Randolph Bourne PDF

Title Randolph Bourne
Author Garcia Perez
Course Historia de la Lengua 2
Institution Universidad de Málaga
Pages 3
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PLURALIDAD 1. Randolph Bourne, in his article ``Trans-National America acknowledged the failure of ``Americanization´´. What did he mean by it? What attitude dis he have towards the ``Anglo Saxon´´ majority its treatment of the ``minority peoples´´? The ``Americanization´´is the concept in which American people impose o rencourage the immigrants in the United States to adapt American´s culture. Where immigrants had to forget their native culture, their religion, language and costumes. Bourne denies this sentiment or the idea of ``melting pot´´ which people from Europe or Asia as immigrants to the U.S. are living in one community and ignore their origin culture. Therefore he prefer the ``salad pot´´ where immigrants and immigrants do not have to ignore left a side their cultures and costumes and americans mixed together. For Bourne this is more advantage more than a border. He is willing of a cosmopolitan country embracing the minorities, the immigrant´s culture. U.S.A is a better country with a lot of culture mix together that go to the same way, the prosperity in which no one is exclude nor forgiven. Bourne was partidary of this concept more than separating them . 2. Louise Erdrich uses the presence of the ``Dark One´´ in a very specific way in her short story ``Saint Marie´´. Please, explain how she adapts the figure of the devil to fit the perceptions of the first person narrator. The religion is depicted in an evil and cruel way, the Catholicisms is the criticized one. It is hypocrisy and cruel, the author want to depict this concepts of the religions so that she created these characters: Leopolda is a nun and she is obsessed with the Dark One, the evil. She saw the Dark One on Marie because she is a Native American, therefore she wants Marie to be release by the Evil, The Dark One. 3. Memory and survival are two important topics in Sherman Alexie´s ``Because My Father said he was the Only Indian who saw Jimi Hendrix Play `The StarSpangled Banner´at Woodstock´´. How are these two themes dealt with in this short story? When Victori´s parents divorced he has his father in his memories, when his father came out from the jail and went to see Jimmy Hendrix playing the ``The Star-Spangled Banner´at Woodstock´, because music played an important part of his father life. He used it as a form of Philosophy. In his memories when he´s parents were making love, loudly because for the native americans; making love is a normal act, between two people, not as white people do; they hide it. Victor highlighted the good memories of his parents, and does not mention a lot his bad memories about them about his father. Meanwhile the survival has to do when his father survive in the jail, when his father survived in the motorcycle accident.

4. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois held opposing views related to the position that blacks had to observe towards mainstream American society. Please, explain the position they held towards this important issue by the turn of the XXth century. In the speech: Washington defended the pride of the black community but with no hope. He reminded them that they do not have the same rights as the White people do, that they have to aware what they were asking for, that they treaten in a way they were treaten because of the color of their skin. But Dubois defended the rights of the black community in the U.S.A. They are human being and they have the same rights as white people in the United States, the right of vote for instance, the right to a proper education, the right to live in a proper place and the right of the someone in life. 5. Toni Morrison´s The Bluest Eye (1981) starts quoting a section from the ``Primer´´, a bool that was traditionally used to teach children to read in the 1940´s. What does the author imply by using this text book? How does she use it? 6. Cherrie Moraga, in her play ``Shadow of a Man´´(1990) offers an analysis of Mexican patriarchal standards. How does she depict Manuel, the Mexican patriarch? What are the implications of such depiction? Manuel is depicted in a negative way in which he has the absolute power in the house and has the last word, this `tradition´ is usual in the Mexican culture. He is a miserable man, who has nothing to do but get drunk, and be lazy all day. When his son Ringo married a White lady, an american lady, Manuel was abandoned by his son, because Ringo adapt the American culture, the white culture in which they are the cold people and unfamiliar, an opposite tradition to the Mexicans, Mexicans have large family and they are very united. When Ringo married he left his house and his family were not invited so his father Manuel started to hate him as well as Manuel hate his daughter in law. 7. Montserrat Fontes´ novel First Confession (1991) offers a depiction of Mexico/USA border dynamics from the perspective of a little girl named Andrea. Please, select two fictional elements through which this dynamic is considered. 8. Catholic religion is highly influential in the growing up process of Andrea, the child protagonist of Montserrat Fontes´ novel First Confession (1991). In what terms does Candelaria, another character in the novel, influence her in her spiritual development? Please, explain. The Catholic religion is a in a way hipocracy in which Andrea and Victor to their bad hobby and committed sins, they ask forgiveness and not conscience at all, they commit another sins because they were thought that they will be forgiven, this is the bad things of Christianity but the good things are that they helped the children who live near the river, buying them gifts and things just to see them happy. When Candelaria arrived to their home it change their point of view. Andrea without saying their secret

to anybody she went to the U.S. and study their and she improve her life, leaving behind the idea of committing suicide. The confession. When Candelaria arrived to the house, it help Andrea to understand a lot of things and it changed radically her life, Candelaria had an important influence in Andrea´s life, as her religion is Hinduism. She taught her a lot of good things of her religion. 9. What circumstances make the situation and experience of Mexican-Americans different from that of other racial groups in the USA? The Mexican-Americans that went to California, Texas to other state of the south of the U.S.A. were aware that they come back to their country without any trouble, because Mexico is in the border line with the United States. They were very near to their country of origin in compare with the Polish, Germans, Asian-Americans, etc. 10. In what ways does Lawson Fusao Inada´s poem ``Instructions to all persons´´, deal with the Japanese-American experience? What is the main intention of the poem? The main intention of this author is the show the world what have done to the community of Asian-Americans in America. The Japanese, for instance, were remove from their houses, work, and family and were took to the internment camps in the Second World War, because American were feared of their nation being spied by the Japanese, as U.S.A´s enemy in the WWII. Inada tells how was the experience during the war the instructions were given to the Asian-American as the tittle of the poem itself.

11. Anzia Yezierska´s short story, ``American and I´´ presents a first person narration in which her insatisfaction becomes evident for the reader. Please, explain the reasons for this insatisfaction and explore the possible complexities at both the material and explore the possible complexities at both the material and spiritual levels. The short story is about the author herself, the story tells us about her experience in her first job, with the Jewish family; when she asked for her salary, her boss denied to give it to her, so she left the FALTA...

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