Reading 3-1 Three Stories about Natural Disasters PDF

Title Reading 3-1 Three Stories about Natural Disasters
Course LEX04B1
Institution Universidad Estatal de Sonora
Pages 3
File Size 113.3 KB
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1. You are going to read about three famous natural disasters below. For each story, write a title. The titles should include the kind of natural disaster, the city or country, and the year.

Story #1 Title:

The terrible earthquake of 2004

I want to describe my experience to you about a disaster to hit my country in 2004. It was a beautiful day, and my parents were at work, but my sister and I were cleaning up our home with my aunt, who was taking care of us. The night before, we felt a terrible, large earthquake that damaged much of our house. Because of this, we couldn't sleep and spent most of the night frightened. At around 9 AM in the morning, we were arranging the furniture on our balcony when my sister started to notice strange waves in the ocean. Our balcony has a beautiful view of the ocean and we always watched the waves in the evening after dinner. Suddenly, a huge wave appeared south of our home. It was coming straight in our direction. We ran out of our house and looked for high land. The large wave hit the beach and then our home, and it immediately destroyed our house. Luckily, we had climbed up to our neighbour's roof and we were safe. We later found out that the tsunami had killed nearly 230,000 people in over 14 countries, including Indonesia. Story #2 Title:

The tremor that scared baseball players in San Francisco in 1989

In 1989, I was watching baseball in my apartment. I was watching the World Series, which is a yearly event with the year's two best teams. The game was in San Francisco and their team was playing Oakland, which is actually only 30 minutes from San Francisco. At around 5 PM, the picture on the TV started to shake, and the baseball players looked frightened. The announcers on TV said that an earthquake was shaking the ground and suddenly the picture went dead. Later, while I was watching the evening news, I found out that most of Northern California had experienced a large earthquake. Many people had died in San Francisco, which was near the centre of the quake. A popular bridge had been

destroyed as well as many homes and other buildings. About three or four days later, they finished playing the game, but nobody was really thinking about baseball in San Francisco anymore. Story #3 Title:

New Orleans, most of city was underwater on a summer day in 2005

In my home city of New Orleans, most of my city was underwater on a summer day in 2005. It was a terrible experience. It happened because of a large hurricane that had hit the area two days before. The hurricane was named Katrina and had destroyed many parts of Florida and Louisiana when it hit my city. The reason for the flooding was that New Orleans is actually below sea level. Our city is very close to the coast and we have walls that usually stop large waves. Unfortunately, the waves caused by Katrina broke most of these walls and much of the water entered our city. I later heard that 80 percent of New Orleans had been underwater for two weeks. Many people died, and food and water were hard to find. Many homes were destroyed and had to be rebuilt. Even now in 2015, you can still see a lot of the damage caused by the flood.

2. Complete the sentences in either the Past Simple, Continuous, or Perfect:


The family couldn’t sleep because an earthquake had damaged their house the night before .


They did not die in the water because they had climbed onto their neighbour’s roof .


When the disaster happened, their aunt was taking care of them because their parents were at work.


The writer of the second story was watching the game on TV when the earthquake happened.


The writer found out many people had died in the earthquake while he . was watching the news


Three or four days after the earthquake happened, they finished playing . the game


In the summer of 2005, most of New Orleans was flooded because hurricane had hit the area .


Before the hurricane hit New Orleans, it (had) destroyed many parts of . florida and louisiana


The waves caused by the hurricane entered the city because they had broken the walls that usually stop the ocean’s waves....

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