Quiz perception answers PDF

Title Quiz perception answers
Course Introduction To Psychology
Institution Illinois State University
Pages 2
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PSY 111 Practice Quiz 1 Solutions are in red. The questions and solutions came from lecture so check your notes if you arenʼt sure about an answer and feel free to email me if you have questions. (1) Psychophysicists study (a) how we process complex scenes. (b) where brain activity occurs during different sensations. (c) what happens to sensations when energy in the environment changes. (d) what clues in the environment tell us about objects. (2) How is a change in energy related to a change in sensation? (a) A change in energy will cause an equal change in sensation. (b) A change in energy will cause a proportional change in sensation based on the starting energy level. (c) A change in energy is unrelated to a change in sensation. (3) The photoreceptors of the visual system are (a) the occipital lobe and the parietal lobe. (b) the optic nerve and the retina. (c) the rods and cones. (d) the absolute threshold and the difference threshold. (4) Grouping complex visual scenes by parts that seem to go together to allow interpretation of the scene is consistent with the _______________ approach to perception. (a) psychophysicist (b) detective (c) Gestalt (d) biological (5) The function of the receptor cells in a sensory system is to (a) carry the information from the sense organ to the brain. (b) bring in energy from the environment. (c) convert physical energy to nerve impulses. (d) process the sensations that come in for interpretation. (6) Processing of visual information occurs primarily in the _____________ lobe. (a) frontal (b) parietal (c) temporal (d) occipital

(7) Explain the difference between sensations and perceptions. From lecture: Sensations: pieces of the environment that come into the sense system via energy taken in by the sense system Perceptions: processes that interpret sensations

(8) Explain why the perceptual clue of retinal image size can cause size illusions in visual stimuli. According to the detective (bottom-up) approach to perception, retinal image size provides a clue to both distance of objects and size of objects. The interpretation of a large retinal image size then can mean something is either large or closer and sometimes these two interpretations get confused.

(9) List the four main parts of a sensory system. (1) sense organ (2) receptor cells (3) nerve cell (4) brain area Each of these was described in lecture with details about the visual sense system parts given as well....

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