Rauhut Quizzes For Chapter 1 PDF

Title Rauhut Quizzes For Chapter 1
Course Intro Phi:Knowl/Reality
Institution University of Kentucky
Pages 6
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Questions and answers for the quizzes given over the textbook readings...


Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.1 1. Rauhut imagines a scenario in which a girl asks her father about…. a. The meaning of Greek philosophy b. Knowledge c. The nature of free will d. The stars 2. Rauhut says when people try to provide a “big-picture view of the universe,” it always involves some kind of…. a. Story b. Desire c. Philosophy d. Lie 3. Rauhut remarks that many people, even though they are educated, have only a “foggy” idea about what ….. is a. The soul b. Mythology c. Astrophysics d. Philosophy 4. Rauhut imagines that a critical child might be pleased by a wonderful story, but might still wonder whether it was actually... a. Intelligent b. Beautiful c. Powerful d. true 5. As an example of a mythological story that tries to explain the universe, Rauhut offers Hesiod's ... a. Theogony b. Works and Days c. Republic d. Golden Ass

Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.2 1. Rauhut claims that religious explanations all depend on appealing to ... as a reason to think that they are true a. Revelation b. Death c. Reason d. Tradition 2. Rauhut points out that some people are especially likely to think that some religious explanations are true while other people are likely to think that others are misguided if they …. a. Discount philosophical explanations b. Retell old mythologies c. Have had a religious experience d. Begin to read Homer 3. When Rauhut claims that philosophy depends on “reason,” he primarily means that philosophy makes use of …. a. Science b. Argument c. Tradition d. Revelation 4. Rauhut points out that people are especially likely to find philosophy appealing when… a. When they are in the middle of day-to-day life b. When they have a religious experience c. When they hear a good story d. They begin to question their picture of the universe 5. As an example of someone who began to look for answers, Rauhut quotes… a. Abraham b. Obama c. Tolstoy d. Hesiod

Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.3 1. Rauhut calls attention to the fact that philosophy is a ….. activity a. Impossibly difficult b. Completely safe c. Solitary d. Social 2. In this reading, Rauhut quotes which of the following British philosophers? a. Immanuel Kant b. John Locke c. John Stuart Mill d. David Hume 3. Rauhut points out that, while philosophy may “lead us to new knowledge and to a new outlook on life,” it may also “result in…” a. A better world b. Perpetual doubt c. Bad relationships d. Mystical enlightenment 4. Rauhut quotes the Greek Philosopher … as saying that the “unexamined life is not worth living.” a. Marcus Aurelius b. Epicurus c. Aristotle d. Socrates 5. In this reading, Rauhut devotes a long block quote to the philosopher … a. Aristotle b. Immanuel Kant c. David Lewis d. Bertrand Russell

Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.4 1. In this reading, Rauhut contrasts philosophy with …. a. Popular culture b. Mysticism c. Anthropology d. Science 2. Rauhut points out that, unlike philosophy, most academic disciplines… a. Do not use reason b. Deal with only a part of reality c. Untrustworthy d. Do not give real answers 3. In this reading, which philosopher does Rauhut quote? a. Ludwig Wittgenstein b. Terence Irwin c. Peter Geach d. Charles Taylor 4. As an example of a question that philosophy would be best equipped to answer, Rauhut mentions the existence of… a. Ghosts b. Other universes c. Atoms d. Souls 5. Which of the following does Rauhut claim is an integral part of philosophy? a. Contradicting contemporary science b. Clarifying complex concepts c. Searching for alien life d. Performing experiments

Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.5 1. In this reading Rauhut discusses the idea that philosophy has a … component a. Dramatic b. Secret c. Militant d. Personal 2. Rauhut points out that people often come to different conclusions based on the same arguments because… a. They have different experiences b. There is no absolute truth on the matter c. All people are fundamentally irrational d. They live in different universes 3. Rauhut thinks that awareness of … “makes the world a more mysterious place.” a. Mathematics b. The presence of God c. The limits of our knowledge d. The truth about aliens 4. As an example of a question you may not be able to answer even after thinking long and hard about it, Rauhut uses… a. Knowing whether you will survive your death b. Knowing how many chromosomes a human being has c. Knowing whether aliens exist on Mars d. Knowing whether you really know your own name 5. Rauhut thinks that engaging in philosophical activity frequently causes us to change our attitudes toward… a. Mathematics b. Celebrities c. Fundamental questions d. Good movies

Rauhut Reading Quiz 1.6 1. Rauhut gives … as an example of an area studied by metaphysics. a. Right and wrong b. Beauty c. Cause and effect d. Knowledge 2. Rauhut defines epistemology as… a. The study of right and wrong b. The study of numbers c. The study of epistomes d. The study of knowledge 3. People who deny that we can know answers to certain questions are called… a. Metaphysicians b. Deniers c. Skeptics d. Pessimists 4. The fields of ethics and aesthetics both deal with questions of… a. Reality b. Value c. Knowledge d. Pessimism 5. Logic is the field of study that clarifies how we can distinguish… a. Right from wrong b. Good arguments from bad ones c. True believers from hypocrites d. Philosophy from religion...

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