Report Phy-3-Force and Motion PDF

Title Report Phy-3-Force and Motion
Author Nabilla Salsabilla
Course General Physics I Lab
Institution Broward College
Pages 15
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32GSCI1105L – GENERAL PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I LAB REPORTFORCE AND MOTIONArranged by: Nabila Salsabillah Effendi (2019370086) Stephen (2019370100) Section A Lab Execution: September 23, 2020 Submission Date: September 29, 2020 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SAM...



Arranged by: Nabila Salsabillah Effendi (2019370086) Stephen (2019370100) Section A Lab Execution: September 23, 2020 Submission Date: September 29, 2020 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SAMPOERNA UNIVERSITY

Abstract The objective of “Force and Motion” experiment is to explore the forces acting on a body that rests on Earth surface, to explore unbalance forces, to understand the effect of the forces of friction during the motion of objects. Another purpose of this experiment is to explore experimentally the Second Newton’s Law. By explore the second Newton’s Law, the students can know the relation between force, mass and acceleration. In this online simulation, we still used the PhET website “Force and Motion” to conduct ‘Motion along a straight line with constant acceleration’. This experiment will cover 3 sub-experiments, which are Net force, Motion and Friction. Keywords: constant, increase, decrease, velocity, force, mass and acceleration.


Table of Content Cover Sheet …………………………………………………………………………………….1 Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………...1 Table of Content ………………………………………………………………………………..2 List of Figure and Table ………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………....4 CHAPTER 2: THEORY AND BACKGROUND ……………………………………………...5 2.1 Phet Colorado Simulation Website ……………………………………………………...5 2.2 Equations ………………………………………………………………………………...6 CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND DOCUMENTATION ………………..7 CHAPTER 4: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE …………………………………………….. 8 CHAPTER 5: PRESENTATION OF RESULTS ……………………………………………...11 CHAPTER 6: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS …………………………….. 13 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION ……………………………....14 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………..15


List of Figure and Table Figure 1. Phet Colorado Website .................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Force and motion: Basic via Phet Colorado Website ...................................................... 7 Figure 3. sum of force, values and speed ........................................................................................ 8 Figure 4. Net force simulation ........................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5. Motion's Display.............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 6. Motion simulation ........................................................................................................... 9 Figure 7. Friction's Display ........................................................................................................... 10 Figure 8. Normal Force vs Static Friction Force ......................................................................... 11 Figure 9. Normal force vs Kinetic Friction Force......................................................................... 12 Table 1. the data of an object with certain mass values to start moving the object ...................... 11 Table of an object with certain mass values to keep the object moving ............................ 12


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION [1] The understanding of any natural process can be used to make accurate predictions about it and to also develop new technology. [1] For example, knowledge of the laws of motion and force allows for the times of eclipses to be predicted well in advance. The aim of learn physics is that we try to have better understanding in science especially in Newton’s Law. Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was a physicist who studied the motion of objects. Newton described that (1) a stationary object will remain stationary unless an external force acts on it, (2) the change in an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it, and (3) every force has an equal and opposite force. For this chapter, it contains more about the Newton’s second law. It is desire to know about the forces acting on a body that rests on Earth surface. It also leads the student to gain the better understand about the effect of the forces of friction during the motion of objects. By conduct this experiment, the student also can explore the relation between force, mass and acceleration. In this virtual experiment, we use PhET website to conduct the ‘Force and Motion’ chapter and it divided into three parts. Which is net force, motion and friction. It is possible to define a force simply as a push or pull acting on an object. You apply a force that pushes the door, for instance, when you push or pull on a doorknob. Forces may be defined as touch or non-contact, in addition to a push or a pull. An example of a contact force is moving a box across the floor; the force to move the box is exerted by your hands, which are in contact with the box.


CHAPTER 2: THEORY AND BACKGROUND [2] An intuitive definition of force—that is, a push or a pull—is a good place to start. [2] We know that a push or a pull has both magnitude and direction (therefore, it is a vector quantity), so we can define force as the push or pull on an object with a specific magnitude and direction.[2] Force can be represented by vectors or expressed as a multiple of a standard force. Force and Motion is the chapter that we learn from the virtual lab of Phet Colorado in this virtual experiment. 2.1 Website of Phet Colorado Simulation In order to have a simulation to help the student do an experiment from home, Phet Colorado is a virtual lab that can be accessed with an internet connection. There are a few components in this virtual laboratory that could assist the student to simulate how a motion actually operates and measure it by simulating the basic force and motion.

Figure 1. Phet Colorado Website

By using the Phet Colorado Website, it helps the student to conduct the experiment because through this experiment we can gather the data, have the knowledge based on daily activities simulation that may easily understand.


2.2 Equations The second law of motion of Newton pertains to the conduct of artifacts with which not all current forces are balanced. The second law states that two variables-the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object-depend on the acceleration of an object. An object's acceleration depends directly on the net force acting upon the object, and inversely on the object's mass. The acceleration of the object is increased as the force acting on an object is increased. As an object's mass increases, the object's acceleration decreases. In order to analyze the data and answer some of the question provided by the lab module. There is some equation that must be done first. One of the examples is that the equation needed to find the resultant forces, which will be displayed below: 𝐹 = 𝐹1 + 𝐹2 + 𝐹3 … (1) Different forces direction will result in different resultant force. Meanwhile, another example of the equation that will be used is the equation to find the weight, which is below: Fw = mg (2) Another equation that will again be used is the equation to find the magnitude of the normal force, which is has the same value as the magnitude of the weight: 𝐹𝑛 = 𝐹w (3) With Fn is normal forces and Fw is the weight force of the object. To find slope of the graph we use: m = 𝑦2−𝑦 𝑦1 𝑥 2−𝑥 𝑥 1 (4) The slope found is the friction coefficient that symbolized by 𝜇. There are two type of friction that is static friction and kinetic friction the formula to find its forces is: Fs = 𝜇sN (5) Fk = 𝜇kN (6) With 𝜇s is static friction coefficient. 𝜇k is kinetic friction coefficient. Fs is the static friction forces, Fk is kinetic friction forces, and N is the external forces. 6

CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND DOCUMENTATION This time, we still gather the data and learn using Phet Colorado simulation. So, basically, we just need the internet connection and open the link that provided on the Lab Module 3. In this ‘Force and Motion: Basic’ there are 4 sub-theme which are Net force, motion, friction and acceleration.

Figure 2. Force and motion: Basic via Phet Colorado Website


CHAPTER 4: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE This experiment was divided into three parts. The first part is exploring the Net force. After clicking the ‘Net Force’ part, select the checkboxes that consists of Sum of forces, Values and speed in Figure 3. This checkbox helps us to know the value of each function based on the simulation.

Figure 3. sum of force, values and speed

There are some rope’s puller that have different size, each of them represent the magnitude of the force. For this part we used the 200N force for the left rope and 150N right rope. Next, click ‘Go’. By simulated this, we can know what the magnitude and the direction of resultant force is, also the direction where is the car moved. While we did the simulation, we also observe the speedometer on the car to see what is happening with the velocity. Below is figure 4 that display the part we did before.

Figure 4. Net force simulation

For the next part of this experiment, we click on ‘Motion’ and the display will show on figure 5.


Figure 5. Motion's Display

After that, we select the checkboxes that consist of force, values, masses and speed. This box helps us to know the value of each function. We just need to Push the skateboard and the box with a force of 500N. It shows on figure 6.

Figure 6. Motion simulation

Last part, we explore the friction by clicking on ‘Friction’ that show on figure 7. Then, Select the checkboxes: Forces, Sum of Forces, Values, Masses and Speed. Keep the knob that regulates the friction at the center of the scale.


Figure 7. Friction's Display

Start to push the box, increasing the force applied on the box slowly. Once the box start moving, the magnitude of the resultant force increase instantaneously. Push the box and find the force needed to make the box to start moving. Add more mass (box, kid, man, refrigerator, basket as needed) and repeat the procedure such that the gather them to the table 1.


CHAPTER 5: PRESENTATION OF RESULTS Table 1. the data of an object with certain mass values to start moving the object

Mass (kg)

Weight (N) 50 490.5 90 882.9 130 1275.3 150 1471.5 180 1765.8

Normal Force Force of Static Friction (N) (N) 490.5 126 882.9 226 1275.3 326 1471.5 376 1765.8 451

Force of Static Friction (N)

Normal Force vs. Force of Static Friction 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0





Normal Force (N)

Figure 8. Normal Force vs Static Friction Force

𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =

Δ𝑦 = 0.254842 Δ𝑥


Table of an object with certain mass values to keep the object moving

Mass (kg)

Weight (N) 50 490.5 90 882.9 130 1275.3 150 1471.5 180 1765.8

Normal Force Force of Kinetic Friction (N) (N) 490.5 94 882.9 169 1275.3 244 1471.5 281 1765.8 338

Normal Force vs. Force of Kinetic Friction Force of Kinetic Friction (N)

400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0





Normal Force (N) Figure 9. Normal force vs Kinetic Friction Force.

𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =

Δ𝑦 = 0.1911315 Δ𝑥


CHAPTER 6: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS We can obtain that with 200 N forces to the left and 150 N forces to the left from the first experiment. The cart would go left with 50 N force, the resulting force and direction to the left. The speed also rises in line with time. We know from the second experiment, that the velocity would increase rapidly due to time, giving the skateboard 500 N forces. For the last experiment, we can conclude that the friction came up when an object has a motion at the opposing force is the friction force. Any object can move immediately if there any external force exist the static friction for at its maximum value. By using any other variables, we can gather the data as in the Table 1 then we represent the data as in a graph 1. Then we can determine the coefficient of static friction force by finding the slope from the graph. Answering number 9 in experiment part 3 “Friction”, there is an Aluminum by assuming that the first material is. The second content should be chromium (27), since it is the closest value to the coefficient of friction found (25.4). After that, we discovered that the forces necessary to keep the object going were smaller than the forces needed to start going the object. This is a kinetic friction called this one. We discovered the outcome of Table 2 by playing with various variables. Then we can find the kinetic friction coefficient by finding the slope using the calculation. And then by using Aluminum as a foundation material, aluminum considers that the second material used to achieve these is aluminum and PTFE (19) as they are the closest.


CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION We observed Newton's Second Law of Motion in this experiment. In part one, we explore the net force that work on a thing then we can know the direction of the force magnitude if thing obtained force from left and right at the different newton, indicating that good results were obtained. In part two, we explore the motion. And for the last part, we explore something that obtain a force and have mass will start moving then we observe the magnitude of the resultant force increase instantaneously. Overall, strong results were obtained, demonstrating the core principal of Newton's Second Law of Motion


REFERENCES [1] Srivastava, Himanshu & Chari, Rama & Shrivastava, Pragya. (2013). Motion & Force Part1.[Accessed: 28-Sep-2020] [2] Libretexts, “5.2: Forces” Physics LibreTexts, 08-Sep-2020. [Online]. Available: nStax)/Map%3A_University_Physics_I__Mechanics_Sound_Oscillations_and_Waves_(OpenStax)/05%3A_Newton's_Laws_of_Motion/ 5.02%3A_Forces. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2020].


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