 2018). Shaping and chaining seem to be linked. We can say that they are the same process that helps breakdown the steps that makes room for small changes in an individual's behavior and responses. (Schunk, 2016).Reinforcement schedules is often used during operant conditioning. In reinforcement schedule, rewards are given especially in a structured way (Schunk, 2016). One-trial learning. Exactly as the way the name sounds, one-trial learning is learning that occurs when response and stimulus are paired but may not be strengthened over time due to repeated . ( Schunk, 2016). Shaping and Chaining, Reinforcement Schedules and One-Trial Learning. psychologists, parents, teachers, and a wealth of other individuals attempt to teach new tasks through a variety of methods such as by shaping the new desired task, through reinforcement of it, or even through one-trail learning.(Schunk, 2016)....

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