Research Methodology MCQS PDF

Title Research Methodology MCQS
Author Muhammad Ali
Course Research Methodology
Institution Khyber Medical University
Pages 6
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Research Methodology MCQS...


1. Writing a literature review requires: a) Planning b) Clear writing 2. A research is: a) A lab experiment b) A report

c) Good writing d) All of the above c) A systematic inquiry d) A procedure

3. Why do you need to review the existing literature? a) To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance with lots of reference b) Because without it, you could never reach the required word count c) To find out what is already known about your area of interest d) To help in your general study 4. Which of the following studies is based on the qualitative research? a) A study examining client’s reaction to stress after open heart surgery b) A study measuring nutrition and weight loss/gain in clients with cancer c) A study examining number of cigarettes smoking per day and the probability of lung cancer d) A study measuring differences in blood pressure before, during and after a procedure 5. Which of the following methods allows the use of any group of research subjects? a) Purposive b) Convenience 6. Pick the odd one out: Probability sampling can be: a) Simple random sampling b) Stratified random sampling

c) Snowball d) Quota

c) Systematic random sampling d) Convenience sampling

7. Pick the odd one out: From the objective point of view research can be: a) Exploratory research b) Explanatory research

c) Descriptive research d) Quantitative research

8. There are 20 participants in a study and one is interested to select a sample of size 5 by using a systematic random sampling technique. Which units of the population be included in the sample? a) 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 c) 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 b) 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 d) 2,8,12,16 and 20 9. . ___________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules. a. Sample c. Statistic b. Population d. Element 10. General ethical principles are: a) Beneficence b) Justice

c) Respect d) All of the above

11. Pick the odd one out: A good literature review is: a) Synthesis of available research b) An annotated bibliography

c) Critical evaluation d) Has appropriate depth and breadth

12. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables? a) Age temperature income height b) Grade point average, anxiety level, reading performance c) Gender religion ethnic group 13. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample? a. Choosing volunteers from an introductory psychology class to participate b. Listing the individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proportion from within each ethnic group at random. c. Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using a random number table to pick cases from the table. d. Randomly selecting schools, and then sampling everyone within the school. 14. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called a) Categorical variable b) Dependent variable c) Independent variable intervening variable 15. Why it is important for a researcher to review the literature? a) Because it shows time has been spent on the subject b) Because it identifies like-minded researchers c) Because it is traditional d) Because it will find if anyone has done the before 16. Before searching you should define the time frame of your search .why? a) So you don’t find the library busy b) So you work when you are most efficient c) So you don’t incur unnecessary costs d) So you find the most articles 17. When planning your literature search you need to: a) Have clearly defined research questions and objectives b) Define the parameters of your research c) Generate key words and search terms d) All of the above 18. A variable that is not influenced by or not dependent on other variables in experiments is called: a) Independent variable b) Dependent variable

c) Experimental variable

19. Which is the characteristic of research a) Data are collected systematically b) Data are interpreted systematically c) There is clear purpose to find out things d) All of the above 20. A literature review is based on the assumption that: a) Copy from the work of others b) Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others c) Knowledge disaccumulates d) None of the above options 21. Statistics is used by researcher to: a) Analyze the empirical data collected in a study b) Make their findings sound better c) Operationally define their variables d) Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

22. Study and research that seeks to solve practical problems are: a) Basic research b) Applied research c) Exploratory research 23. One step that is not included in planning a research study is: a) Identifying the research problem b) A review of current research c) Statement of the research question d) Conduction a meta analysis of the research e) Developing research plan 24. A qualitative research question : a) Asks a question about some process or phenomenon to be explored b) Is generally an open ended question c) Both a and b are correct d) None of the above 25. The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of : a) Cost and time required to conduct the study b) skills required of the researcher c) potential ethical concerns d) all of the above 26. When each member of a population has an equally likely chance of being selected, this is called: a. A nonrandom sampling method b. A quota sample c. A snowball sample d. An Equal probability selection method 27. Which of the following will give a more “accurate” representation of the population from which a sample has been taken? a. A large sample based on the convenience sampling technique b. A small sample based on simple random sampling c. A large sample based on simple random sampling d. A small cluster sample 28. People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are used in the sampling method called ______. a. Simple random sampling b. Cluster sampling

c. Systematic sampling d. Convenience sampling

29. In which of the following nonrandom sampling techniques does the researcher ask the research participants to identify other potential research participants? a. Snowball b. Convenience

c. Purposive d. Quota

30. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as _________. a. Sampling b. Census

c. Survey research d. Randomization

31. The directors of a graduate program in educational research wish to see what types of jobs their graduates take after they finish their program. They randomly sample students from the program and have them fill out questionnaires with items asking about the types of jobs they

have had. They also are asked to describe the roles they play in their current positions. This a. Descriptive c. Explanatory project is best described as having what kind of objective: b. explorative d. correlation 32. When research is done to test hypotheses and theories about how and why phenomena operate as they do, then the primary purpose of such research is: a. Descriptive b. Predictive c. Explanatory 33. In cross sectional studies we observe : a) Exposure in present and outcome in future b) Outcome in present and exposure in past c) Exposure and outcome at same time 34. In Cohort studies we observe: a) Exposure in present and outcome in future b) Outcome in present and exposure in past c) Exposure and outcome at same time 35. In Case Control studies we observe: a) Exposure in present and outcome in future b) Outcome in present and exposure in past c) Exposure and outcome at same time 36. The group that receives the experimental treatment condition is the _____. a. Experimental group b. Control group

c. Participant group d. Independent group

37. The group that does not receive the experimental treatment condition is the ________. a. Experimental group b. Control group

c. Treatment group d. Independent group

38. In systematic sampling, population is 200 and selected sample size is 50 then sampling interval is a) 250 b) 0.25

c) 4 d) 40

39. According to Hulley et al., 2001 FINER formula, FINER stands for: a) Fine, interesting, novel, easy, relevant b) Feasible, invisible, nests, ethical, reliable c) Feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant 40. Which one is not true about basic research? a) Attempt to expand the limits of knowledge. b) Not directly involved in the solution to a pragmatic problem. c) To test theory or to discover more about a concept d) Try to answer the question How and Why? 55. What is purpose of the conclusion of the research report. A. it explains how concept is operationally Define and measured contain a useful review of the relevant literature. C.It defines the Methodological ………….. D……………………………………. 56. Which of the following is not the date collection method ? A.Research questioners

B.Un-structure Interview Postal survey Questioner Participant observation 57. why is it important that personal data About research Participants we kept without secure Confidential research? A.So that the participants cannot find out what has been written about them. 60. You should avoid using double blurred question in a survey because. A. They relay to much on the respondent memory B. they make the question too long so respondents lose interest C. they are to abstract and generalize in scope D. they confuse the respondent by asking about two different things 61. Mendalery is the software used to . A. to analyze data of the study B. to manage reference in the research report C. to determine the sample size of the study D. None of the above 62. the two main category of epidemiological study design are A. Experimental and Analytical B Basic and Pure C. Analytical and descriptive D. None of the above 63. For probibibality sampling which of the following is required A. Questionnaire B.SPSS C. Sampling Frame D. All of the above

64 . The advantage of probability sampling is A. B. C. D.

Generalizability Representative sample Both A & B None of the above

65. the three aspect of the research of misconduct are A.Palagirisum, Baisness,Fabrication B. Palagerism,Baisness, Confunder C. Falsification, Biasness, Fibrification D.None of the above 66. Volunteer Basis is the example OF A marginin Error B. Selection Basis C. Information Basis D. Loss of follow up E. All of the above

67.A variable that is associated with the exposure under study in is also a Risk factor for the outcome in its can right is known as A.Basis B.Mediateing factor C. Confounding Variable D. Interaction 68. Confounding can be control of the following A.Randamization B.Restiriction C. Matching D. All of the above 69. For the information point of view research can be divided into the following two categories A. Basic and Pure Qualitative and Quantitative Research Correlational and Explanatory research D None of the above 70. in the quantitative research which of the following approach is used A. Fouced Group B.Structure C.Unstructre D none of the above...

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