Qaaaaa PDF

Title Qaaaaa
Author Ahmar Abbas
Course Insurance & Risk Management
Institution University of the Punjab
Pages 2
File Size 28.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 85
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I ndus t r i alSec t orofPaki s t an,Si t uat i on, I ssuesandSol ut i ons 1.I nt r oduct i on 2.I ndus t r i alSect orandI t sComponent s 3.I mpor t anceofI ndus t r i alSect orForA Count r y 4.Di ffer entPhas esofI ndus t r i alDevel opmenti n Paki s t an a)1950s:Theer aofr api di ndus t r i algr owt h b)1960s:Theer eofi ndust r i als t abi l i z at i on c)1970s:Nat i onal i z at i onandi t si mpac t s d)1980s:Russi aAf ghanwarandpr oi ndus t r ypol i ci esofZi a e)1990s:Thedecadeofpr i v at i z at i on f )Pos t9/11:Commer ci al i z at i onunde rMushar r af 5.Pr esentSi t uat i onofPaki s t an’ sI ndus t r i alSect or a)Si t uat i onofmanuf act ur i ngsec t or üLar ge scal emanuf ac t ur i ng( LSM) üSmal l scal emanuf ac t ur i ng( SSM) b)Si t uat i onofcons t r uc t i onsec t or c)Si t uat i onofmi ni ngsec t or d)Si t uat i onofel ec t r i ci t ygener at i onanddi s t r i but i onsec t or 6.I ssuesConf r ont i ngt heI ndus t r i alSect orofPaki st an a)Economi cI ssues Ener gycr i si s Hugebanks pr ead Dev al uat i onofc ur r ency Pr e ssur eofi nflat i on Under ut i l i z at i onofnat i onalr e sour c es Lac kofi nf r ast r uc t ur e b)Soci alI ssues Mar gi nal i z edr ol eofwomen Ov er popul at i on Mal nut r i t i onanddi seases

Cor r upt i on Sl ac knessandl e t har gy c)Pol i t i calI ssues Ter r or i s m Fl awedpol i ci es I nt er nat i onali sol at i on Pol i t i cali ns t abi l i t y d)Admi ni st r at i veI ssues Poorper f or manceofs t at eownedent er pr i se s( SOEs) Labyr i nt hi nepr oc edur esandpr oc esse si ngov er nmentoffice s Poorl aw andor dersi t uat i on We akcr i mi nalj us t i c esys t em Lac koff oc usonr e sear c handdeve l opment 7.SomeWor kabl eSol ut i onst ot heI ndus t r i alSect orI ssues a.Pr ovi si onofcheapanduni nt er r upt edsuppl yofener gyt ot hei ndus t r i alsec t oron pr e f er ent i albasi s b.Pr ovi si onofc heapandeasycr e di tf ac i l i t y c .Maxi mum ext r ac t i onandut i l i z at i onofi ndi genousmi ner alr es our ce s d.Effec t i veandbenefici aluseofwomenwor kf or c e e .Pr ovi si onofnecess ar yheal t hcar ef aci l i t i esf ort hel abour f .Er adi cat i onoft hescour geoft er r or i s m g.Res ear c hbasedandwor kabl ei ndus t r i alpol i ci es . h.Sus t enanceofdemocr acyandpol i t i cals t abi l i t y i .Pr omot i onofpubl i c pr i v at epar t ner s hi p j .I mpr ove dl aw andor dersi t uat i onandpr ot ec t i onofpr oper t yr i ght s. k.Rese r vat i onofsubst ant i albudge tf orr esear c handdev e l opment . 8.Concl usi on...

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