Quiz2- Cheat Sheet PDF

Title Quiz2- Cheat Sheet
Author Mariah Schon
Course Introduction Software Engineering
Institution University of Nebraska at Omaha
Pages 2
File Size 203.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
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Chapter 3 – Agile Soware Development Agile Development: Specicaons, design, and implementaon are interleaved (series of version of increments)/frequently deliver new versions for evaluaon/ extensive tool support (automated tesng tools) / minimal documentaon (focus on working code)  Plan-driven development: Separate development stages/ Each stage planned in advance/ Iteraon occurs within acvies  Agile development: Specicaon, design, implementaon and tesng are interleaved/ Output via negoaon during the so(ware development process 3.1 Agile Methods: Focus on the code rather than design or documentaon: Iterave approach to so(ware development/ Working so(ware quickly/ Evolve quickly to meet changing requirements. The aim of agile methods: 1. Reduce overheads in the so(ware process 2. Respond quickly to changing requirements Manifesto of Agile Soware Development: We are uncovering be3er ways of developing so(ware by doing it and helping others do it. Through work we have come to value: Individuals and interacons over processes and tools. Working soware over comprehensive documentaon. Customer collaboraon over contact negoaon. Responding to change over following a plan. Applicability: So(ware companies are developing: A small or medium-sized so(ware product. An organizaon: A clear commitment from the customer/ Customer involved in the development process/ Few external rules and regulaons that a6ect the so(ware. 1. Product development where a so(ware company is developing a small or medium-sized product for sale 2. Custom system development within an organizaon, where there is a clear commitment from the customer to become involved in the development process and where there are not a lot of external rules and regulaons that a6ect the so(ware. 3.2 Agile Development Techniques Extreme Programming (XP): An approach to iterave development/ New versions may be built several mes per day/ Increments are delivered to customers frequently/ Every build is only accepted if tests run successfully. Pracces: Story cards/ Pair Programming: Developers work in pairs, checking each other’s work and providing the support for so(ware quality assurance acvity. XP and Agile Principles: Incremental development is supported through small, frequent system releases/ Customer involvement means full-me customer engagement with team/ People are supported through pair programming, collecve ownership and a Release Cycle sustainable process/ Change supported through regular system releases/ Maintaining simplicity through constant refactoring of code. Code Refactoring: -Code Review (Developers work in pairs, checking each other’s work and providing the support for so(ware quality assurance acvity.) -Code Understandability (Reduce the need for documentaon) –Code Maintainability (Easier to make changes due to well-structured design.) Examples: Move the common features (Extract superclass/method refactoring)/ Put code into the body of its caller (Inline method refactoring/Inverse of MER)/ Renaming a3ributes Problems with Tesng Approach: Incomplete test cases do not check for all possible excepons that may occur/ Di...

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