Real Life Grammar Lessons in a minute Upgrade 9 PDF

Title Real Life Grammar Lessons in a minute Upgrade 9
Author antonio pereira
Course Inglês
Institution Ensino Secundário (Portugal)
Pages 37
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Material de ingês que acompanha o manual de 9º ano e que é disponibilizado pela editora. Material prático e muito útil para alunos....


© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

Introduction Motivating students to learn grammar can be challenging as grammar seems boring and can be difficult for many learners of English. They aren’t interested in rules and their only interest is to communicate in English. So, how can we teach them essential grammar and give them what they need to keep them focused and involved? For us the answer is clear – by teaching grammar in context, using authentic and attractive materials to reinforce the relationship between the English classroom and the real world. Students must be able to see that grammatical accuracy can improve their ability to communicate confidently and effectively, and to understand the language. Grammar is important. Therefore we have prepared a group of seven ready-made grammar lesson plans taking as our starting point real-life material in English, including an easy explanation of the grammar rules and three graded worksheets designed to help each student get adequate practice in the classroom while respecting his/her learning style and rhythm. For us, grammar actually helps communication and the best way to prove it is to make it relevant to the students’ lives, thereby increasing their attention and interest in learning. We hope our aims can be a reality in your classroom and that you find these resources useful and relevant. The Team Isabel Filipe M.ª Adelaide Rabaça Paula Simões © ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

Table of contents Worksheet 1 – Past perfect ................................................................................................................ 3 Worksheet 2 – Question tags ............................................................................................................. 7 Worksheet 3 – Conditional sentences – type 2 ................................................................................. 11 Worksheet 4 – Connectors ................................................................................................................ 15 Worksheet 5 – Verb + to-infinitive / verb + -ing form ...................................................................... 19 Worksheet 6 – Relative pronouns ..................................................................................................... 23 Worksheet 7 – Reported speech ........................................................................................................ 27 Answer key ....................................................................................................................................... 31

1. Read this joke.

The cowboy’s horse A cowboy rode into a town. He fastened his big fine horse to a post outside a bar, kicked open the bar door and asked for a beer. When he had finished his drink, he went back outside, only to find that someone had stolen his horse. The cowboy went back into the bar, got his gun out and fired three shots into the ceiling. “Which one of you dirty dogs has stolen my horse?” he shouted, firing three more shots. “OK, then,” he growled, looking very mean, “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to order myself another beer and then I’m going to go back outside. If my horse isn’t back where I left him, I’ll have to do what I did when the same thing happened in Texas.” The other customers in the bar looked at each other and shivered. When the cowboy had finished his second beer, he went back outside. The thief had brought the horse back and tied it to the post, exactly where the cowboy had left it. The cowboy got back on his horse. The barman went up to him and asked in a nervous voice, “Er, before you go, please tell us, what exactly happened in Texas?” “I had to walk home,” said the cowboy. (abridged and adapted), accessed in January 2015

2. Read the sentence from the text and the timeline that follows. “(…) he went back outside, only to find that someone had stolen his horse.” (ll. 2-3)


Someone had stolen his horse.

He went back outside.

Past perfect

Past simple


© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

2.1. Choose the correct use of the highlighted verb form in the example. a. It is used when we are talking about the past and want to refer to an action that took place earlier in the past. b. It is used to refer to actions that started in the past and finished in the past. 2.2. Complete the table about its form. Form


Auxiliary verb a. ………………….. +

I had seen him before.

b. ………………….. of the action verb.

I hadn’t seen him before. Had I seen him before?

1. Choose the correct option to answer each question. 1.1. What is the correct past perfect form of “We rent a car”? a. We had rented a car. b. We could rent a car. c. We would rent a car. d. We had been able to rent a car. 1.2. What is the correct past perfect form of “I don’t do the laundry”? a. I didn’t do the laundry. b. I hadn’t did the laundry. c. I haven’t done the laundry. d. I hadn’t done the laundry. 1.3. What is the correct past perfect form of “Do we visit Paris”? a. Do we visiting Paris? b. Had we visited Paris? c. Had we visit Paris? d. Have we visited Paris? 1.4. What is the correct past perfect form of “She makes some delicious cookies”? a. She made some delicious cookies. b. She had made some delicious cookies. c. She has made some delicious cookies. d. She had make some delicious cookies. 2. Decide which is the correct verb tense for each gap. © ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

a. Julie only arrived after I had left / had leave / left. b. The garden was dry because no one watered / had water / had watered the plants. c. When we arrived at the cinema, the film started / had started / had start. d. Jerry told me he had studied / studied / had study a lot before the exam. 3. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box. a. Bruce ate all the muffins that mum ……….……………….. b. Carol ………………..….. her homework long before going out with her friends. c. The teacher gave me a text I ………………………….…... d. The waiter brought a drink we ……………………….…...

hadn’t written had done hadn’t ordered had made

1. Choose the correct answer. 1.1. I was sure that I ……………………….…... Mathew before. a. had saw

b. seen

c. had seen

1.2. I needed to know what ……………………….…... to my neighbour. a. has happened

b. had happened

c. happened

1.3. Dexter went to bed after he ……………………….…... off the TV. a. switched

b. has switched

c. had switched

1.4. Bruce ……………………….…... breakfast when I arrived. a. not had

b. hadn’t had

c. hasn’t had

2. Find the corresponding endings for these beginnings.

When I got home, I realised a.

1. but he had already got one.

I went to see if the workers b. had finished

2. as he had been away for a long time.

It was nice to see Ralph again c. I bought Jack a camera d. I wasn’t very hungry e. in the afternoon When I turned on the TV, f.

3. the programme had started. 4. as I had had a huge lunch. 5. but they hadn’t even started. 6. Sarah had already left.

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

3. Order the words in brackets to finish the sentences. a. Going to the concert wasn’t an option because ………………………………………….. (we / bought / tickets / hadn’t / the) b. They were quite nervous as ………………………………………………………….….. (the / hadn’t / for / they / test / enough / studied) c. She left him because …………………………………………………………………….. (jealous / he / been / had / always) d. A driver knocked over a cyclist but …………………………………………………….. (first / run / a / he / dog / had / over)

1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box in the past perfect. go


not swim

not receive


a. Jane various art classes before she became a painter. b. They still in the Red Sea until they went on holiday there last year. c. They home before I arrived at the party. d. By 5 o’clock yesterday we still your package. e. My English teacher English for a year before coming to this school.

2. Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Ancient tombs Many wealthy archaeologists came to Egypt motivated by scientific curiosity. But nobody a. ……………….. (find) the intact tomb of the Pharaoh yet. One man hoped to change that. Howard Carter b. ………..…….. first ……………….. (come) to Egypt as an artist at the age of 17. He c. ……..……..…….. (fall) in love with the ancient ruins and wanted to prove a capable archaeologist. © ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

3. Complete the sentences about what had happened in your past life. a. Before I was seven years old, I ……………………………………………………. b. By the time I was ten, I ……………………………………………………………. c. My parents and I …………………………………………………………………... d. Until the age of 13, my friends and I ……………………………………………... 4. Think of possible answers for the questions below. a. Why was Eleanor crying? …………………………………………….………….. b. Why were the boys standing by the door? ……………………………………….. c. Why was Jack riding his bike to school? ………………………………………….

d. Why did Alexis have to go to the hospital? ……………………………………….

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

1. Read a dialogue between these two characters.

About a boy Will: Does this happen often? Marcus: Yeah, they give me a hard time. You know, about my hair, and my clothes and singing and stuff. Will: And what? And singing? Marcus: Sometimes I sing out loud without noticing. Will: That’s not a brilliant idea, is it? Marcus: I said I did it without noticing, didn’t I? It just happens! I’m not going to do it on purpose, am I? I’m not stupid, you know. Will: My advice is to keep out of people’s way. Try to make yourself invisible. Marcus: How can I be invisible? Are there machines in your kitchen that are invisible? I don’t think so. I just try not to think of it, that’s all. It happens, and I wish it didn’t, but that’s life, isn’t it? There’s nothing I can do about it. Will: No. There is something we can do about it, Marcus. You’re coming with me. (abridged and adapted), accessed in January 2015

2. Choose the correct option to complete the information about question tags. a. Question tags are short questions at the end of a statement used more often in written / spoken English. b. We use them when we want an answer or confirmation / disagree with someone. © ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

2.1. Complete the rule to form question tags with affirmative or negative. a. …………………… statement question tag ……………………. Example: “I said I did it without noticing, didn’t I?” (l. 8) b. …………………… statement question tag ……………………. Example: “I’m not going to do it on purpose, am I?” (l. 9) There are some special cases: 1. with let’s, the question tag is shall we? 2. with an imperative, the question tag is will you?/could you? 3. after a sentence containing a negative word, such as never, hardly, nobody, the question tag is affirmative. 4. with sentences that start with I am, the question tag is usually aren’t I?

1. Circle the correct option. a. You aren’t crying, aren’t you / are you? b. The letter didn’t come, did it / didn’t it? c. Ann doesn’t eat meat, does she / doesn’t she? d. She’s a lovely baby, is she / isn’t she? e. They weren’t hungry, weren’t they / were they? f. You’ll be on time, won’t you / will you? g. He has done it, has he / hasn’t he? h. We don’t need it, don’t we / do we?

2. Match the statements and the question tags.

You are late, a. She doesn’t look happy, b Mary can tell us the whole story, c. They haven’t got our keys, d.

1. have they? 2. wouldn’t he? 3. did we? 4. aren’t you?

He would like tea, e.

5. can’t she?

We didn’t forget your birthday, f.

6. does she?

3. Complete the dialogues with the question tags in the box. have you

should I

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

aren’t I

1. Complete with the correct question tag.

We’re playing football tomorrow, …………..……….?

a. aren’t we b. are we c. do we

He is not at home now, …………………?

a. isn’t he b. does he c. is he

You could do me a favour, ………………….?

a. could you b. couldn’t you c. can’t you




1.4. She bought a very expensive ring, …………………..?

1.5. They hadn’t been to London before, ………………….?

a. did she b. hasn’t she c. didn’t she

a. had they b. did they c. hadn’t they

2. Complete the dialogues with the missing question tags. a. “You used to work here, ………………………………..?” “Yes, but not anymore.”

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

b. “Close the door, ………………………………..?” “Of course.” c. “Let’s go outside, ………………………………..?” “Why not?” d. “He’s never liked beans, ………………………………..?” “Never!” e. “We haven’t seen them since February, ………………………………..?” “Since March, I think.” f. “If he spoke foreign languages, he’d get a better job, ………………………………..?” “Without a doubt.”

1. Change these questions into statements with question tags. Follow the example. You live next door, don’t you? a. Do you live next door? ............................................................................................................. b. Would you like some tea? ........................................................................................................ c. Did it snow all week? ............................................................................................................... d. Was Lisa late for work? ............................................................................................................ e. Have they lived in New York? .................................................................................................. f. Could he finish the test? ............................................................................................................ g. Must we eat the soup? .............................................................................................................. h. Does she like fish and chips? ................................................................................................... 2. You need to confirm some ideas you have about your partner. Write the questions according to the hints. Follow the example. You like flowery T-shirts, don’t you? a. He likes flowery T-shirts. ......................................................................................................... b. His father throws knives in a circus. ........................................................................................ c. His mother has lived in Alaska for five years. .......................................................................... d. His sister didn’t stop singing in the gospel choir. .................................................................... e. His family won’t move to another city next year. .................................................................... 3. Read part of the lyrics of the song by Imagine Dragons. 3.1. Spot the question tag and correct it.

I bet my life I know I took the path that you would never want for me © ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute I know I let you down, haven’t I So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me Well I’m just a slave unto the night Now remember when I told you that’s the last you’ll see of me Remember when I broke you down to tears I know I took the path that you would never want for me I gave you hell through all the years So I, I bet my life, I bet my life I bet my life on you (abridged and adapted), accessed in February 2015

1. Look at this comic strip.

2. Look at the sentence from the comic strip: “If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn’t need to sleep so late!” Choose the best option. 2.1. This sentence expresses… a. a fact. b. a probable/possible situation. c. an improbable/unreal situation. 3. Complete the information in the table. 4.

Form a. if + ……….……+ would/could + …………………

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

b. ……….………+ infinitive + if + ……….…………

Example If Jeremy went to bed earlier, he wouldn’t need to sleep so late. Jeremy wouldn’t need to sleep late if he went to bed earlier.

If I were Jeremy, I’d go to bed c. with the subject pronouns I, he, she, it , we use …………….……… instead of was, mostly for the earlier. fixed expression If I were you, which is often used to give advice Study all the examples above and choose the best alternative. The if clause and the main clause are separated by a comma when… a. the if clause comes first. b. the main clause comes first

. 1. Choose the correct option. 1.1. If Jeremy’s nose were smaller, he ……………………. more handsome. a. was

b. would be

c. will be

1.2. If his mother ……………………. about the news, she would tell him. a. knows

b. would know

c. knew

1.3. They would come immediately if they ……………………. a car. a. had

b. would have

c. have

1.4. Jeremy wouldn’t go out so much if his parents ……………………. him money. a. not gave

b. didn’t give

c. gives

b. wouldn’t believe

c. believes

1.5. If I told Jane, she me. a. didn’t believe

1.6. If these walls ……………………. thicker, we wouldn’t hear the neighbours. a. were

b. weren’t

c. aren’t

2. Complete the gaps with wasn’t, were, would. a. If David went to school at 6:30, he ……………………. be the first to get there. b. Samantha wouldn’t stay up late if it ……………………. for the Maroon 5 concert. c. If I ……………………. a billionaire, I wouldn’t stop travelling. d. Dwight would join a band if he ……………………. less shy. e. ……………………. you go to the park if it didn’t rain? 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

a. What would you do if you ……………………. (fail) the history exam? b. He ………………………. (go) with you if you asked him. c. If I won a million dollars, I ……………...……. (buy) my own airplane. d. What would you do if it ………………………. (rain) on your graduation day? e. If I forgot her birthday, Andrea…………………..…. ……………………. (get) upset.

f. It wouldn’t be so quick if you……………………….. ……………………. (not use) a computer.

© ASA • UPGRADE 9 / Real Life Grammar Lessons in a Minute

1. Order the words to make second conditional sentences. a. mistakes / you’d / more / if / fewer / you / make / listened / me / to ........................................................................................................................................... b. be / came / you / it / party / would / the / to / nice / if ........................................................................................................................................... c. this / I / do / to / wouldn’t / didn’t / if / have / I ........................................................................................................................................... d. would / if / a / you / haunt / you / who / ghost / ? / were ........................................................................................................................................... 2. ...

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