Psychological Evaluation Report of Client P.B PDF

Title Psychological Evaluation Report of Client P.B
Course BS Psychology
Institution Cavite State University
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PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION REPORT For educational purposes Only I.


Name: P. B Gender: MALE Date of Birth: JULY 27, 1995 Date of Testing: November 21, 2019 Chronological Age: 24 Birth Place: MPC Educational Status/Attainment: COLLEGE GRADUATE Address: MPC Religion: CATHOLIC II.

REASON FOR REFERRAL The client was referred for a psychological evaluation to assess his/her current

cognitive and socio-emotional level of functioning. The result of the evaluation will be used as basis for developing appropriate and timely interventions to address his/her present concerns. BACKGROUND INFORMATION a. Family Background Client P. B is living with his family in MPC. Their own house. The name of his mother is G, unfortunately his mother died when April 10, 2010 because of an illness at the age of 41 and when he was 14 years old. He said that when his mother still alive they always have bonding. Always care for him. And he emphasized that his mother is his Great ally. His father is J his father was born when June 11, 1962 and now a 57 years old house father. He said to the assessor that when his mother died, the joyous home filled with sorrow. The

client also said that he is not in good terms with his father. He is second to four siblings. The first born is female and her name is S a 26 years old call center agent in manila. The third sibling is male and his name was L 22 years old working in the same company of the client. The youngest was S, 15 years old and a Grade 8 student in Rizal High School. The client said that he is the one who sustain the daily needs of his family and the expenses of his youngest sibling. He also tell to the assessor that the closest among his sibling is the youngest and the one he always fought is the third one. The assessor asks if there is a time that they have been united, he answered that even in the dining table it does not happen. Assessor noticed the lonely face of the client.

b. Personal Background The Assessor asks the client if he has a significant one and he immediately say yes. He is currently in a relationship. The client said that they were 4 months and still counting. He told to the assessor how they knew each other. He recounts how they first met. How much he is made up of the person he loves. The assessor asks if what is the qualities or characteristics that he sees to the woman he loved and he simply says that he does not love his girl friend because of the qualities she have but for no specific reason. He also shares his motto, that love is acceptance. Assessor ask If they are fighting. Client sarcastic answer that we are only humans, have pride, emotions and every relationship going through a lot of rough situations. Assessor asks again, Do you ever think a break up when you have a fight? Paul said that he never cross to his mind the word break up. And said that as soon as she graduate have a decent work and she already help her family, we will get married. Client has good drawing skills. His spare time spend in drawing the face of his girl. He shows to the Assessor his finished drawing and the assessor amazed because of his talent. Client does not have any bad habits. He likes playing basketball during his off or sometimes playing online game mobile legends. He loves kids.

c. Educational Attainment The client finished his study in Elementary MElementary School year 2007. He said that when he was in grade school he always join math quizbee because he loves computation. He spent 4 years in Rizal High School year 2011. And took a 2years course of Business and office administrative services at ACLC- M branch in manila batch 2018. He said to the assessor that his first choice of course is Engineering, but because of financial incapacity he decided to take a course he will quickly graduated. He said that college life is full of sacrifices because even he wanted to take a rest he must need to go to his part time job to work and earn money for his study. He said that there was a time that he is starving to death and luckily his classmate offer him to draw their assignment and pay after. The assessor also ask if he likes to go to school again and pursue his first course choice because there is a lot of public school that offer a no tuition fee but he said as of now I am focused on how I can help my future wife to finished her study if I am going to school now I think I cannot support her. Client said.

d. Work Experience The assessor asks if he already had an experience in working, client said that when he was in college he has a part time job in bpo company. And when he graduated last year he decided to find a job that suits his career. June last year also is his lucky month because Indra Company called. And in just 1 week he starts working in the company. He works as in and field auditor. The nature of his work is specialists who review the accounts of their customer and computes the breaches and penalties. The assessor asked if the salary is good and can sustain their daily expenses and he says yes.

e. Medical information

The assessor asks if he is currently taking any kind of medicine. The client said that he did not take any medicine in the past month. Assessor follow a question if what is the severe illness that the client suffer. Client said that there is no such serious illness, he commonly encounter colds, cough and fever. But as per him their family has history of high blood. And some of their relatives died because of heart attack due to high blood pressure.



P B is 24 years old, male. He came to the assessment area with a color blue polo and maong pants. He has jacket in his shoulder and a pair of topsider shoes. He stands 5`7, has a clean cut hair, slight brown. Fair skin complexion. Upon entering the area, he greeted the assessor, and he extends his hand signing he wants so shake their hands. The client is the one who start the conversation saying to the assessor good day. The assessor asks the client if he is doing great and as a reply he smile and nod his head. The assessor explain the consent letter what is the content and what will happen if harm arise so that the client knows the main purpose of signing the informed consent. The assessor noticed that client is establishing an eye to eye contact during the whole period of interview. Client also answers in a very nice and comfortable manner. Every time the assessor asks about his mother he looks very emotional. He is wishing that time goes back when his mother still alive. He said to the assessor that he is much closed to his mother. And if his mother still here he said it will be so happy of what he has now. Client becomes more emotional when the assessor asks who the provider of the family is because as per client his father did not see what he is doing for the family. He said that his father only see the mistakes he have done before. The assessor tap the shoulder of the client showing her sympathy. Client feels the vibe and gives his trust to the assessor so he share and open his goal in life. He said that he wanted to marry the girl he love when God`s time come. And make him responsible to the child of his girl friend. He said that he is willing to

do all the things that can make her women happy. The assessor noticed the sincerity of the client in saying those words. So after the interview, assessor praised him saying youre so strong and brave to tell the story of your life. I will assure you that all your information will be kept and remain between the two of us. . IV.


The client underwent a thorough clinical interview and was given the following tests: Raven’s Progressive Matrices – November 21, 2019 Beck Anxiety Inventory Scale – November 21, 2019 Sach’s Sentence Completion Test – November 21, 2019 Draw a Person Test- November 21, 2019 Mini Mental Status Examination- November 21, 2019



Mini Mental State Examination Based on the result of the Mini Mental State Examination, it was found that the client has no cognitive impairment.

Raven`s Progressive Matrices Based on the result of the Raven`s Progressive Matrices, client scored 51 with a percentile of 75%, It was found that the client I.Q level is above average.

Beck Anxiety Inventory Based on the result of the Beck Anxiety Inventory, client scored 29 indicates that he has moderate anxiety. It means that his body is trying to tell him something. Clearly, it is not ‘panic’ time but you need to find ways to manage the stress you feel.

Sacks Sentence Completion Test Based on the result of the Sacks Sentence Completion Test, it revealed some attitudes and behavior of the client. The assessor found out that the attitude of the client toward his mother express only positive feelings towards his mother. He also feels extreme hostility and contempt with overt death wishes to his father. In his attitude towards his family unit, the client feels rejected which always lacks solidarity and with constantly contented with difficulties. In attitude towards to women is a high ideal with ambivalent feelings. His attitude to heterosexual relationship indicates satisfaction towards this area. His attitude towards his friends and acquaintance is express as good mutual feeling between friends and self. He feels compatible and well accepted by his subordinates. He resent and fear authority Also, his attitude towards colleagues at work is expressing a good mutual feelings. He has a fear of self assertion which is fairly common and not pervasive. In guilt feeling, he regret over past and seems mildly disturbed by his failure to control with trouble. He feels well adjusted positive feelings tone, memory and accomplishments. With regards to the attitude of his own abilities, he is confident of his ability to overcome different kind of obstacle. Towards his future, he seems confident in achieving his

materialistic goals in life. his attitude towards his goal is seems important in health and happiness.

Draw a Person Test The client draws first a male figure. Assessor ask the client if who and why he drew a male figure, and as per client he draw a male figure to represent him. His ambition is to become or to have his own restaurant. That why he draws a male figure that looks chef. The first figure draws in the middle of the paper. The placement of the figure is in the middle of the paper. The size is large, it indicates high self esteem, has manic energy, grandiose paranoid character. He draws head last usually show disturbance in interpersonal relationship. The perspective of the profile indicates intellectual maturity but a subtle evasion of the task. The stance of the legs apart but not widely, fairly neutral. Well emphasized ears indicate paranoia, suspiciousness. He drew the eyes closed indicates of present evasion to reality due to guilt. Shaded nose indicates presence of anxiety in the client....

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