Psyche/ Mental Health Nursing Exam Study Questions PDF

Title Psyche/ Mental Health Nursing Exam Study Questions
Author Karina C Delgado
Course Psych/Mental Health Clinical
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
File Size 65.2 KB
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Psyche OA Questions/Answers A Client tells the RN that he has an IQ of 400+ and is a genius and an inventor. He also reports that he is married to a female movie star and thinks his brother wants to have sexual relationship with her. What is the priority nursing problem for admission to psych unit? 

Ineffective sexual patterns

When preparing to administer to domestic violence screening tool to a female client, which statement should the RN provide? 

All clients are screened for domestic abuse because it is common in our society

A client with Bulimia and depression who is taking phenelzine (Nardil) 90mg daily is admitted to an acute care hospital for uncontrolled hypertension. What dietary choices should the RN instruct the client to avoid? 

Pepperoni pizza

A client who recently experienced the death of a significant other arrives at the mental health center. The client reports loss of interest in usual activities, expresses a wish to be with the decreased significant other, has been eating very little, and has not slept in several days. Which client statement for the RN to explore at this time? 

Not sleeping for several days

When developing a plan of care for a client admitted to the psychiatric unit following aspiration of a caustic material related to a suicide attempt, which nursing problem has the highest priority? 

Ineffective breathing pattern

The RN is working with a client at a community mental health center when the client reports hearing voices that tell him to get a knife from the kitchen and hurt himself. What intervention is most important for the RN to implement? 

Assign the UAP to remain with the client at all times

A homeless client who reports feeling sad and depressed tells the mental health nurse that in the past 2 days she has only had 4 hours of sleep. Which action is most important for the RN to implement within the first 24 hours after treatment is initiated? 

Allow the client to rest and sleep

A male client is admitted to the psych inpatient unit with a bandaged flesh wound after attempting to shoot himself. He was divorced a year ago, lost his job, and suffered a breakup of his current relationship last week. What is most likely source of the client’s current feelings of depression? 

A sense of loss

The occupational health nurse is working with a female employee who was just notified that her child was involved in a MVA and taken to the hospital. The employee stated, “What should I do?” Which is the best response for the RN to provide. 

Call for transportation to the hospital

Which intervention should the RN implement the evening before the scheduled ECT? 

Keep the client NPO after midnight

A client who recently experienced the death of a significant other arrives at the mental health center. The client reports loss of interest in usual activities, expresses a wish to be with the deceased significant other, has been eating very little, and has not slept in several days. Which statement from client is most important for the RN to explore at this time? 

Wishing to be with the spouse

A male client who is admitted with DTs is dehydrated and experiencing auditory hallucinations. He has a bruised, swollen tongue and is confused. In developing a plan of care, which action should the RN include to ensure the client is physiologically stable? 

Monitor vital signs

A bipolar client comes into the clinic and tells the nurse that the next time she sees her sister she’s going to kill her. What should the nurse do? 

Inform the sister

A client in the dayroom had tipped over a table and is escalating and has picked up a chair which he is threatening to throw at another client. What should the nurse do first? 

Go and get more staff assistance

What would be proper teaching for a client who is to start taking Antabuse? 

Has not had anything alcoholic to drink for the last 48 hours

A successful business man is stressed about his finances, has anxiety and sleeplessness 

Limit intake of sugar and caffeine

The parents of a teenager who has overdosed, what is the first question to ask? 

What drug did the client ingest?

A client becomes agitated and is pacing when the nurse is talking to his wife. He has not eaten in 3 days. What should the nurse do? 

Take to quiet room and give PB and crackers

A male client in the mental health unit is guarded and vaguely answers the nurse’s questions. He isolates to his room and sometimes opens the door to peek into the hall. Which problem can the nurse anticipate? 

Delusions of persecution

A male client who is seen in the mental health clinic monthly reports feeling very stressed and nervous and further describes becoming angry increasingly more often during the last month. What action should the nurse take first? 

Ask the client to identify problems that have occurred during the last month

Depressed mother and daughter speaks in group 

I hear you say you worry about what your mother’s distress

An adolescent male receives a prescription for an antidepressant drug because he is exhibiting a depressed affect. While the client is taking the antidepressant, which comparison of the client’s behavior before and after taking the drug is most important for the nurse to obtain? 

The emotional quality of his attitude

A client on the mental health unit is becoming more agitated, shouting at the staff, and pacing in the hallway. When a PRN medication is offered, the client refused the med and defiantly sits on the floor in the middle of the hallway. What nursing intervention should the nurse implement first? 

Take the other clients in the area to the client lounge

A male adolescent was admitted to the unit two days ago for depression. When the mental health nurse tries to interview the client to establish rapport, he becomes very irritated and sarcastic. Which action is best for the nurse to take? 

Offer to play a game of cards with the client

The nurse leading a group session of adolescent clients gives the members handouts about anger management. One of the male clients is fidgety, interrupts peers when they try to talk, and talks about his pets at home. What nursing action is best? 

Redirect him by encouraging him to read from the handout

The nurse is preparing meds for a client with bipolar disorder and notices that the antipsychotic medication was discontinued several days ago. Which med should also be discontinued? 

Benztropine (Cogentin)

A male client is admitted to the psych unit for recurrent negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia and med adjustment of risperidone (Risperdal). When the client walks to the nurse’s station in a laterally contracted position, he states that something has made his body contort into a monster. What action? 

Administer the prescribed anticholinergic benztropine (Cogentin) for dystonia

A male client with schizophrenia is demonstrating echolalia, which is becoming annoying to other clients on the unit. What intervention is best for nurse to do? 

Escort the client to his room

The nurse is completing the admission assessment of an underweight adolescent who is admitted to the psyche unit with a diagnosis of depression. Which finding requires notification the HCP? 

Potassium level of 2.9 mEq/dL

A female client who is wearing dirty clothes and has a foul odor, comes to the clinic reporting feeling scared because she is being stalked. What action is most important? 

Offer the client a safe place to relax before interviewing her

After receiving treatment for anorexia, a student asks the school nurse for permission to work in the school cafeteria as part of the school’s work study program. What action should the nurse take? 

Recommend assignment to the receptionist’s office

A female high school teacher who was a child with alcoholic parents, seeks counseling at the community health clinic because of depression over a student who was killed by a drunk driver. After several weeks of counseling, which client behavior is the best? 

Becomes the faculty sponsor for Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD)

While interviewing a client, the nurse takes notes to assist with accurate documentation later. Which statement is most accurate regarding note taking during an interview? 

The nurse’s ability to directly observe the client’s nonverbal communication is limited with note taking

Pt with history of alcohol abuse is admitted to the hospital stating he feels bugs are crawling on his legs 


Pt taking his medication complains of chest pain 

Obtain blood pressure

An alcoholic patient that is semi conscious and confused 

Lay the patient on his side

Teaching plan for an abused woman. SATA   

Have clothes ready for yourself and children Code words with family members for violence Have an escape plan in case abuser blocks exit

Patient is yelling “I’m the boss. I do what I want” 

Risk for violence to others

A child is brought to ER with a broken arm. Mother yells “I won’t leave my son! Don’t you touch him” 

Projecting her feelings onto the nurse

A 35 year old male client who has been hospitalized for two weeks for chronic paranoia continues to state that someone is trying to steal his clothing. 

Encourage the client to actively participate in assigned activities on the unit

A male client overdose on acetaminophen (Tylenol). 

Do not take any over the counter meds

ECT is not working male client, pt is non responsive to treatment what question should the nurse ask? 

Have you been taking erectile dysfunction meds?

Client who refuses antipsychotic med, disrupts group activities, nurse decides client needs constant observation based on? 

Wanders into client’s room

CAGE question 

Cut down on your drinking, people annoyed by you, feel bad or guilty about your drinking, drink first thing in the morning is an eye-opener

Female client dressed in short mini skirt, no underwear, red lipstick in day room 

Take client back to room and pick out an appropriate outfit

A mental health worker (MHW) is caring for a client with escalating aggressive behavior. Which action? 

Is attempting to physically restrain the client

A male hospital employee is pushed out of the way by female employee because of an oncoming gurney. He swings at her. Which factor is related? 

Was physically abused by his mother as a child

A client who is known to abuse drugs is admitted to the unit. Which med should the nurse anticipate administering to a client who is exhibiting benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms? 

Clordiazepoxide (Librium)

Question about serum creatinine and kidney function 

Serum creatinine

Alcohol abuse and carbamazepine 

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