Report form 6 - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Report form 6 - Grade: A+
Course Chemistry 1
Institution Centennial College
Pages 3
File Size 144 KB
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report form 6...



Name: _____________________________ Partner: ____________________________

Results: (Show All Calculations for full marks)) Volume of Isopentyl Alcohol


Moles of Isopentyl alcohol use


Volume of Glacial Acetic Acid


Moles of Glacial Acetic Acid used


Limiting reagent is:


Bpt range of Isopentyl Alcohol


Bpt range of Isopentyl Acetate


Literature Bpt of Isopentyl Alcohol


Literature Bpt of Isopentyl Acetate


Experimental Refractive index

Raw __________ at ______°C Corrected _______at______°C

(Show calculations for corrected RI)

Literature Refractive index

__________ at ______°C

CRC edition # and page # for literature values of all compounds: Percent Yield:

Discuss 3 sources of error:

_______ %


Using our existing reflux system, what other procedural step could be included in order to improve the yield of the crude acetate in the reaction stage?

I nor dert oi mpr ov et hey i el doft hec r udeacet at e,anot herpr oc edur al t ept hatcoul dbei ncl udedi n t heex i s t i ngr efl uxs y s t em i sapur ges t r eam,whi chr emov est hei mpur i t i esf r om t her efluxst r eam t husmak i ngt heav ai l abl es ol ventpur et her byi nc r eas i ngt heex t r act i oncapaci t yoft hesol v ent .I ft he sol vnti si mpur e,t her ewoul dbel es ssepar at i on,whi hwoul dr es ul ti nl owery ei l d. Thus ,apur gest r eam s houl dbeaddedwi t har ec y cl est r eam t oi ncr easet heyi el d.


Why is it easier to remove excess acetic acid from the products than excess isopentyl alcohol?

I ti seasi ert or emov eex cessacet i caci dv er susex c es sI sopent yl al cohol becaus eofsol ubi l i t y .Acet i c ac i d,bei ngmor epol art hanI sopent yl al cohol ,hasmor eofat endenc yt odi ss ol v ei nt heaqueous l ay erv s.t heor gani cl ay er .Theaqueousl ay ercanbeeas i l yr emovedbyext r act i on,us i ngs odi um bi car bonat eandwat er ,t her ebyr emovi ngmostoft heacet i cac i d.Ont heot herhand,ex ces s I sopent yl al cohol wi l l behar dert or emov e.I sopent yl al cohol i snotaspol arar eac et i cac i dand t her ef or enotass ol ubl ei nwat erasacet i caci d.Thi smeanst hatI sopent yl al cohol wi l l mos t l ybe di ss ol v edi nt heor gani cl ay eral ongwi t ht hees t er .Thi sc annotber emov edf r om ex t r ac t i onwi t h sodi um bi car bonat eandwat er .


How is the removal of excess acetic acid accomplished?


What is an emulsion? Why do emulsions form? How would an emulsion be treated?


What is the meaning of the term "forerun"?


The boiling point of Isopentyl alcohol is approx.130 °C. The boiling point of isopentyl acetate is approximately 142 °C. This experiment did not utilize fractional distillation to separate the acetate from the alcohol, therefore there may be some contamination. If the acetate is contaminated with some alcohol, how will this affect the acetate's refractive index numerical value? Explain and justify your answer.

I fi sopent y lac et at ei scont ami nat edwi t hs omeal coholt hen t heex per i ment al r ef r act i v ei ndexwhi chi schec k edt hr oughr ef r act r omet erwasnotcl oset ot he l i t er at ur er ef r act i v ei ndexasi ti sameas ur eoft hepur i t yoft hepr oduct . Hencei mpur i t i esl i k eal coholwhoseboi l i ngpoi nti sl owert hani sopent y l acet at ewhi chr esul t si n maki ngt hepr oductdenser ,i . ehi ghex per i ment al r ef r act i v ei ndext hanl i t er at ur er ef r act i v ei ndex bec auset heboi l i ngpoi nti sl ower ,andt her ef r ac t i v ei ndexi si nv er s el ypr opor t i onal t ot emper at ur e.

Tomi ni mi s et hi ser r orwoul dneedt ogetapur epr oduc t ,f ort hi st ohappendi s t i l l at i onr angewoul d hav et obes mal l er .


What are the reagents that are needed to make Isobutyl propionate using Fisher Esterification? What artificial flavor does this compound have? Provide the molecular structures for the reactants and products and the fisher reaction that synthesizes isobutyl propionate....

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