Question.docx crash - questions PDF

Title Question.docx crash - questions
Author Anonymous User
Course Intermediate accounting II
Institution Solomon Islands National University
Pages 2
File Size 80.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Question: Whati st hemi ni mum costofcr ashi ngt hef ol l owi ngpr oj ectt hatRogerSol agomanagesat Sl i pper yRockUni ver si t yby4days ?

Activit y

Normal Time Crash Time Normal days days Cost

Total Cost with Crashing

Immediate Predecessor































Byhowmanydaysshoul deachact i vi t ybecr ashedt or educet hepr oj ectcompl et i ont hepr oj ect compl et i ont i meby4day s ?Fi l l i nt het abl ebel ow.Ent ery ourr esponseaswhol enumber s.

Activit y

Each Activity Should be Reduced by days











Thet ot al costofcr ashi ngt hepr oj ectby4day si s$_____.Ent eryourr esponseasawhol e number .

Project Crashing: Pr oj ectcr ashi ngi sat echni queusedt ocompl et eapr oj ectatt hel owestpossi bl ecostwhi l e meet i ngal l t het i meconst r ai nt s.Twot ypesofcost sar eof t enconsi der edi npr oj ectcr ashi ng,t he cost sassoci at edwi t hex pedi at i nganact i vi t yandt hecost sassoci at edwi t hsust ai ni ngapr oj ect .

Answer and Explanation: I npr oj ectcr ashi ng,wedet er mi net hecostt ocr as hperper i odf oreachoft heact i vi t i esi nt he pr oj ect ,i dent i f yt hecr i t i cal pat h,andr epeat edl yshor t ent hecr i t i cal pat hbycr ashi ngt hel east expensi v eact i vi t y .Not et hatcr i t i cal pat hsmaychangeaf t eracr ashi ng. Cos tt ocr ashperper i od=( Cr ashCost-Nor mal Cost )/( Nor mal Ti me-Cr ashTi me) Forex ampl e,t hecos tt ocr ashperper i odofAct i vi t yA=( $1, 100-$800)/( 5-4)=$300.The cost st ocr ashperper i odofact i vi t i esB,C,D,andEar e$125,$150,$375,and$150, r espect i v el y .

Thecr i t i cal pat hi sCE,whi cht akes12day st ocompl et e.Fi r stcr as hact i vi t yC,t hel ess expensi v ecr i t i cal act i vi t y ,by1day .Thecr ashi ngsav es$150i nt ot al cost . Thencheckf ornewcr i t i cal pat hs .Wenowhav et wocr i t i cal pat hs,ADandCE.Bot ht ake11 day st ocompl et e.Shor t enbot hcr i t i calpat hsby1dayt oexpedi t et hepr oj ect .Forpat hCE, act i vi t yChasr eachedi t scr asht i meandcannol ongerbecr ashed.We,t her ef or e,cr ashEby1 day .Thecr ashi ngwoul di ncr easet het ot al cos tby$150.Forpat hAD,act i vi t yAi sl ess expensi v et ocr ash.Wecr ashact i vi t yAby1dayat$300. Nowcheckf ornewcr i t i cal pat hs .Thet wopat hs ,ADandCE,r emai ncr i t i cal .Forpat hCE,we agai ncr ashEby1dayat$150.Forpat hAD,act i vi t yAcannol ongerbecr ashedsi ncei thas r eachedi t scr as ht i me.Wecr ashDby1dayat$375.Act i vi t i esDandEcanbot hbecr ashedby onemor edaywi t houtaffect i ngt hecr i t i cal pat hs.Thecostoft hel astcr ashi ng=$150+$375= $525. I nsummar y ,wecr ashAby1day ,Cby1day ,Dby2day s,andEby3day s. Thet ot al costofcr ashi ngt hepr oj ectby4day s=$150+$150+$300+$150+$375+$525= $1, 350....

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