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Title Quizlet 1
Course Introduction to Africana Studies
Institution University of Pennsylvania
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AFRC 001 Midterm & Final Authors, Terms Study online at quizlet.com/_5ejc79 1.

Africana Studies

-theorizing the world of blackness -African descendants through multiple world perspectives -"project" of Africana studies since the 1700s // 1990s term emerges -global economy, environment, engineering, aesthetics -MULTIDISCIPLINARY


African American & Black Studies

-1960s and 70s -focus on U.S. blacks -particular kind of blackness rooted in U.S.



-1960s theory and practice of analysis -all institutional knowledge begins in Africa


Diaspora vs Nation

-diaspora: not a landed nation-state with boundaries; orientation does not always have to be with Africa; dispersal -nation:



-characterize, explain, observational -attempting to tell the story in detail -numbers & statistics -The Philadelphia Negro (1899) x Dubois -Souls of Black Folk x Dubois



-managing stereotypical images/iconography -fix misconceptions, misrepresentations, accurate retelling of missed out events -ex: mammy, jezebel, sapphire, black rapist



-how to go forward -sever the disconnect from thinkers with outside world -moving conversation to outside of the academy


Michael Hanchard

Black Transnationalism -Africana must include global focus -combines area/regional studies and disciplines -epistemology: can be from orientation of the world -challenges in the 60s for Africana studies at PWIs: (political, institutional justification, epistemic issue) -immigration patterns -Middle Passage: Globalization, Anti-Black Racism, African cultural dissemination


Rinaldo Walcott

Outside in Black Studies: Reading From A Queer Place in Diaspora -nation-centered heteronormativity of the Black studies project -queer, queering, query = think the unthought of Blackness/ black studies -community fetish, epistemological respectability - inability to continue to render complex and shifting notions of community and diaspora is troubling -project too narrowly defined: victim/resistor model; other ways to imagine the experiences of Black ppl


Daily Pennsylvania Articles

The DP (3) x Black leaders assail lack of sensitivity at U -BSL rally and protest University's lack of response to racial slurs, etc. x Racist Phone Calls Spark Hackney Condemnation-bomb threat to Du Bois -Students using this argument of Eurocentric education and space x Penn accepts record number of blacks to Class of 1972-more blacks blended in with a story about an unqualified class -rationale and intentionality behind this?


Robin Kelley and Tiffany Patterson

Unfinished Migrations -diaspora as process & condition -black internationalism does not always come out of Africa (ex: communism) -racial capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism created current African diaspora -overlapping migrations -NOT countercultural, it is the culture (relational= black AND white)


Brent Hayes Edwards

Uses of Diaspora -tool of analysis that accounts for difference -Africana plagued with racial essentialism or American vanguardism -décalage: point of separation AND linkage -political time period of organization -Africa interest; politics of return


Campt and Thomas

Gendering Diaspora: Transnational Feminism -reify binary frameworks and privilege mobility of masculine subjects as the primary agents of diasporic formation -Africa positioned as timeless cultural/political baseline


Michael Gomez (2)

x Antiquity -corrective idea: African diaspora did not begin with the slave trades -diaspora of ideas, not just people -concept of modernity could not be predicted -diversity of Africa's past -"race" categorized by wealth, diet, etc.; different meaning today -Africans in the Graeco-Roman World -Egypt, Nubia -enslavement of Africans different then chattel slavery xTime and Space -concept of space and clustering for A.A identity -between 9.6 and 10.8 million Africans were imported into the Americas -interplantational relationships -Bite of Biafra & West Central Africa = >50% of African imports into British N. America -Senegambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Bight Benin as well -North American market distinguished by balanced sex ratios and high importation of children


Frederick Cooper

Africa and Empire -explore concept and substance of African empires -African economic history of adapting to difficult ecosystems, trading systems that linked different producers, adaptation of African entrepreneurs to demand for their products -remove linearization of empire to nation-state (Eurocentric) path -mobility & multiple loyalties ; empires govern different people differently -Islam common moral fabric


African Empires

-Ghana -Mali (1230-1600) -Songhay (15th and 16th centuries) -Asante (17th and 18th centuries) -Sokoto (19th century) -Zulu (19th century) -Ethiopia (19th century)


James Northrup

First Sights, Lasting Impressions -African kings & elites visiting Europe -African perspective of first interactions -varied reactions to Africans seeing white people for first time -relationship between religion and race: Black = Muslim; Ethiopia (Christinas) disrupted this


Joseph Miller

Floating Tombs -Luso-African slave trade -Portugal, Brazil, Africa -Lisbon owned both ship and cargo, therefore, better treatment for enslaved people bc attempting to maximize income; Brazilians needed to pack as many enslaved people as possible for profit -materiality and economy of slave trade -Portuguese law being transformed around slave trade



Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley

Harriet Jacobs

Black Atlantic, Queer Atlantic -Black Atlantic = queer Atlantic -same sex relations, feelings on the ship -traditional historiography can not validate experience of enslaved Africans -erotic: neither metaphors nor sources of disempowerment; one way that fluid black bodies refused to accept the liquidation of their sentient selves Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl -audience white women in the north -expose absence of rights and abuse of humanity via slave narrative -mental health of enslaved people -childhood to adulthood transition around sexual violence -naming & self identification; silences; shame; resistance


Phillis Wheatley

On Being Brought from Africa to America -religion as comfort for current suffering -different experience


Sasha Turner

The Best Ones Who are Fit to Breed -1780s-1807 (British Slave Trade Empire in Jamaica) -sugar cane plantation ; high mortality rate for men -age = height -institutionalized biological production near end of slave trade -pro-natal abolition -planter preferences and purchases at odds -breasts: from savagery to childbearing potential -observation of breasts turns into description of certain kind of person (Eboe women) -planter's construction of femininity for the purpose of maintaining slavery -breeding, sexual liberty, myth of hypersexuality -world of science evolves through enslaved women's bodies


Sander L. Gilman

Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography) -ideologically charged iconographic nature of representation (not objectively observing or objectively creating) -shows how "scientific" facts are created and socially constructed -Black = prostitute, sexualized, pathologic -physiology and physiognomy


Sojourner Truth

"A'int I a Woman?" -white womanhood versus black, enslaved womanhood -black women do not have access to same womanhood


Saartjie Baartman

-steatopygia -specimen can represent entire race -becomes culture, normalized, informing science


Marisa J. Fuentes

Rachel Pringle Polgreene's Troubled Archive -archive is how we understand history; reveals something about the power dynamic of the period -epistemic violence of slavery's archive -violence in the silences -revealing intraracial dynamic between enslaved women -If "freedom" meant free from bondage but not from social, economic, and political degradation what does it mean to survive under such conditions? (Joanna) -can not prescribe terms such as prostitute, incest, marriage; assumes some kind of choice


Kali Gross

Of Law and Virtue -Alice Clifton court case -paradoxes of resistance -infanticide; promised freedom by white man -17th, 18th, and 19th century laws reveal race as modifying agent for class, ethnic, and gender relations and social hierarchy -Differences in physical appearance and social rituals translated into unlawful behavior


Octavia E. Butler

Kindred -Dana and Russ -Rufus Weylin, Tom Weylin, Miss Margaret -Alice & Isaac -Sarah, Connie, Nigel


Shirley Anne Williams

Meditations on History -Dessa and Kaine -Kaine is killed by the plantation owner, Dessa plans rebellion, is jailed, escapes again -humming as knowledge produced -humanity -epistemological violence of the archive; white writer renaming her -scholars not understanding the ontology


Michel-Rolph Trouillot

An Unthinkable History -erasure and banalization of the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) -contemporaries blamed it on "outside agitators" (criss-crossing empires) since blacks were seen as incapable of planning, higher order thinking -could not imagine equality of humankind


David Walker

Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World -"Are we men?" -appeal to black masculinity on question of freedom -1829 -critique of Christianity


Martin Delany

The Condition and Destiny of Africans in the United States -self determination; engage in economy -emigration movement -distrust of white people


Booker T. Washington

The Atlanta Exposition Address (1895) -social equality should result from struggle -shared southern sensibility


Anna Julia Cooper

Womanhood: A Vital Element in the Regeneration and Progress of a Race -when and where I enter -Law, race, etc have all been constructed around black womanhood -Social and classic education -Foremother of black women's movement -Black women are the representation of the race -only certain kinds of black women -Criticized black leaders for claiming to speak for the race but not for black women


Jemima Pierre

Of Natives and Europeans -intersection of world of enslavement with colonization and race construction -colonialism as racialization process -shift from formal (direct) form of colonization and indirect form -white racial power and colonial power diffused through native authorities


Ida B. Wells

Lynch Law in America -statements about lynching -exposing America in 'global peace' campaign -lynching and rape as political weapon that manipulated ideologies of sexually with the goal of annihilating a back political presence


Hazel Carby

On the Threshold of Woman's Era -Imperialism enforcing patriarchy -Connection between domestic racial oppression + imperialism -Black women responsible for reshaping society


Edwidge Danticat

The Long Occupation in Haiti -


Important Dates

British Slave Trade: 1619-1807 (1820s) Haitian Revolution US Slavery


Marcus Garvey

Philosophy and Opinions -call for Negro (men) peoples of the world to build up a nation state in Africa (UNIA) -no race or class superiority (at odds with Du Bois and Pan Africanism) -created to lift themselves and better themselves industrially, commercially, socially, religiously, and politically -Black Star Line -cross class organization (working class to Black elite)


Amy J. Garvey

Women as Leaders -asking male leaders to do better and stand by Black women -black women will usher in new day; heteronormative focus on families -ignores single Black women and those who do not conform -white male masculinity against black male masculinity -Back to Africa resonating with people who had been colonized


Suzanne Césaire

Surrealism and Us -WWII threatening world freedom -still wrestling with same concepts -Martinique; former French colony -how she imagines African descended people in Caribbean


The Great Migration

1910-1970 -6 million black people -Push factors: limited life options, racism and discrimination, increase in lynching, Boll Weevil destroyed crops -Pull factors: job opportunities, the Black Press, believed relief from racial oppression


Angela Davis

Blues Legacies and Black Feminism -Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday -unacknowledged traditions of feminist consciousness in working-class black communities -1920s: Blues Era -"low" culture -antagonistic relationships as non contradictory oppositions -Blues music: travel, sexuality -contradiction between prevailing social expectations and black women's social realities -themes: domestic violence, sovereignty in sexual matters -created discourse that represented freedom in more immediate and accessible terms


Kwame Nkrumah

Africa Must Unite (speech) -1960s, -concerned with defense, foreign policy, and economic development for Africa -Organization for African Unity -call for an end to imperialism and colonial power -emphasis on military force and economy -fear of recolonization due to nation states -acknowledges differences between the nations including sense of urgency


Jemima Pierre

Postcolonial Ghana and the Politics of Race -nativization was racialization -racialization operationalized through construction of natives and ethnics -contemporary moment of Africa informed by colonial strategy of British indirect rule -Racial character of colonial rule was hidden beneath constructed ethnic or tribal differences -Establishment of formalized racial thinking rationalized through apartheid -Political and economic practices of the colonial state -Demise of class of African educated commercial and professional elite -Colonial racecraft institutionalized White supremacy while attempting to diffuse a racialized counter hegemony through the operationalization of tribal differences


Amilcar Cabral

Connecting the Struggles -nation of Guinea


Jamaica Kincaid

A Small Place (1988) -Island of Antigua -economy of tourism, romanticization of poverty -neo-colonialism, Post English rule (1981) -false sense of freedom -Antiguan worldview, different epistemic view -were once capital, now expected to participate in capitalism


Lorraine Hansberry

A Raisin in the Sun (1959) -Great Migration, black family living in Chicago post WWII -life after "freedom" for Black people -economic situation still the same -extra legal practices of terror -gender roles, black masculinity, womanhood, identity -family interaction -assimilation, what it means to be black -heterogeneity of blackness



Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963) -frustrated with white moderates who feel they can set the timetable for another man's freedom -enlightenment ideas of humanness, identity, freedom, citizenship, law and rights -Negotiations → broken promises/disappointment → direct action


Fannie Lou Hamer

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired (1964) -MDFP challenge to Mississippi representative in Congress -brought national attention to racism in America, not just a Southern problem -testimony about moment she has been arrested and culture of dissemblance -public witnessing -disenfranchisement


Danielle L. McGuire

It Was Like All Of Us Had Been Raped -sexual violence, community mobilization, and AA Freedom Struggle -women's bodies served as signposts of the social order -1959 Betty Jean Owens - FAMU - raped 7 times -Committee for equal justice formed around protection of black women's bodies from assault precursor to montgomery bus boycott -Rosa Parks: Fit middle class ideals of chastity, Godliness, family responsibility, and proper womanly conduct and demeanor -Black leaders embraced politics of respectability -Claudette Coven first to give up her seat -projection of white fear, black on white rape myth


Malcolm X

Ballot or the Bullet (1964) -Black nationalist freedom fighter- black men should control the politics and the politicians in his own community -self-help philosophy -People all over the world gaining independence through nationalism -Ballet or bullet = liberty or death -Organization of Afro-American Unity


BPP 10 Point Platform 1966

Freedom and power to determine destiny Full employment 40 acres and two mules Decent housing Education that teaches true history Exempt from military service End to police brutality Freedom from black men in jail Black jurors for fair trial Land, bread, housing, clothing, justice, and peace -looks like socialism


Ula Taylor

Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam: Separatism, Regendering, and a Secular Approach to Black Power after Malcolm X -1930s/50 Asiatic black folk - nation of islam imagines themselves to be descendants of -dissociation from Africa and Western negative stereotypes of it -Becomes place for women in particular who are joining the nation to get access to womanhood that was traditionally important to white women -Nation of islam linked black nationalist thought with politically transformative action


Kimberle Crenshaw

Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex -intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism, any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner in which Black women are subordinated -DeGraffenreid v General Motors: Race or sex discrimination, not both -Moore v Hughes Helicopters: Black females can not represent all females -Payne v Travenol: Black women can't represent black people -problematizing single-axis framework of anti-discrimination laws


Patricia Hill Collins

The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought -Black women's standpoint v. black feminist thought -Distinctive set of experiences that offer different view of material reality of the world -afrocentric feminist epistemology calls into question: content of what passes as truth and process of arriving at that truth -Positivist methodological approach: distancing of researcher from object of study; absence of emotions; ethics and values are deemed inappropriate in the research process itself -wisdom, experiential knowledge -disrupt subject/object relationship -alternative ways of validation; emotion


Combahee River Collective

A Black Feminist Statement -collective of black feminists, 1974 producing and publishing black feminist works -Black women are inherently valuable -Solidarity with progressive black men -Destruction of political-economic systems of capitalism and imperi...

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