Reading list theories and concepts of media and communications PDF

Title Reading list theories and concepts of media and communications
Author Victor Hatami
Course Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications I
Institution The London School of Economics and Political Science
Pages 25
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MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and Power) (Michaelmas Term 2020/21)

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260 items

Michaelmas Term MC408 (260 items)

MT1 - Introduction to Media and Communications Theory (23 items)

Key Readings (2 items) Toward a Black media philosophy - Armond R. Towns, 2020-07-13 Article | Essential | Towns offers a re-reading of canonical media theories by highlighti their implicit racial assumptions. Through a side-by-side reading of the work of Marshall McLuhan and Frantz Fanon, he argues that media theory, even when it avoids or neglect the topic of race, is already based in an understanding of the Black body as a medium. "Introduction: The Problem of Communication" in Speaking into the air, pp. 1󰜔31 - John Durham Peters, 2000 Chapter | Essential | The introduction to John Durham Peters's classic history of communication. Peters draws on a wide range of philosophical, literary, theological, and theoretical sources to argue that this history of communication is the history of communication's many failures.

Recommended Readings (18 items) Race after technology: abolitionist tools for the new Jim code - Ruha Benjamin, 2019 Book

Media, society, world: social theory and digital media practice - Nick Couldry, 2012 Book | Background | A contemporary discussion of the implications of social theory fo understanding media.

De-Westernizing media studies - Park, Myung-Jin, Curran, James, 2000 Book | Background | One of the first interventions aimed at de-westernizing the field o

media and communications Gender and the media - Rosalind Gill, 2007

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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| Background | a critical introduction to the study of gender in the media

Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices - Stuart Hall, Open University, 1997 Book | Background | Seminal book on the role of cultural representations and signifyin practices through media and communication. Feminist approaches to media theory and research - 2018 Book | Background | An edited collection offering contemporary ways to rethink Western and foundational feminist theories within a global and diverse context

A Latin American perspective on communication/cultural mediation - Jesús Martín-Barber 2006-12 Article | Background | Good entry point to a Latin-American approach to communicatio and mediation. Networked Press Freedom - Mike Ananny, 2018 Book

Always already new: media, history, and the data of culture - Lisa Gitelman, 2006 Book

Mass communication theory: an introduction - Denis McQuail, 1994 Book | Background | Excellent overview of various theories and paradigms relating to mass communication Africa's media, democracy and the politics of belonging - Francis B. Nyamnjoh, 2005 Book | Background | Good account of the role of media in and African context.

Information activism: a queer history of lesbian media technologies - Cait McKinney, 202 Book

Why study the media? - Roger Silverstone, 1999 Book | Background | See also Silverstone, R. (1994) Television and Everyday Life, London: Routledge. Lively polemic about the importance of media in everyday life.

The audible past: cultural origins of sound reproduction - Jonathan Sterne, c2003 Book

The media and modernity: a social theory of the media - John B. Thompson, 1995 Book | Background | . (pp. 23-37 and 75-80, plus notes pp. 270-271 and 277-278). Television: technology and cultural form - Raymond Williams, Ederyn Williams, Roger Silverstone, ProQuest (Firm), 2003


| Background | Classic statement on television's place in society.

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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New money: how payment became social media - Lana Swartz, 2020 Book

Distributed blackness: African American cybercultures Andre  L. Brock, 2020 Book

Further resources (3 items) Media in Minutes - YouTubeMedia in Minutes Audio-visual document

Karen Dunlap󰜚s TED-Talk: is the media changing the way we think. Audio-visual document

BBC - dot.Rory: Unplugged: Living without the media Webpage

MT2: Content and Cultural Production (15 items)

Key Readings (2 items) Communicative Capitalism: Circulation and the Foreclosure of Politics - Jodi Dean, 2005 Article

A Society, Searching - Noble Safiya Umoja, 2018 Chapter | Essential

Recommended Readings (13 items)

Verified: Self-presentation, identity management, and selfhood in the age of big data Alison Hearn, 2017-04-03 Article | Essential Introduction: Another Economy is Possible - S Banet-Weiser, M Castells Chapter

Authentic TM: the politics of ambivalence in a brand culture - Sarah Banet-Weiser, 2012 Book

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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Another economy is possible: culture and economy in a time of crisis - Manuel Castells, 2017 Book

Neoliberal Newspeak and Digital Capitalism in Crisis - P Chakravartty, D Schiller, 2010 Article

Gender and Creative Labour - Bridget Conor, Rosalind Gill, Stephanie Taylor, 2015-05 Article

Chapter 3: Capitalism, Race and the Ambivalence of Commodification - A Saha, 2017 Chapter | A discussion of representations of race in media content; the commodificatio of race Creative labour: media work in three cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh, Sarah Baker, Economic and Social Research Council (Great Britain), University of Manchester. Centre for Research on Socio Cultural Change, 2011 Book

The German ideology - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, 1976 Book

Media Work, Management, and Greed: A New Agenda? - Vicki Mayer, 2015-01-01 Article

Be creative: making a living in the new culture industries - Angela McRobbie, 2016 Book

Gendering the Commodity Audience: Critical Media Research, Feminism and Political Economy, - E Meehan, 2011 Chapter

A Social Democratic Vision of Media: Toward a Radical Pre-History of Public Broadcasting Victor Pickard, 2017-07-03 Article

MT3: Audiences and Users (18 items)

Key Readings (2 items) Audiences in an Age of Datafication: Critical Questions for Media Research - Sonia Livingstone, 2019-02 Article | Essential

󰜝She invited other people to that space󰜞: audience habitus, place, and social justice in Beyoncé󰜚s - Amanda Nell Edgar, Ashton Toone, 2019-01-02

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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| Essential

Recommended Readings (16 items)

The Places Where Audience Studies and Production Studies Meet - Vicki Mayer, 2016-12 Article | Essential | Builds on an ethnographic study in which audiences and producers work together to raise questions about changing media culture Transnational audiences: media reception on a global scale - Adrian Athique, 2016, ©20 Book | A contemporary analysis of audiences living under conditions of globalisation and transnational media

Nollywood: Spectatorship, Audience and the Sites of Consumption - Onookome Okome, 2007 Article | Essential | An ethnographic study of Nollywood audiences in Lagos, challengin Western ideas of where audiences are to be found

If you cannot access the text of Okome (2007), please go back to the Moodle page of the course, and you can get the PDF in the session of week 4 under the reading list feature.

The audience studies reader - Will Brooker, Deborah Jermyn, 2003 Book | A useful reader with lots of the classic articles Meanings of audiences: comparative discourses - 2013 Book | Analyses of the political and cultural power of implied audiences over actual audiences and publics, set in contexts in both global North and global South Audience transformations: shifting audience positions in late modernity - European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization), European Communication Research and Education Association, 2014 Book | A useful compilation of recent audience theory and research Audiences, towards 2030: Priorities for audience analysis - 2017 Document | Reflections on the future of audiences and audience research Transmedia television: audiences, new media and daily life - Elizabeth Evans, 2011, ©2011 Book | An empirical exploration of how audiences are now engaging with transmedia environments Encoding/decoding - S Hall, 1974/80 Chapter | Background | A classic text in audience theory (and the rest of the book is useful too)

The Challenge of Changing Audiences - Sonia Livingstone, 2004-03

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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| Reflections on the transition from audiences of old to new media

Chapter 6: Grounding theory: audiences and subjective agency - D C McMillin, 2006 Chapter | An interesting effort to de-Westernise audience research. Unanswered Questions in Audience Research - David Morley, 2006-07 Article

Global media studies: ethnographic perspectives - Patrick Murphy, Marwan M. Kraidy, 20 Book | Locates audience ethnography within a global frame of media culture

Audience evolution: new technologies and the transformation of media audiences - Philip M. Napoli, 2011, ©2011 Book | Changing audiences in changing times The makeover: reality television and reflexive audiences - Katherine Sender, 2012 Book | A good example of empirical reception research

MT4: Power, Media Power and Resistance (20 items)

Key Readings (2 items) On Symbolic Power - Pierre Bourdieu, 1990 Chapter | Essential | Bourdieu sets out one of the fundamental forms of power that is exercised through the media 󰜔 symbolic power, or the power to construct reality, rather than simply reflect it or transmit it. Symbolic power is furthermore tightly linked to the status of those who make claims about the world 󰜔 some of whom we readily believe, some of whom we readily dismiss.

Power in the Network Society - Manuel Castells, 2009 Chapter | Essential | Read pp.10-19 and 42-53. This reading is essential for understanding how power circulates in contemporary digitize and globalized societies. Castells outlines the ways in which networks of actors and resources contribute to the circulation and maintenance of power. Power, in this theory, derives from the position one has within a network, and the capacity one has to influence the structure and shape of that network.

Recommended Readings (15 items)

Strategy follows Structure: A Media Sociology Manifesto - R Benson, 2014

Chapter | Offers a summary of the structural sociological approach to the media and applies his version of field theory to an analysis of media power.


MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and Power) | Reading lists @ LSE

The hybrid media system: politics and power - Andrew Chadwick, 2017 Book | An account of sweeping changes in political communication and media power, focusing in particular on the blended, variable practices that characterise the contemporary interface between media and politics.

The place of media power: pilgrims and witnesses of the media age - Nick Couldry, 2000 Book | Read Chapter 7. An examination of how and why the symbolic power of the media is produced, legitimise and sustained, explored through the interactions of ordinary people with media institutio and events.

Communications, Power and Social Order - J Curran, 1982 Chapter | An historical examination of the links between communication structures an systems, their role in securing and maintaining the power of social institutions, and socia order. Explores how changing forms of media in turn have prompted changes in social structures and institutions that sometimes alter societal arrangements, but can also reinforce existing forms of power. Mediated authenticity: how the media constructs reality - Gunn Enli, 2015 Book | Read chapter 7. An important text given the contemporary environment where fake news is a significant concern: Enli explores the idea of authenticity in the context of audience-media interactions, its importance as a source of legitimacy for the media, and what happens when it is challenged or breaks down. Power - Michel Foucault, James D. Faubion, c2000 Book | Collection of seminal texts on the functioning of power according to a post-structuralist paradigm

The contradictions of media power - Des Freedman, 2014, ©2014 Book | An account that locates media power in the context of its interactions with oth power blocs in society, where media is used as a tool in struggles for legitimacy, influenc and self-interest.

The politics of 󰜙platforms󰜚 - Tarleton Gillespie, 2010-05 Article | An analysis of the way that online content providers position themselves in crucial debates about public and private interests in the digital world, using different discursive constructions (here, particularly of the world 󰜙platform󰜚) to secure authority an legitimacy.

Power: a radical view - Steven Lukes, 2005 Book | The seminal text on the three dimensions of power, going beyond ideas of forc and persuasion, to examine the power to set agendas and exert broader influence over o wants and needs

Chapter 5: What not to wear and post-feminist symbolic violence - A McRobbie, 2009 Chapter | An analysis of the post-feminist complexities of reality TV formats that are presented as empowering for women, yet simultaneously reinforce classed, racialised an gendered stereotypes.

Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America - Aníbal Quijano, 2000-06

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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| A careful deconstruction of the ways in which contemporary globalised forms power 󰜔 which also affect the global media industries 󰜔 are rooted in colonial construction of capitalism, the state, and 󰜙race󰜚 which normalised the association of privilege, citizenship and power with Whiteness. A general explanation that can be applied to the ways in which Whiteness continues to dominate in the media industries. Article

Gramsci's political thought: an introduction - Roger Simon, ProQuest (Firm), c2001 Book | Read Chapter 2 Gramsci󰜚s concept of hegemony. A summary of Gramsci󰜚s concept of hegemony, which underpins many interpretations of media power.

Communication and Social Context - J Thompson, 1995 Chapter | An analysis of the media󰜚s symbolic power, secured through its role as a crucial resource for the production, circulation and consumption of the symbols we use o a daily basis to make sense of the world around us.

The culture of connectivity: a critical history of social media Jose  van Dijck, c2013 Book | Critically analyses the ways in which connectedness (our inherent sociability on which social media thrive) is transformed and instrumentalised as connectivity (market-driven structures of connection built into social media) by social media platform The impact of the mass media on the quality of democracy | Euro Crisis in the Press Webpage

Further Resources (3 items) Media Bias/Fact Check - Search and Learn the Bias of News Media Website

LSE Truth, Trust & Technology Commission Webpage

Who Rules America 󰜔 The Power of the Media Audio-visual document

MT5: Postcolonial Critiques (31 items)

Key Readings (2 items)

Postcolonial Approaches to Communication: Charting the Terrain, Engaging the Intersections - Raka Shome, Radha S. Hegde, 2002-08

MC408 - Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (Media and


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| Essential | This accessible introductory article synthesises a range of postcolonial concepts, outlines the aims of postcolonial theory with regard to questioning knowledge production in the global north, and suggests how these theories are relevant contemporary media and communications Article

The 'Culture' of Exclusion: Representations of Indigenous Women Street Vendors in Tijuana, Mexico - Carmen Martinez Novo, 2003-07 Article | Essential | An empirical piece which shows the hierarchies associated with particular cultural groups and the ways in which colonial practices of communication remain alive in the present.

Recommended Readings (25 items)

The Problem of Speaking for Others - Linda Alcoff, 1991-24 Article | Questions who should be allowed to research and represent whom and wheth people from privileged communities can do better in terms of how they bring marginalise voices into scholarship Eurocentrism - Amin, Samir, 1989 Book | Background | Challenges the 󰜙given󰜚 in terms of looking at and defining the world. Key concepts in post-colonial studies - Ashcroft, Bill, Griffiths, Gareth, Tiffin, Helen, 1998 Book | Background | Introductory reading in post-colonial theory. The location of culture - Bhabha, Homi K., 2004 Book | Background | Chapter 3 󰜙The other question: Stereotype, discrimination and th discourse of colonialism.󰜚 Debates the questions of representation in colonial discourse. The decline and fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997 - Brendon, Piers, 2007 Book | Background | Examines the key events and struggles that have defined the British empire. Discourse on colonialism - Câesaire, Aimâe, Kelley, Robin D. G., c2000 Book | Background | A scathing attack on colonialism. An introduction to post-colonial theory - Childs, Peter, Williams, Patrick, 1997 Book | Background | An introductory text for those new to postcolonial theory. Black skin, white masks - Fanon, Frantz, 2008 Book | Background | A scathing attack on colonialism informed by the author󰜚s experiences with the French in the Algerian War Concerning Violence - F Fanon, 1961 Chapter | Background | 35-94. Locates and defines postcolonial theory in/as decolonization. SCANNED READING

Postcolonial cultures - Featherstone, Simon, 2005

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| Background | A broad overview of post colonial theory.

THE EPISTEMIC DECOLONIAL TURN - Ramón Grosfoguel, 2007-03 Article | Examines the power of having control of knowledge, and the importance for t Global South of being in control of its own narratives.

Colonialism/postcolonialism - Ania Loomba, 2015 Book | A useful introductory text examining how aspects of colonial history that have seeped into present global relationships and communications are the basis for postcolon critiques and encounters. On the postcolony - Mbembâe, J.-A., c2001 Book | Background | Mbembe, A. (2001) The Aesthetics of Vulgarity, pp. 102-141 Highly recommended! Problematises how the notions of obscenity, vulgarity and the grotesque contribute to the reinforcement and deconstruction of postcolonial regimes of violence and domination. SCANNED READING Beginning postcolonialism - McLeod, John, 2010 Book | Background | An introductory text to postcolonial theory. The colonizer and the colonized - Memmi, Albert, Greenfeld, Howard, 1974 Book | Background | Critiques the ambivalent, ...

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