Ratajczak-Ch.3 Assignment PDF

Title Ratajczak-Ch.3 Assignment
Author Jessica Ratajczak
Course Introduction to Marketing
Institution Nassau Community College
Pages 2
File Size 38.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 149


Environmental Scanning, Cultural values, social media and consumerism...


1.Whyar eenv i r onment als canni ngandanal y s i si mpor t antt omar k et er s ? Envi r onment als c anni ngi st hepr oces sofc ol l ec t i ngi nf or mat i onaboutf or c esi nt hemar k et i ngwor l d. Wher eas ,env i r onment alanal y s i si st hepr ocessofass es s i ngandi nt er pr et i ngt hei nf or mat i ongat her ed t hr ought hes canni ng.Theset wopr ocess eshel pmar k et er smoni t orc hangesi nt her espect i v eenvi r onmenteffect i v el y . 8.I nwhatway sar ec ul t ur alv al ueschangi ng?Howar emar k et er sr espondi ngt ot hesec hanges ? Gener alc hangesocc uri nt hepopul at i on’sdemogr aphi cat t r i but essuchasage,gender ,r ac e,et hni c i t y , mar i t alandpar ent alst at us ,i ncomeandeducat i on.Shi f t si nt hes ecat egor i esl eadt ochangesi nhow peopl el i v eandul t i mat el yi nt hei ruseofpr oduct s .Someoft hedi ffer entc hangest hataffectt hemar k et pl acec ur r ent l yar et hec hangesi nt hepr opor t i onofol derconsumer sandt heamountofs i ngl es ,atan i ncr eas e.Mar k et i ngpr ocedur esar et hent weak edt oc oor di nat e.Mar k et er smoni t orandr es pondbydi v er s i f y i ngandex pandi ngout r eac h. 12.Des c r i bec onsumer i s m.Anal y z esomeact i v ec onsumerf or c esi ny ourar ea. Consumer i s m consi s t sofor gani z edeffor t sbyi ndi v i dual s ,gr oups ,andor gani z at i onss eeki ngt opr ot ec t c onsumer s’ r i ght s .NewYor kSt at ehasaDi v i s i onofConsumerpr ot ect i onatht t p: / / www. dos . ny . gov/ c ons umer pr ot ec t i on/Ont hi swebsi t et heyhav edi ffer ents el ect i onsandIwasmosti nt r i guedbyt hei rat t ent i ont oi dent i t yt hef t ,especi al l yamongs tmi l i t ar yper s onnel .I t ’sanal lt ooc ommont hi ngt hati shappeni ngandi nf or mat i oni sagr eatpr ot ec t or .

13.Whati st hedi ffer encebet weenet hi csands oci alr es ponsi bi l i t y ? Soc i alr es ponsi bi l i t yr ef er st oanor gani z at i on’sobl i gat i ont omak et hei rposi t i v ei mpactgr eat ert han t hei rnegat i v ei mpactons oci et y .Soc i alr esponsi bi l i t yr eflec t suponi mpr es si onandeffect ,wher eet hi cs f ocus esmor eont heobl i gat i ont ok nowwhet hersuchac t i onsar er i ghtorwr ong.

1. 1.Conv eni enceSt or e:“Conv eni enceSt or esi nt heUni t edSt at es:Por t er ’sFi v eFor c esSt r at egyAnal ys i s ” -“Ar uvi an' sR' sear c hanal yz esConv eni enceSt or esi nUni t edSt at esi nMi c haelPor t er ’sFi v e For cesAnal y si s .I tusesc oncept sdev el opedi nI ndus t r i alOr gani z at i on( I O)ec onomi cst oder i v efiv e f or cest hatdet er mi net hecompet i t i v ei nt ensi t yandt her ef or eat t r act i v enes sofamar k et .Por t err ef er r edt ot hes ef or cesast hemi cr oenvi r onment ,t oc ont r asti twi t ht hemor egener alt er m mac r oenv i r onment .Theyc onsi s toft hosef or cescl os et oacompanyt hataffecti t sabi l i t yt os er v ei t sc ust omer sandmak eapr ofi t …” ( r es ear c handmar k et s . com) 2.Women’sCl ot hi ngSt or es :“www. i bi s wor l d. c om” -“I BI SWor l d’sWomen' sCl ot hi ngSt or esmar k et r es ear c hr epor tpr ov i dest hel at es ti ndus t r ys t at i st i csandi ndust r yt r ends ,al l owi ngy out oi dent i f yt he pr oduc t sandc us t omer sdr i v i ngr ev enuegr owt handpr ofi t abi l i t y .Thei ndus t r yr epor ti dent i fi est he l eadi ngc ompani esandoffer ss t r at egi ci ndus t r yanal y s i soft hek eyf ac t or si nfluenci ngt hemar k et . ” ( www. i bi s wor l d. c om)

3.Gr oc er ySt or e:“www. c hr i s t i nahi t c hc ock . com” -Al t houghal i t t l eobsol et e( 2012)t hei nf or mat i oni s s t i l lr el i abl e.Thi ss i ghtbas i c al l ys howsar undownoft het openv i r onment sandi mpact sofc ul t ur e ongr oc er ys t or es . 4.Fast f oodr es t aur ant :“www. f oodser v i cewar ehous e. com” -t hi ss i t egoesi nt odet ai laboutt hedi ffer entass et st hataffectt hef oodi ewor l d. 5.Fur ni t ur eSt or e:“ht t p: / / i k eaway mar k et i ngbl og. bl ogs pot . c om” -al t hought hes our ceoft hebl ogi s amat eurt hei nf or mat i oni sv i abl eandpr ovi desi nsi ghti nt ot hi st ypeofbus i nes s’ wor l d.

2.Thet ec hnol ogi caladv anc ementIf eelt hathasi mpact edmet hemos ti st her i sei ns mar tdev i c es .I ownanAppl ecomput er ,i Pad,i Pod,anda“s mar tphone”.Thes oci oc ul t ur ali mpactt hatt hes et hi ngs hav ehadar et hatt her ear emor eway st owi natl i f e.Fori ns t ance,aper s onc ar r y i ngar oundanor mal fl i pphonewoul dnotbeabl et ogetanot i fi cat i ont hatt hest or ehe/ s hear ei ni shav i ngas al e,unl es sa f r i endont heot herl i nehast ex t edorc al l edt os ays o.Whi l et hec ommonbel i efi st hatt hesei t emswi t h appl i cat i ons ,not i fi cat i on,sc anni ng,mul t i t ask i ngcapabi l i t i esar eul t i mat el ymaki ngt hehumanbr ai n “dumber ” andl es sat t ent i v e,y oungergener at i onsar emor el i k el yt obuyt hes et hi ngs.Weal l ar ei nt hi s bus i nes sof“wi nni ng” whet heri nagame,apr oduc t i vi t yappf et i s h,s oc i al i z at i ont hr oughi nt er webs, andcouponi ng.Howev er ,t heul t i mat ewi ni si nt hecompet i t i onbet weent hebet t erdev i ce,t henewer c oncept sandt heamountofmoneyspenti ni t i al l y .Myneedasacust omerhases cal at edf r om bei ng abl et oc al lmybes tf r i endaf t eral ongdayt os endi ngpi ct ur es ,emot i c ons,fi l es ,mus i cwi t houtev er hear i ngav oi c eatal l .Acal lt hatwoul dhav et ak enanhourt ocompl et ecanbes ummedupi nas i mpl e t extmess aget huscr eat i ngt hi sc ul t ur eofi nt r ov er t s ....

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