Report ON Cyber Forensics AND Information Technology-1 PDF

Title Report ON Cyber Forensics AND Information Technology-1
Author Muhammad Umer Hasnain
Course Forensic Psychology
Institution COMSATS University Islamabad
Pages 14
File Size 490.6 KB
File Type PDF
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 ABSTRACT  INTRODUCTION  BACKGROUND  Digital Criminology Pertinence  Challenges Faced  CYBER SECURITY INCI-DENT RESPONSE  Detection and Protection against Intrusion  Cyber Forensics Process  RECOMMENDED PRO-BABLE SOLUTIONS  Proposed Cyber Forensics  IMPLEMENTING CYBER ATTACK DETECTION TECHNIQUES i


























ABSTRACT The iescalation iof iData iand iInterchanges iInnovation iuse iin iall iaspects iof ilife iincredibly ienhance ithe ioccurrences iof idata isecurity istrategy ipenetrates, idigital iviolations, iextortion, ibusiness iwrongdoings, idigital iwashing iand iso iforth, ihenceforth irequire ia ivery imuch icreated iway ito ideal iwith itackle ithese iepisodes ito iacknowledge ilegitimately isolid icomputerized iproof. iSince ielectronic iproof iis idelicate iand ican iundoubtedly ibe ialtered, idiscovering ithis iinformation, igathering, isafeguarding, iand iintroducing iit iappropriately iin ia icourtroom iis ithe igenuine itest. iThere iis ia irequirement ifor iutilization iof isemantic iinvestigation ito ifind ihidden isecurity istrategy inecessities iand iinside iinfluence idesigns iand isystematization iof iagainst idigital iassault, iantimoneylaundering iand iadministrative iplans. iThe ispecialists ion icall ifor inetwork iprotection ioccurrences ifrequently ithan iconsistently iare ian iassociation iICT istaff iwho iare iin ifact isound ihowever imight ibe iinsufficient iin iinsightful iexpertise. iThe ilogical iprinciples iof idigital icriminology idirects ithe imethod ias iit iadvances iobjectivity, ian iexact iand iall iaround irecorded iexamination, iespecially ithat ithe idiscoveries iperhaps iutilized ias iproof iagainst ithe iassailant. iThis ipaper iintends ito iadd ito ithe iheadway iof ithe idigital ilegal isciences idiscipline iso ias ito ihelp ithe iGlobal ipeople igroup iin ibattling ithis irefined, icutting iedge, idynamic itruly ievolving imarvel. i(Golden iSchroader i,2013)

INTRODUCTION The iPC iwrongdoings iinfluence iour ievery iday ilives iand ipublic isafety iprofoundly, iparticularly iin ithis idata iage, ithe igrowing irush iof iWeb inetwork iand iadvanced iadvances ipresent ito ius ia igreat ideal iof ihelpful, isimultaneously ithey ilikewise ioffer ihoodlums imore iopportunity ito icarry iout iwrongdoing. iConventional ilaw irequirement iinstruments, iprocedures iand iorders idon't ieffectively iaddress ithe iidentification i, iexamination iand iindictment iof idigital iwrongdoing iand ithis idirects ifor ia iproactive imethodology, ifor iopportune iglobal iparticipation, iand ifor ipowerful iopen iprivate iorganizations ito iguarantee ithe iadvantage iover ihoodlums. iDigital icriminology imight ibe icharacterized ias ithe iway itoward iremoving iand ibreaking idown idata iand iinformation ifrom i PCs, iorganization iand icapacity imedias iand iensuring iits iexactness iand iunwavering iquality i or ithe iway itoward iexploring iwhat ihas ihappened iin ia iPC iframework, inetworks iand iso iforth, ihow ito ikeep iit ifrom irepeating, iand isetting iup ithe idegree iof ithe iharm i. iWith ithe iquick iimprovement iof ielectronic ibusiness iand iWeb iinnovation, idigital iwrongdoings ihave igotten imore inormal iand imodern. iEpisode iReaction iwith ithe iend igoal iof ithis ipaper imight ibe icharacterized ias iorganized iway ito ideal iwith itending ito iand idealing iwith ithe iresult iof ia isecurity ipenetrate ior iassault iand ithe icountermeasures. i(Golden iSchroader i,2013)


BACKGROUND Digital iwrongdoing iisn't iin ireality inew ithe ifirst irecorded idigital iwrongdoing ioccurred iin ithe iyear i1820. iIn i1820, iJoseph-Marie iJacquard, ia imaterial imaker iin iFrance, icreated ithe iloom iand ipermitted ithe ireiteration iof ia iprogression iof isteps iin ithe iweaving iof iexceptional itextures. iThis ibrought iabout idread iamong iJacquard's iworkers ithat itheir iconventional ibusiness iand ivocation iwere ibeing icompromised ithus idedicated idemonstrations iof itreachery ito ideter iJacquard ifrom iadditional iutilization iof ithe inew iinnovation i[1]. iIn iany icase, idigital iwrongdoing iis ithe imost irecent iand imaybe ithe imost imuddled iissue iin ithe idigital iworld, iand icomes iin ivarious istructures iand isizes inot iat iall ilike ithe itraditional iwrongdoing. iThis iinnovative iwrongdoing iconstrained ithe iadvancement iof idigital icriminology i[8] iand ioccurrence ireaction ito iaddress inetwork iprotection. i( iBarkha iet ial i,2017)

Digital Criminology Pertinence i



Digital iCriminology iPertinence iInnovation iis ia itwo isided ideal ithat ican ibe iutilized iin imonetary imanageability, ito i aid ithe icapture iof idigital ihoodlums iand iso iforth, iand ithere iare idifferent iinstruments i[6] ithat ican ihelp ilaw iauthorization ioffices iin iexamining idigital iwrongdoing icases iand iin idigital iwrongdoing iproof iassortment, idrafting iand imaking ihard iproof, ianyway ia isimilar iinnovation iperhaps iutilized iby idigital icrooks ito icarry iout ioffenses imore iterrible istill ithe imeasurable idevices imay ilikewise ibe iutilized iby ithese idigital ilawbreakers ito ihide itheir itracks ifor iexample ia icriminal imay iutilize ithe icircle iwipers ito iclean ithe ihard iplates idelivering icriminological idevices iimmobilized ito irecuperate iproof. iThere iare imajor iinsightful icontingents ithat idrive ithe iprerequisites ifor ilegal imethods iand iapparatuses iand iwith ithe iend igoal iof ithis iexamination iaccentuation iis ion ifive iclassifications; i • iLaw iImplementation icenters iaround isocial iaffair iproof i • iAssociations, iBusiness ior iweb ibased ibusiness i- ifinancial iaspects ifor iuse iin ikeeping ithe ibusiness ion itarget iutilizing isensibly ipowerful istrategies iand iguaranteeing isafe iinternet ibuying. i(Chong iK. iet. iAl. i2020) • iThe ischolarly icommunity iguarantees iexactness iof iresult idriven ifrom iexact, irepeatable istrategies. i

• iIndictments ielaboration iof ithe iexamination iin ia icourtroom i • iLegal iexecutive iinvestigating ithe idiscoveries iagainst ilegal iprinciples i At ithe ipoint iwhen ibasic iresources iand iframeworks igo iunder iassault, isecurity iexperts ishould ihave ithe ioption ito iaccumulate ielectronic iproof iand iuse ithat iproof ito ideal iwith ithe iindividuals iwho iare imindful. iDigital ihoodlums, ilegit iand iuntrustworthy irepresentatives istow iaway, iwipe, icamouflage,

disguise, iencode iand iannihilate iproof ifrom icapacity imedia iutilizing ian iassortment iof ifreeware, ishareware iand iindustrially iaccessible iutility iprojects. iSuch iassaults iare ifrequently ithe iaftereffects iof idifferent ioccasions ior ican ibe ionly ia imarker iof isomething ibigger. iLedgers ican ibe ihacked iand icharge icard isubtleties ican ibe itaken. iWhen isuch idigital iwrongdoings iare iperpetrated, iwe ineed icomputerized iproof ifor iexaminers ito iget ithe iguilty iparties. iIn ispite iof ithe ifact ithat idigital ilegal isciences iis idoing ian iincredible iarrangement ito ibattle ithis iwrongdoing, iit ifaces inumerous iissues ithat imust ibe imaneuvered icarefully. iPC iexperts ican idraw ion ia ivariety iof istrategies ifor ifinding iinformation ithat ilives iin ia iPC/PDA/SIM/Credit/Check icard ior irecuperating ierased, iencoded, ior iharmed idocument idata.The ipervasiveness iof iPC iinnovation iall ithrough ithe inon imilitary ipersonnel ipopulace iwill irequire ifull icultural icommitment iif ithe iWorldwide igoal iis ia iprotected ithe iinternet. iAs ithe icomputerized iclimate ifills iin iscale iand idegree, iso itoo iwill ithe irequirement ifor ia idigital icommunity iculture ito iarise ito ioversee iit. i(Chong iK. iet. iAl. i2020) i

Challenges Faced i

Difficulties iLooked iby ithe iWorld iCustomarily, iwrongdoing ihas ibeen icharacterized ias ia ideliberate infringement iof ithe ilawful icode ithat iis ideserving iof ithe ilaw. iWrongdoing ihappens iinside ithe ilimits iof ia iregion, istate, icountry ithat iestablishes ia iparticular ipurview. iFor iinstance, iwhen ia iregular iinstance iof iextortion ihappens i, ione iof ithe isignificant icontemplations iis ithe iplace iwhere ithe ireal ioffense ioccurred iso ithe ifitting ilocale ifor iexamination iand iarraignment ican ibe itended ito. iLaw iAuthorization iauthorities ineed ito iknow iwhere ithe iperson iin iquestion iand iwrongdoer icame iinto icontact iwith ieach iother iin ithe iexecution iof ithe ioffense iso ithat iinsightful iand iprosecutorial iauthority ican ibe iresolved. iThe imost iunmistakable inature iof idigital iwrongdoing ifrom iconventional ione iis iborderless iand imysterious i. iBy ithe iassistance iof iinescapable iorganization iinnovation idigital iwrongdoing imay icover iterritories, idistricts, iand inations. iFor iagents, isecurity iexperts iit iis itruly idifficult ito iget ithe igenuine iimage iof ithe ientire iwrongdoing imeasure ion iaccount iof iscattered icomponents iin ibetter iplaces. iSince inew idigital iviolations iemerge iby ithe ijump iimprovement iof itelecom iand idata iinnovations, ithey ishould iface isuch idifficulties iwith ian ientirely iunexpected iidea iand ispecialized iabilities i

(Chong iK. iet. iAl. i, i2020)








In ithe ipresent idiverse icomputerized iworld iit iis iinflexible ito ibroadly iget iready, idesign iand ihave iall iaround ireported isystems iand itechniques iset iup ifor iepisode ireaction, iwith ithe iinformation ithat ithe ioccurrence imight ibe iextraordinary iand idiscoveries iperhaps iintroduced iunder ithe isteady igaze iof icourt iand ithe icriticality iof ithe ioccurrence iturnaround itime. i( iBarkha iet ial i,2017) i

Detection and Protection against Intrusion i





The iWorldwide ipeople igroup ishould ibe idevoted ito ibattling icybercrime iand iassisting iwith iensuring iyour ionline iexperience. iNot iexclusively ido iprogramming isellers ibuild iup ithe iworld's idriving isecurity iprogramming ito ibe iutilized iworldwide iyet isome ieven ilead ibroad iinvestigation iinto ithe inature iand idevelop iof ithe iincendiary icybercriminal iworld. iThis iinformation iis igenerally ishared iuniversally ito igive iworldwide iassurance iagainst ian ieverchanging ifight iground. iWeb iSecurity iand idifferent iutilities ienable ibusiness iand ipeople ito ideny icybercriminal iassaults iand ihold ithem iback ifrom iunleashing idestruction ion ibusiness, ifamily, iaccounts, inotoriety, iand ieven ilife. iThe ibest iinsurances iare icautious iframework iplan, ithe iutilization iof iitems ito idistinguish iknown iinfections iand iframework iinterruptions, iand iclient iinstruction, iand iobviously ithe iutilization iof iInterruption iDiscovery iFramework i(IDS). iEvery iassociation's iexecution iof inetwork isafety inecessities iought ito iadvance ias iinnovation iprogresses iday iby iday iand inew i dangers ito isecurity iemerge. iThe iGlobal inetwork iprotection iis ibeing iundermined iin ilight iof ithe ifact ithat ia isignificant icomponent iin ibuilding iup iit iisn't ibeing isufficiently istressed, iresident imindfulness iand iinterest iis ilingering ibehind. iNeutralizing iassociated iyet ipitifully isecured iPC iframeworks, iprogrammers ican itake idata i[9], imake ithe iframeworks ibreakdown iby isending ithem ibogus iorders iand idegenerate ithe iframeworks iwith icounterfeit idata. iIn iany icase, idiscouragement iought ito ibe isought iafter ias ian

alleviation imethodology, iin ilight i of ithe ifact ithat ieven irestricted iachievements ican iforestall isome iwrongdoing iepisodes iand igive isome iinsurance ifrom ian iinexorably isignificant iissue. i


(Chong iK. iet. iAl. i2020)

Cyber Forensics Process i


The iincrement iin iPC irelated iwrongdoing ihas icaused ilaw-requirement iorganizations ito ihold ionto advanced iproof ias iorganization ilogs, itext irecords, irecordings iand ipictures. iIn iexplicit icases ilike ithose iincluding ipsychological iwarfare i[19], ithe ineed ito iextricate iand ibreak idown ieach iconceivable ipiece iof iproof igets isignificant. iLogically, ithe iconsequences iof ithe idigital iexamination iought ito ihave ithe ioption ito iwithstand ilawful iinvestigation. iSubtleties iof iimaging iconsistently iassume ia icritical ipart iin isetting iup ithe ibelievability iof iadvanced iproof iin ia idigital iwrongdoing icase. iWhen iresearching ithe icrime ilocation i[15], ithe ilegal ispecialists ican ijust isee ia iPC, ia ifew iphone ilines, iand iso iforth iThe iPC, i the iorganization iand ithe icell iphone iare ijust igadget ithat iproof ican ibe iidentified ifrom, iadvanced iproof istarts ito iassume ia icritical ipart ias iof inow, iand ithis iis ithe icutting iedge ilocation iof icrime ithat ithe ifeasible inon ispecialized ilaw irequirement i[9] ineeds ito ireact ito. iInformation ion ithe ibest iway ito irecover icomputerized iproof iis ian iessential, ihow ito irecuperate ierased ior iharmed idata, ihow ito isave iadvanced iproof, iand iso ion iLikewise, iComputerized iproof, iby iits iactual inature, iis iextremely idelicate iand ican ibe ichanged, iharmed, ior iannihilated idue ito iinappropriate itaking icare iof ior iassessment. iSo iit iis isignificant ithat iadvanced iproof iought ito ibe iled iby iexperienced iPC imeasurable iexaminers. iThe imaster iat ithat ipoint iinspects ithe iadvanced iproof iand igives ia ilast ireport iabout ithe idemonstration iwhined iof ias ia iwrongdoing. iThis ireport iis ian iassurance iof iwhether ia ifollow iup ion ia iPC iwas ia ipenetrate iof iany ienactment ior inot. iThe ireport ishould ibe ievenhanded, iin iview iof iundeniable irealities, isince ilaw iauthorities iwill iassociate ithe isuspect ipast isensible iuncertainty ito ithe iwrongdoing, iand ithis idirects ifor iproficient ilawful iexhortation iparticularly iat ithis istage. iThe ipresence iof ian iadministrative istructure iand ilaws iproviding ifood ifor idigital iwrongdoings iin ithe ination iare ivery iunique, iwhat imay iestablish ia iwrongdoing imay inot ireally ibe ia iwrongdoing iin ithe icountry ithat ithe idigital icriminal idwell ior iincited ithe iwrongdoing. i(Chong iK. iet. iAl i, i2020) i








Everything ithat ithe iGlobal ipeople igroup ican imanage iis isafeguarding ihumankind's icomputerized irights ito iassist ithem iwith ihaving ifull ioversight iof itheir ionline iexperience, ithrough iyearly ipreparing iof ithe igeneral ipopulation ion iNetwork isafety. iThe ipublic ioutfitted iwith ithis isort iof idata imay irealize ihow ito iexecute ibetter ionline isecurity iand ieventually ibe ifree ifrom iany idanger ion ithe iinternet. iAt ithe ipoint iwhen ilaw irequirement ispecialists ienter iPC icrime ilocation, ithey ishould irealize iwhere ito isearch ifor ihelpful idata, iwhere iactivities ihistory iis ikept iup, ihow irecords iare ierased iand ihow ito iutilize imeasurable iapparatuses i[2] ito iassemble ior irecuperate ierased idocuments ior iharmed irecords. iIn iaddition, iPC icriminological iexperts ishould irealize ihow ito isecure iand iprotect icomputerized iproof; ithey ilikewise ineed ito irealize ihow ito iintroduce ithe iadvanced iproof iin icourt. iIn ithis iadvanced iperiod, iPC icriminology ifield iis iin iincredible ineed iof ithis isort iof iexperts iand ithis imust ibe imanaged iwith ilegitimate iand iexhaustive ipreparing iof iall iconcerned ibeing iadjudicators, ilaw iauthorization ispecialists iand iinvestigators. iDigital icrooks iwill itry ireally ihard ito idarken itheir itracks, ias isuch idrawing ia iconclusive iguide iof idigital iwrongdoing iis ithe ispecific iscience iand iexpecting iany ination ihas isole irights ito iany iwrongdoing iwould ibe ia imix-up. iThe iabsence iof icoherence iand ifulfillment iof iproof ican ibargain ithe ilawful iposition. iIt iis iadditionally inecessitated ithat ithe icourt ibe ifulfilled ithat ithe iproof ihas inot ibeen ichanged iand iis itotally isolid. iFor i this, ihowdy itech ispecialized ioffices, icreation iof iaccess icontrol imeasures, itime istamps ior iother isupporting iproof iought ito ibe iutilized ifor iadvanced iproof iuprightness iconfirmation. iThere i is idesperate irequirement ifor iconsistent isurvey iof icurrent ienactment ion iglobal ilevel, ian iassessment iof ihow igovernments iinterface iwith ithe iprivate iarea iand ia ithought iof ithe ipossibilities ifor iworldwide icollaboration iand iarrangements. iAlbeit ithe iworld iappreciates ihuge imonetary iadvantages ifrom iWeb iimprovement, ithe iindividual igovernments ineed ito iattempt ito ikeep iup iclose icommand iover ithe ibroadcast icommunications iindustry, iand ithe ipublic iutilization iof iWeb, ito ibattle iheightening idigital iwrongdoings. iAll itogether ifor ithe iworld ito iwin ithe iconflict iagainst idigital iwrongdoing,

there iis ia isurprising ineed ito ibuild iup ia idevoted iDigital icell i[20] iin ievery icountry iand ilocale iwhich iwon't ibasically iidentify iyet iadditionally iforestall idifferent idigital iviolations ithat iare iperpetrated iday iby iday. iIt iis ilikewise ifundamental ifor inations iall ithroughout ithe iplanet, ithe ischolarly iworld, ibusiness/industry iand ithe iglobal ilocal iarea ito iconcoct ia iWorldwide iDigital iExploration iUnit ito ikeep iBest iPractice, istrategies, ipreparing, inot ito imention ithe iInnovative iwork iside iby iside iwith ithe ialways ievolving iinnovation. i(Chong iK. iet. iAl. i,2020) i

Proposed Cyber Forensics i


Model iFor iassociations, ibusiness iand iindustry ito iprepare ifor ithe iinterruption, iworm, imechanized iassault iagainst itheir iframeworks, iexplicit icontrols, igame iplan ifor ireacting ito iassault ior iPC iepisode ican iextraordinarily ilessen ithe iresultant iexpense iand ifurthermore isaving ithem iawful iexposure, iloss iof ipublic icertainty iand iloss iof ibusiness. iConsequently ithe iexecution iof ia iPC iOccurrence iReaction iGroup iwhether iframed iwith iinside ior ioutside iassets iis imandatory, ito imake ipreparations ifor iemergency iand imay ihave iimportant iprofit ifrom ispeculations. iThis imight ibe ithe iinitial istep ifrom ithat ipoint istandard iworking isystems iand ibest ipractices ishould ibe iformed iand ithe ispecialized iinnovative iwork ibe iset iup ito iguarantee ireadiness iin imanaging ithe ideveloping, iconsistently ievolving iweaknesses. iThe imodel irequires iarrangement iof ioccurrences iwhich iwill ibe iin itwo isections ithe idisposition iof idata iand ithe inature iand icomplexity iof ithe iframework iin iquestion. iThis iwill ibe idependent iupon ithe ikind iof iundermined iframeworks ito iwork iwith ithe imixture iof iaptitude ito ihandle ithe imatter ieventually idecide ithe ...

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