Quotes Table - Grade: B+ PDF

Title Quotes Table - Grade: B+
Course Language, Culture And Curriculum
Institution Monash University
Pages 1
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Quotes table for necessary readings....


Paradise of the Blind

Death of a Salesman


Chronicle of a Death Foretold

“The strain of maintaining this duplicity – between the communist rhetoric of self-sacrifice and the reality of daily life”

‘How can [Biff] find himself on a farm? Is that a life?”

A world where “children yeild authority to their parents, sisters to their brothers, and wives to their husbands”

“Theres nothing the matter with him! You want him to be a worm like banard? Hes got spirit, personality…”.

“”The only thing I prayed to god for was to give me the courage to kill myself” Angela Vicariuo told me, “But he didn’t give it to me””.

“When [Que] smiled… it was the last trace of her beauty, her youth, of a whole life lived for nothing, for no one”

“I got an awful scare. Nearly hit a kid In Yonkers. God! Why didn’t I go to Alaska with my brother Ben that time! Ben! That man was a genius, that man was success incarnate!”. “Whats the mystery, that man knew what he wanted and got it!”.

“The only thing they believe is what they see on the sheet”.

“The life they lead is like army life, everyone has to conform…these people are incapable of tolerating even the slightest difference, so you see, a little more money, a nicer bowl… its dramatic for them”

“No one would have thought nor did anyone say that Angela Vicario wasn’t a virgin”

“Biff Loman is lost, in the greatest country in the world, a young man with such – personal attractiveness, gets lost.”

“Bayardo San Roman, for his part, must have got married with the illusion of buying happiness with the huge weight of his power and fortune”.

“Like others of his generation, my father saw Tran Binh’s blindness as a sign of heavens wrath”

“No please, Ben, tell my boys about dad, I want them to hear. I went them to know what kind of stock tey spring from.”

Marquex himself had “a very confused memory of the festival before [he] decided to rescue it piece by piece from the memory of others”.

The architecture of this certai station made hang feel “suffocated, these vulgar, anarchic forms seemed threatening, like some omen of future trouble”

“[Ben and Willy’s] father played the flute”.

“The only thing I can remember is that she was holding me by the hair with one hand and beating me with the other with such a rage thatt I thought she was going to kill me”.

“None of Uncle Chin’s orders shocked me anymore, I felt as if I had seen it all before”

“Willy Loman never made a lot of money, his name was never in the paper. He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him… he is not allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog”.

“[Angela Vicario] looked for it in the shadows, and found it at first sight among the many, many easily confused names from this world and the other, and she naield it to the wall with her well aimed dart, like a butterfly with no will whose sentence has allready been written”.

“A small man can be just as “My uncle was no exeption to the cadre who lived off the colelction of exhausted as a great man”. luxury goods. All he cared about was the contents of [hang’s] suitcase”.

“We killed him openly, pedro vicario said, but we’re innocent, perhas before god”.

“In an exclusive vietnamese hotel like this, young Vietnamese like myself would usually be taken for street hawkers and shown the door”.

(Biff) “I hate this city and I’ll stay here, what do you think?”

“There had never been a death more foretold”

“It wasn’t just the bitterness or the tears anymore, it was this slow torture, this bottomless sadness. And something else, unutterable: I could see mother, at that moment, tender,

“Because I know [Willy] is a fake and he doesn’t like anybody around who knows!”.

“Their reputation as good people was so well founded that no one paid any attention to them”....

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