Report Outline Sample PDF

Title Report Outline Sample
Author romelen ceniza
Course Communications I
Institution Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Pages 4
File Size 141.8 KB
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part of creating a report process and is very essential for the final report...


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Comm1101 Section Number

REPORTOUT L I NEEV AL UATI ON Da t ed u e : Da t es u b mi t t e d : 1–n o t y e t 2–e me r g i n g 3–d e v e l o p i n g 4–e ff e c t i v e 5-s t r o n g

Re p o r tPa c k a g e

F o r ma t t i ng

Pu r po s eSt a t e me n t

I n t r o d u c t i o n& Co n c l u s i o n

      

Su b mi t i np r o p e r f o l d e r wi t ho t h e rr e p o r t d o c u me n t s T i d y , we l l o r g a n i z e d , p r e s e n t a b l e I n c l u d e sy o u r n a me , c o u r s es e c t i o n Ev a l u a t i o nc h e c k l i s t c o mp l e t e d Sh o r t p h r a s e su s e d Bu l l e t e dl i s t u s e d Nof u l l s e n t e n c e so rp a r a gr a p h s

De d u c t i o n s

. 5

 Pu r p o s es t a t e me n t p r o v i d e da t t h eb e g i n n i n go f o u t l i n e    

. 5

I n t r o d u c t o r yp a r a g r a p ho u t l i n e db r i e fl y Pu r p o s ea n do v e r v i e wo u t l i n e db r i e fl y Re s e a r c hme t h o d o l o g yo u t l i n e db r i e fl y Co n c l u s i o no u t l i n e db r i e fl y


 3b o d ys e c t i o n so u t l i n e d  Cl e a r l ya n dl o g i c a l l yo r g a n i z e di d e a s Bo d y : Or g a n i z a t i on  He a d i n gp r o v i d e df o r e a c hb o d ys e c t i o n

Bo d y : De t a i l

Bo d y : I n t e x t c i t a t i o n s

Pr o g r e s sc h e c k


 Ea c hs e c t i o nc o n t a i n ss u b p o i n t s  Su ffic i e n t i n f o r ma t i o nt ou n d e r s t a n dr e p o r t

 L oc a t i o no fv i s ua l no t e di nbo l d/ h i gh l i gh t e d( . 5i fmi s s i n g)  I nt e x t c i t a t i o nsp r o v i d e dwi t he a c hb o d ys e c t i o no rs u b p o i n t ; a l l i d e a sn e e dt ob ec i t e d !  Su b mi t t e do n t i me  Su b mi t t e dl a t e o Nu mb e ro f d a y sl a t e : o Re a s o nf o r l a t es u b mi s s i o n :



De d u c t i o n s

Co ur s eMa r k



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Comm1101 Section Number

The purpose of this report is to inform or persuade my audience that (explain what you want your audience to know) because (explain why your audience wants to know this).

Introduction 1. Introduce topic (one paragraph) a. Make your reader care b. Provide background 2. Purpose and overview (one paragraph) c. What is my purpose statement? d. What are the 3-4 sections of the body of the report? Why did I organize the report like this? 3. Research methodology (one paragraph) e. What steps did I use when researching the topic? f. How did determine whether my sources were credible or not? g. Which sources are of particular interest? Do I want/need to highlight any sources? h. Did I have any problems while researching the reader should know about?

Body 1. Heading (approx. 1 page in total) a. First idea to support this section (in-text citation) i. Information/explanation/detail/description/definition/example/anecdote ii. How does this idea support the report purpose? b. Second idea to support this section (in-text citation) i. information/explanation/detail/description/definition/example/anecdote ii. How does this idea support the report purpose? c. Third idea to support this section (in-text citation) i. information/explanation/detail/description/definition/example/anecdote ii. How does this idea support the report purpose? d. Concluding thought that links this body section to the overall report

2. Heading (approx. 1 page in total) a. Repeat pattern from body section 1

3. Heading (approx. 1 page in total) a. Repeat pattern from body section 1

Conclusion 1. What ideas do I want my reader to remember most? (one paragraph) a. What important points from the body would I like to restate here to emphasize? 2. How can I tie all the report ideas together and leave the reader with a purpose? (one paragraph) a. What insights can I share with my audience create a complete “picture” of my purpose? b. What can I add to ensure my audience understands why the report is important? c. Do I have any recommendations to make? d. What final thought can I leave my reader with?

Report Outline Sample (This is MY report outline; do NOT use it as a template) 2

Student Name

Comm1101 Section Number

The purpose of this report is to inform the writers about the most common aspects of composing a research report to articulate that a research report is not so difficult to create if you break the whole process down in to small steps, and then follow them.

Introduction 2. Introduce topic (one paragraph) a. Acknowledge the difficulty of report writing b. Explain what a report is 3. Purpose and overview (one paragraph) a. Purpose statement b. The reader will be able to comfortably use the steps outlined in this report to create one of his or

her own c. Planning, researching, outlining, drafting, revising 4. Research methodology (one paragraph) a. Variety: online, database, interview b. Credibility c. Interview with Deborah Campbell, instructor

Body 1. Getting Started (approx. 1 page in total) a. Introduce section (Henderson, 2016) i. Emphasize importance of each stage b. Planning i. Narrow topic and determine purpose (Henderson, 2016) ii. Understand audience (Victoria Business School, 2016) c. Researching (in-text citation) i. Find out what others say on the topic (Henderson, 2016) ii. Add your analysis (Faigley, 2007) iii. Documentation (Henderson, 2016) d. Creating a work plan (Campbell interview)

2. Getting Organized (approx. 1 page in total) a. Introduce section (Berry, n.d.) i. Clear focus ii. Hard work b. Layout of outline (Henderson, 2016) i. Main idea ii. 3 main points iii. Evidence/support iv. INSERT VISUAL

3. Getting It On Paper (approx. 1 page in total) a. Introduce section


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Comm1101 Section Number

i. Use the outline to begin writing b. Writing


i. ii. Producing i. ii.

Don’t think about producing, focus on writing (Berry, n.d.) Engage audience, be clear about fact and analysis, truth (Campbell interview) Edit, revise, proofread independently (Rothbauer-Wanish, 2012) Plan each stage

Conclusion 1. Restate key ideas (one paragraph) b. It’s work c. Purpose and audience (Quote from Montante, 2005b, p.36) d. Gather and analyze (Quote from Montante, 2005a, p.36) e. Cite f. Outline g. Revise 2. Acknowledge audience reluctance (one paragraph) e. Dry and tedious vs interesting and engaging f. Follow report conventions


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