Python - Dr. Sopha PDF

Title Python - Dr. Sopha
Course Honors Information Systems
Institution Arizona State University
Pages 2
File Size 43.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 52
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Dr. Sopha...


Python -

Created by Guido Van Rossum in 1980s Installer package is called IDLE – an interpreter Good at managing data Cross platform language (portable language) Interpreter (compiler) o Turns the code into something the computer can understand

Math Operators +, -, *, /, // (integer division), % (modulus/remainder), **(exponent)

Steps of an Algorithm (1) Actions we take and (2) the order we do them

Variables – a named memory location holding a value - Preferred style: undercase_and_with_underscores = “This is the preferred style” # String message= “I am literally single characters \* strung \* together” # Integer (or “int”) meaning_of_life = 42 # Floating Point (or “float”) pi_to_five = 3.14159

Errors 1. Syntax errors 2. Runtime errors 3. Logic errors a. Program runs but output is unexpected String- text strung together/ an ordered list of characters - Use escape characters to show special meaning (what comes after \ is included) o \\ - adds a backslash character to strings o \ ‘ – adds a single quote to text o \n – new line o \t – adds a tab

Lists – think of as an ordered group of containers - Very first value is at 0, not 1 Functions  Print o Print(data)  Input o job = input(“What is your job? ”) o print(“Hey! “ + job + “ sounds like fun!”)  use in conjunction with variable - to add numbers, make sure they are temporarily ints, strings will just push numbers together 

Random o random.randint(x,y)

Conditional Statements o if(condition) : statement statement … else: statement statement

elif(condition): #put between if and else when multiple conditions occur statement statement Repetition Logic  counter controlled repetition – a variable controls the number of times a set of statements will execute  sentinel controlled repetition (indefinite repetition) – a special value indicates the “end of data entry” Ex: x=1 while(condition): statement statement x=x+1 #otherwise will be an infinite loop of x = 1 for soda in pepsi_co: print(“Current Soda:”, soda)...

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