Research Log Template - Part of Project 2 PDF

Title Research Log Template - Part of Project 2
Course English Composition Ii
Institution Middle Tennessee State University
Pages 3
File Size 116.9 KB
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Part of Project 2, include sources ...


1 Baines ENGL 1020 S18 Ms Baines Project Two Research Log For step 5 of Project Two, you are to create a research log that contains at least 4 sources to be used in the ways indicated under step 5 of the assignment sheet. Please use the template on p.2 to create a chart for each of the four entries. Below is an example of what a completed chart for the type of source listed as “a.” on the assignment sheet.

Researcher: Patricia L. Baines Research Topic: Does incorporating creativity into a composition assignment lead to stronger student engagement and improved understanding of skills transfer? Citation Method Used: MLA

EXAMPLE: Source: a. Find a source that supports a point you make. Sour c e Ar t i c l e Sullivan, Patrick. “The UnEssay: Making Room for Creativity in the Composition Classroom.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 67, no. 1, 01 Sept. 2015, pp. 6-34. EBSCOhost, Ci t a t i on url= direct=true&db=edselc&AN=edselc.2-52.0-84940174648&site=edslive&scope=site Da t a ba s e Scopus us e d/ Da t e Se a r c ht e r ms “composition classroom”, creativity us e d Si gni fic a n c e Directly related to the topic t ot opi c Not e s / Quot e s / While Sullivan’s thesis doesn’t explicitly address student engagement or skills Conv e r s a t i ons transfer, it does support the idea that including a creative component in assignments helps students develop a broader understanding of writing that

2 Baines moves it beyond the type of writing typically associated with a composition classroom or even the type of writing performed in an academic setting. Because of this, the way Sullivan discusses writing promotes the idea of skills transfer.

3 Baines Blank template: Researcher: Research Topic: Citation Method Used:

Source: Sour c e Ci t a t i on Da t a ba s e us e d/ Da t e Se a r c ht e r ms us e d Si gni fic a n c e t ot opi c Not e s / Quot e s / Conv e r s a t i ons

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