Quizlet Ch 50Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Endocrine System PDF

Title Quizlet Ch 50Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Endocrine System
Course Clinical & Evidence Based Med
Institution University of Michigan-Dearborn
Pages 5
File Size 121 KB
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The nurse is caring for a patient with hyperthyroidism who suddenly develops symptoms related to thyroid storm. What symptoms does the nurse recognize that are indicative of this emergency? Temperature of 102ºF Patients with hyperthyroidism are characteristically: Sensitive to heat Which nursing diagnosis takes highest priority for a client with hyperthyroidism? Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to thyroid hormone excess What is the most common cause of hyperaldosteronism? An adrenal adenoma A client is returned to his room after a subtotal thyroidectomy. Which piece of equipment is most important for the nurse to keep at the client's bedside? Tracheostomy set A female client with hyperglycemia who weighs 210 lb (95 kg) tells the nurse that her husband sleeps in another room because her snoring keeps him awake. The nurse notices that the client has large hands and a hoarse voice. Which disorder would the nurse suspect as a possible cause of the client's hyperglycemia? Acromegaly A woman with a progressively enlarging neck comes into the clinic. She mentions that she has been in a foreign country for the previous 3 months and that she didn't eat much while she was there because she didn't like the food. She also mentions that she becomes dizzy when lifting her arms to do normal household chores or when dressing. What endocrine disorder should the nurse expect the physician to diagnose? Goiter The most common type of goiter is caused by lack of which of the following? Iodine The actions of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are increased in the presence of which vitamin? D Which assessment would a nurse perform on a client with Cushing's syndrome who is at high risk of developing a peptic ulcer? Observe stool color. A nurse is caring for a client with hypoparathyroidism. During assessment, the nurse elicits a positive Trousseau's sign. What does the nurse observe to verify this finding? hand flexing inward The home care nurse is conducting client teaching with a client on corticosteroid therapy. To achieve consistency with the body's natural secretion of cortisol, when should the home care nurse instruct the client to take the corticosteroids? In the morning between 7 AM and 8 AM A health care provider suspects that a thyroid nodule may be malignant. The nurse knows to prepare information for the patient based on the usual test that will be ordered to establish a diagnosis. What is that test? Fine-needle biopsy of the thyroid gland

The nurse assesses a patient who has been diagnosed with Addison's disease. Which of the following is a diagnostic sign of this disease? Potassium of 6.0 mEq/L An incoherent client with a history of hypothyroidism is brought to the emergency department by the rescue squad. Physical and laboratory findings reveal hypothermia, hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, bradycardia, hypotension, and nonpitting edema of the face and periorbital area. Knowing that these findings suggest severe hypothyroidism, the nurse prepares to take emergency action to prevent the potential complication of: myxedema coma. A nurse is instructing a client with newly diagnosed hypoparathyroidism about the regimen used to treat this disorder. The nurse should state that the physician probably will order daily supplements of calcium and: vitamin D. A nurse is assessing a client after a thyroidectomy. The assessment reveals muscle twitching and tingling, along with numbness in the fingers, toes, and mouth area. The nurse should suspect which complication? Tetany Cardiac effects of hyperthyroidism include palpitations. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is which of the following? Autoimmune thyroiditis A nurse is caring for client with thyroiditis who is recovering from surgery to remove the thyroid gland. The client is upset about having a bright red scar on the neck, though it is barely visible. What would be an appropriate suggestion? clothing that covers the neck What dietary modifications should be recommended to a client with hyperthyroidism? Consume a high-protein diet. What should the nurse teach a client on corticosteroid therapy in order to reduce the client's risk of adrenal insufficiency? Always have enough medication on hand to avoid running out. The nurse assesses a patient who has an obvious goiter. What type of deficiency does the nurse recognize is most likely the cause of this? Iodine Surgical removal of the thyroid gland is the treatment of choice for thyroid cancer. During the immediate postoperative period, the nurse knows to evaluate serum levels of __________ to assess for a serious and primary postoperative complication of thyroidectomy. Calcium A client is admitted for treatment of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which nursing intervention is appropriate? Restricting fluids A middle-aged female client complains of anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, the inability to concentrate, and eyes feeling "gritty." Thyroid function tests reveal the following: thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) 0.02 U/ml, thyroxine 20 g/dl, and triiodothyronine 253 ng/dl.

A 6-hour radioactive iodine uptake test showed a diffuse uptake of 85%. Based on these assessment findings, the nurse should suspect: Graves' disease A client receiving thyroid replacement therapy develops influenza and forgets to take her thyroid replacement medicine. The nurse understands that skipping this medication puts the client at risk for developing which life-threatening complication? Myxedema coma Which intervention is the most critical for a client with myxedema coma? Maintaining a patent airway Accidental removal of one or both parathyroid glands can occur during a thyroidectomy. Which of the following is used to treat tetany? Calcium gluconate The physician has ordered a fluid deprivation test for a client suspected of having diabetes insipidus. During the test, the nurse should prioritize what assessments? Heart rate and blood pressure A client on corticosteroid therapy needs to be taught that a course of corticosteroids of 2 weeks' duration can suppress the adrenal cortex for how long? Up to 1 year The nurse assesses the laboratory values for a patient with SIADH. Which of the following are consistent with this diagnosis? Select all that apply. Serum osmolality of 270 mOsm/kg Urine sodium of 30 mEq/L Urine osmolality of 1,500 mOsm/kg A nurse is caring for a client who was recently diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. Which statement by the client indicates the need for additional discharge teaching? "I will increase my fluid and calcium intake." When caring for a client with diabetes insipidus, the nurse expects to administer: vasopressin. A nurse is planning care for a client in acute addisonian crisis. Which nursing diagnosis should receive the highest priority? Decreased cardiac output Which condition should a nurse expect to find in a client diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism? Hypercalcemia A patient with thyroiditis has undergone surgery and is concerned about the barely visible scar. Which of the following suggestions should the nurse give the patient to cope with the condition? Wear clothing that covers the neck. A client presents with a huge lower jaw, bulging forehead, large hands and feet, and frequent headaches. What could be causing this client's symptoms? hyperpituitarism A client with adrenal insufficiency is gravely ill and presents with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, profound weakness, and headache. The client's family reports that the client has been doing strenuous yard work all day and was sweating profusely. Nursing management of this client would include observation for signs of: hyponatremia and hyperkalemia.

After a thyroidectomy, the client develops a carpopedal spasm while the nurse is taking a BP reading on the left arm. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? Administer IV calcium gluconate as ordered. The nurse on the telemetry floor is caring for a patient with long-standing hypothyroidism who has been taking synthetic thyroid hormone replacement sporadically. What is a priority that the nurse monitors for in this patient? Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome A patient taking corticosteroids for exacerbation of Crohn's disease comes to the clinic and informs the nurse that he wants to stop taking them because of the increase in acne and moon face. What can the nurse educate the patient regarding these symptoms? The moon face and acne will resolve when the medication is tapered off. A client is admitted to an acute care facility with a tentative diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism. The nurse should monitor the client closely for the related problem of: profound neuromuscular irritability. A client with a history of pheochromocytoma is admitted to the hospital in an acute hypertensive crisis. To reverse hypertensive crisis caused by pheochromocytoma, the nurse expects to administer: phentolamine (Regitine). A client with Addison's disease comes to the clinic for a follow-up visit. When assessing this client, the nurse should stay alert for signs and symptoms of: sodium and potassium abnormalities. For a client with Graves' disease, which nursing intervention promotes comfort? Maintaining room temperature in the low-normal range A nurse is caring for a client with diabetes insipidus. The nurse should anticipate administering: vasopressin. Which feature(s) indicates a carpopedal spasm in a client with hypoparathyroidism? Hand flexing inward Which of the following medications is used in the treatment of diabetes insipidus to control fluid balance? Desmopressin (DDAVP) A nurse is caring for a client with Cushing's syndrome. Which would the nurse not include in this client's plan of care? Provide a high-sodium diet. The nurse practitioner who assesses a patient with hyperthyroidism would expect the patient to report which of the following conditions? Weight loss Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a client with Addison's disease? Risk for infection A nurse should perform which intervention for a client with Cushing's syndrome? Explain the rationale for increasing salt and fluid intake in times of illness, increased stress, and very hot weather.

A client with a history of hypertension is diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism. This diagnosis indicates that the client's hypertension is caused by excessive hormone secretion from which gland? Adrenal cortex A young client has a significant height deficit and is to be evaluated for diagnostic purposes. What could be the cause of this client's disorder? pituitary disorder Which assessment would a nurse perform on a client with Cushing's syndrome who is at high risk of developing a peptic ulcer? Observe stool color. A nurse is caring for a client with Simmonds' disease. Which dietary modification would be most appropriate for this client? four to six small meals per day A client has been admitted to the postsurgical unit following a thyroidectomy. To promote comfort and safety, how should the nurse best position the client? Semi-Fowler with the head supported on two pillows A patient is ordered desmopressin (DDAVP) for the treatment of diabetes insipidus. What therapeutic response does the nurse anticipate the patient will experience? A decrease in urine output...

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