Quiz for the material pertaining to the endocrine system PDF

Title Quiz for the material pertaining to the endocrine system
Author Scott sterling
Course Medical Terminology/Rec
Institution Appalachian State University
Pages 22
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This has all the answers for a bunch of the quiz questions regarding the material covered about the endocrine system...


1. The process of forming urine begins in the: glomeruli capsule Henley's loop kidney pelvis ureters 2. The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the: nephron ureters urethra glomeruli

3. The muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine is the: urinary meatus urethra urinary bladder nephron 4. The reservoir in the kidney that collects the urine is the: renal pelvis urinary meatus ureters nephron

5. The urine producing functional unit within the kidney is called the: nephron urethra neuron ureter 6. The opening through which urine passes to the outside of the body is: bladder sphincters urinary meatus glomeruli ureter

7. The organ whose functions are to remove waste products from the blood and aid in maintaining water and acid base balance in the body is the: pituitary urinary bladder kidney heart 8. The word roots or word parts that means bladder or sac are: ren/o- and rugameat/o- and valvopyel/o- and pyretocyst/o- and vesic/o-

9. The root word nephr/o- in its combining form means: ureter urethra renal pelvis kidney 10. The root word vesic/o- in its combining form means: meatus kidney glomerulus bladder

11. The root word pyel/o- in its combining form means: renal pelvis ureter urethra kidney 12. The root word ______________in its combining form means urea or nitrogen. son/oolig/oazot/ourin/o-

13. The word roots that means stone or calculi are: noct/i- and nat/opetro- and rubber/otrachel/o- and trache/opetro- and lith/o14. The word part -/tom/- means: to cut or section to urinate to enlarge to make water

15. The word part glyc/o- means: sound sugar milk blood 16. The word part that means rough (semi-circular cartilages in windpipe) is: trichotrophotrache/otrachelo-

17. The word part that means water or water-like is: hidr/oglyc/ohydr/osuder/o18. The prefix dia- literally and actually means: stout high across, through, complete, or total many

19. The prefixes poly- and multi- mean: through without many few 20. The suffix that means abnormal condition or disease is: -osis -iasis -lysis -tripsy

21. The suffix that means nourishment or development is: -trophy -megaly -esis -orrhaphy 22. The suffix -megaly means: enlargement urine suturing drooping

23. The suffix -uria means: repairing urine loosening condition 24. The suffix that means drooping, sagging or prolapsed (kidney) is: -lysis -ptosis -esis -tripsy

25. The suffix that means the loosening, dissolution, breakdown, or separation of (fluids or tissue) is: -orrhaphy -iasis -ptosis -lysis

26. The suffix that means suturing or repairing (kidney) is: -megaly -orrhaphy -uria -trophy 27. The diagnostic term Cyst/o/cele means: protrusion of the urinary bladder stone in the bladder inflammation of the kidney stone in the kidney 28. The diagnostic term Uretero/stenosis means: narrowing of the ureter condition of stones in the ureter protrusion of the ureter inflammation of the ureter

29. The diagnostic term that means inflammation of the bladder is: pyelo/nephr/itis nephro/lith/iasis cyst/itis urethro/cyst/itis 30. The term that means abnormal condition of water (urine) congesting the kidney is: nephro/hypertrophy hydro/nephrosis pyelo/nephritis uretero/lithiasis

31. The diagnostic term Uretero/lithiasis means: inflammation of the ureter condition of stones in the ureter narrowing of the ureter protrusion of the ureter 32. The diagnostic term Nephro/dexto/ptosis actually means: condition of stones in the kidney tumor of the kidney enlargement of a kidney drooping kidney to the right

33. The diagnostic term that means excessive development of the kidney is: pyelonephritis nephrolithiasis nephrohypertrophy glomerulonephritis 34. The diagnostic term Ur/emia means: narrowing of the ureter condition of urine in the blood protrusion of the ureter condition of blood in the urine

35. The diagnostic term for the condition of kidney stones or Reno/calculi: glomerulonephritis nephromegaly pyelonephritis nephrolithiasis 36. The diagnostic term that means inflamed kidney and renal pelvis: trachelocystitis hydronephrosis pyelonephritis nephrohypertrophy

37. The diagnostic term that means kidney tumor or swelling: nephroma cystolith nephrolithiasis pyelitis 38. A diagnostic term for multiple renal polyps is: nephroptosis poly/nephro/polyp/osis pyelonephritis glomerulonephritis

39. The diagnostic term for a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is: poly/cystic kidney urinary retention hypospadias epispadias 40. The surgical term for the creation of an artificial opening into the kidney is: nephr/ostomy pyel/oplasty nephr/ectomy pyelolith/otomy

41. The surgical term Lithotripsy means: surgical crushing of a stone plastic repair of the bladder incision of the meatus excision of a ureter 42. The surgical term Cystorrhaphy means: plastic repair of the bladder suturing of the bladder inflammation of the bladder excision of the bladder

43. The surgical term that means surgical fixation or repositioning of the kidney is: nephr/o/clysis nephr/o/rrhaphy nephr/o/pexy urethr/o/plasty 44. A ureterostomy (or urostomy for short): ______________. is a surgically created opening in the ureter redirects the ureter to the outside of the body bypasses the bladder All of the above

45. The diagnostic term 'cystoscopy' literally means: procedure of examining the kidney process of examining the urinary system procedure to view and examine the bladder instrument for bladder viewing 46. The functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron and the functional unit of the urinary system is the _____________. nephron hepatocyte myofibril osteocyte 47. The diagnostic term "Polycystic Kidney Disease - PKD" refers to the kidney having multiple ____________ causing renal (refers to kidney) failure. warts hemorrhages sores or ulcers sacs or blister appearing in and on the kidney

48. The diagnostic term "Stag Horn Calculus" refers to _________. deer antler shape - kidney stone deer kidney mega moose shaped stone in the bladder elk bladder

49. The kidney treatment term "lithotripsy" refers to crushing _________. pelvis stones kidney stones bladder stones renal Bowman's capsules 50. The diagnostic term "In-continence" literally means _________ and is seen with the lack of control of the bladder or the rectum. fluid flow open water not contained good movement 51. The surgical term Nephro/lysis means: separating the kidney from other structures surgical fixation of the kidney creation of an artificial opening into a kidney excision of a kidney 52. The surgical term that means incision into the bladder is: Vesicotomy or cystotomy cystolithotomy nephrostomy cystotrachelotomy

53. The test that measures the amount of urea in the blood is called the: retrograde pyelogram KUB Test AIDS Test BUN Test 54. The anatomical abdomino/pelvic division that contains the kidneys is: Hypogastric Region Umbilical Region Inguinal Region Lumbar Region

55. Immediately after the filtrate passes through the Bowman's capsule it enters the: proximal convoluted tubule glomerulus capillaries arteriole 56. The name for an enzyme that affects round bacteria arranged in clusters is: staphylo/lysin stereptobin/ose bacteriolysin cheilopepsin

57. A Fulguration means the same as: Electrodesiccation CAT Scan MRI Scan Colonoscopy 58. A person with Hyper/dipsia has: excessive thirst fear of diving myopia pronounced dizziness

59. The procedural technique in which X-rays are taken to show an organ or tissue at a particular depth is called: Tomo/graphy Arterio/graphy Xero/radio/graphy Fluoro/scopy 60. Azot/emia is an increase in: fatty deposits in arteries urine azides protein excretion blood nitrogen

61. A Pyelo/gram is an X-ray of: the renal pelvis an incendiary device a feverish child a pus-filled abscess 62. An Iatro/genic condition is: Present at birth Spread over all people Caused by worms A side-effect of treatment prescribed by a physician

63. A wide surgical incision of the abdomen to detect disease is called a(n): liver and spleen scan staging laparotomy lymphangiogram peritoneoscopy 64. The term for an X-ray of the urinary bladder and renal pelvis is: nephro/tom/o/gram cysto/pyel/o/graphy cysto/pyel/o/gram cysto/scop/y

65. The procedural term Nephro/graph/y actually means: process of X-ray filming the kidney with ultrasound X-ray film of the kidney process of X-ray filming the kidney sectional X-ray film of the kidney 66. The instrument used to view the urethra is called a(n): ur/o/meter urethr/o/meter ureter/o/gram urethro/scop/e

67. The instrument used for visual examination of the bladder is: cysto/graphy cysto/scop/e cysto/gram cysto/scop/y 68. The procedural term Cysto/urethr/o/gram means: process of X-ray filming of the bladder and urethra X-ray film of the bladder and the ureters process of X-ray filming of the bladder and the ureters X-ray film of the urinary bladder and urethra

69. The procedure or process of taking an X-ray of the renal pelvis with contrast media injected through the urethra to determine kidney collection area obstructions is: cysto/pyelo/gram reno/gram retro/grade pyelo/graphy intravenous exam

70. The term Cysto/scop/y means: X-ray film of the bladder process of X-ray filming the bladder procedural visual examination of the bladder instrument used for visual examination of the bladder 71. The medical term that means Scanty or Slight Urination is: dys/uria olig/uria poly/uria an/uria 72. The medical term Py/uria means: night urination pertaining to urine pus in the urine blood in the urine

73. The medical term that means absence of urine is: meatal anuria diuresis azoturia 74. The term for the study of the male and female urinary system and usually parts of the reproductive system is: urinary urologist andrology or gynecology urology 75. The medical term hemat/uria means: pus in the urine absence of urine night urination blood in the urine 76. The medical term glycos/uria means: sugar in the urine pertaining to the meatus difficult urination pus in the urine

77. The medical term that means destruction of living tissue with an electric spark is also known as (AKA): fulguration lithotrite stricture micturate

78. The medical term for a procedure (literally means-to let down into) that uses a flexible tube-like device to withdraw or instill fluids is: acontinence retrograde irrigation incontinence catheterization 79. The term Di/uretic literally means double urine and actually means: inability to control bladder and/or bowels agent that increases the amount of urine ability to control bladder and/or bowels to empty or evacuate waste material

80. The term Enuresis actually means: defecation bedwetting or involuntary urination voiding method used to obtain urine

81. The medical term Mictur/ition actually and literally means: the process of urinating or voiding urine receptacle for urine laboratory examination of urine agent that increases the amount of urine 82. The instrument used to crush a urinary bladder stone is a: hemo/dialysis resect/o/scope stricture litho/trit/e or litho/tript/or

83. ____________and________ can result in a temporary or permanent change in urination. stricture and stenosis lithotrite and petrograph resectomorphic and circumurtheral hemodialysis and lupus 84. The prefix that pertains to small blister is: PyeloVesicoBalanoMedullo-

85. The diagnostic term Uro/litho/trips/y literally means: the process of breaking a stone the procedure of crushing a stone in the urinary system the procedure of finding calculi in the urinary bladder the process of crushing a calculi 86. The diagnostic term Hydro/nephr/o/sis actually means: state of excessive urination lack of kidney urine production state of hypo-urination condition of water backing up into kidney

87. The diagnostic term Pyelo/nephr/itis literally means: an inflammation of the kidney and kidney pelvis the process of excess urination the process of making water or urine potassium "K" loss through urinary system causing HBP...

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