RESEARCH - Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations to the Academic Performance PDF

Title RESEARCH - Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations to the Academic Performance
Course General Education
Institution The National Teachers College
Pages 20
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Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectation to the Academic Performance of the 1st Year College StudentsNovember 2019“Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations to the Academic Performance of the 1 st Year College”ABSTRACT The research entitled “Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectat...


The National Teachers College

Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectation to the Academic Performance of the 1st Year College Students

November 2019

The National Teachers College

“Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations to the Academic Performance of the 1st Year College”

ABSTRACT The research entitled “Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations to the Academic Performance of the 1st Year College”. This study aims to determine the ways of overcoming the pressure of parental expectations. The researchers used Action Research to create changes and gain information regarding the provided problems. The sampling used is Convenience Sampling as it is more accessible to tabulate responses. The respondents of this research are the First Year College Students with the total number of 38 respondents. The researchers successfully answered the specific questions that the researchers aims to answer. The result is, having the parental expectations help students’ to perform diligently in the classes and give them motivation and inspiration to do their best in academic performances. In addition, the researchers found out that freely expressing one’s decisions to their parents help them overcome the pressure of parental expectations. Also, the researchers found out that expectation is indeed one of their fears.


The National Teachers College THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND

INTRODUCTION According to Carly Seifert (2017), Parental expectations helps their children set good standards for themselves and encourages them to thrive with excellence and develop their selfesteem, however if parents tends to set unrealistic expectations to their children it tends to have a negative effect to their performances because of too much pressure their parents put on them. It was mentioned that finding the right balance of expectations truly helps a child to develop right. Now, this study aims to find ways on how to overcome the pressure of parental expectations to the students in their academic performances. Truly, parenting is never easy as stated by Expert Anthony PhD (2017), because they were often misunderstood by their children while all they want is to raise their child independently and be an achiever. However, you can’t also ignore a child’s feelings especially if they want to decide for themselves. Parents therefore should be realistic and careful of the expectations they place on their children and at least give them a chance to make some decisions for them from time to time. This study would help not only the students to voice out their concern to their parents but this also serve as the eye opener for parents that setting too high expectations to their child could either make them as a whole or break them and their hopes and dreams. When a child is born, a parent is full of all sorts of expectations. At first, the expectations are more based on biological development and as they grow older then the expectations are more pegged on the personality and the environment. This may also apply to a grown person where pressure is exerted from parents for example in education or sports that the child may become discouraged. Therefore, as much as parents want the best for their child they

The National Teachers College should not set the bar so high that it de-motivates their children. Expectations should be just ahead of the children's capabilities so that they so as to not feel pressured or underestimated however, not all child handle expectations quite good, probably because they are afraid to disappoint their parents and themselves. The researchers then help the students to voice out their concerns without being afraid to be neglected or be a disappointment. The research would be done in National Teacher College, the respondents are the selected Bachelor of Elementary Education General Education Freshmen Students.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This research aims to find ways in overcoming the pressure of parental expectations to the students in their academic performance. Specific questions that the researchers aims to answer are the following: 1. What are the possible ways to overcome the pressure of the parental expectations? 2. Why do students tend to live up to their parents’ expectations? 3. How expectations affects students’ performances? 4. How important is parental expectations for students?

HYPOTHESIS Operational Hypothesis: The ways of Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations would help the students handle their parents’ expectations right. Null Hypothesis: The ways of Overcoming the Pressure of Parental Expectations would not help the students handle their parents’ expectations right.

The National Teachers College

ASSUMPTIONS The researchers assumed that answering the question: how to overcome the pressure of parental expectations would be able easier for the students to understand that having parental expectations is alright just as long it is in the right balance (Carly Seifert, 2017). And it would just depend on them on how they would handle it. With this study, students would be able to tell what they really want without hesitations and parents would be understood why they set high expectations for their children. The parent-child relationship will be stronger, because students finally overcome the pressure of parental expectations. In addition, the students would be free from stress or depression handling the high expectations from their parents. (Ma, Siu, and Tse,. 2018).

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The findings of this study will benefit society considering that children are the key to changes. This research, will give awareness to society, parents, teachers, and the next generations that children must be taught how to think; not what to think, this study will be powerful to students because it will boost their self-esteem and confidence facing their problem with the minimal pressure of parental expectation, inside and outside of the campus. This study is also beneficial to the teaching field. Through this research, a teacher may purposely discover how to develop teacher-student relations and how important to know their student's feeling and for parents and soon to be parent, can benefit from this study because they will be guided and informed how to support and motivate their child properly. The importance of this study is for a child to overcome challenges in their life so that they will not experience depression.

The National Teachers College

SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS This study aims to determine the ways of overcoming the pressure of the parental expectations in the life of college students. The setting of the study will be in National Teachers College. The researchers would focused on the selected Bachelor of Elementary Education Freshmen Students. The researchers would be using a Random Sampling since it’s more convenient for the researchers and not time consuming. The researchers decided to disseminate the questionnaire online using Google forms because it does not require a lot of time and no money involved. The topics being study and discuss in this study are the pressure of parental expectations, students trying to overcome the pressure brought to them by their parents’ expectations. The chosen respondents of the group are the class of 1.1 Bachelor of Elementary Education (Gen. Ed.) with the total of 46 students but some researchers are in the class which is why the total number of respondents now are 38 respondents.


The National Teachers College Achievement. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is something that a person, company, etc. has done or finished successfully. Adolescent. They are expected to be independent people who in the future can lead a meaningful life on their own. Parents. They serve as the support system of every child. They either make or break one’s child dream. Parental Expectations. This may serve as a challenge for students to strive excellence, however it can also put so much pressure to a child. Pressure. According to Dr. Zeetha M Sangma, et al. (2018), Pressure can have either positive, or negative effects depending on how child sees it.

The National Teachers College

CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY RESPONDENTS AND SAMPLING The respondents of this study are the Bachelor of Elementary Education (General Education) Freshmen Students. The researchers chose the stated respondents because they are positive that those respondents would give their honest opinion towards the study and would be able to contribute something for the study. The BEED (GEN ED) Freshmen Students would be able to provide answers on how to overcome the pressure of parental expectations to academic performances. The researchers would be using a Convenience Sampling as it is more convenient to tabulate responses. The researchers chose 1 section of Bachelor of Elementary Students (GEN ED) only 38 students responded to the said questionnaires.

RESEARCH DESIGN According to Hunt (1987). This research design’s purpose is to create changes and gain information. It seeks solution to the problems existing around the world. The researchers used the action research because of its confidentiality and formality and it gathers quantifiable information and this method also helps the researchers to gain only valuable information from the respondents. The purpose of this study is to find ways on how would a student overcome the expectation of their parents. This study also aims to help parents understand that having high parental expectations can cause depression or stress for their children. (Dr. Zeetha M Sangma, et al., 2018). In addition, the researchers hoped to gather effective and useful ways to overcome the parental expectations.

The National Teachers College

INSTRUMENT (s) ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE The researchers used online questionnaire, an innovative way to gather information indirectly to the respondents that is easy to tabulate and more convenient for both respondents and researchers. The researchers’ questionnaire is based from their own knowledge and their sources in Review of Related Literature and Studies. The questionnaires provided seeks to find an effective way to overcome the parental expectations to the Academic Performance of the 1st Year College Students.



4.5 – 5.4

Strongly Agree

3.5 – 4.4


2.5 – 3.4


1.5 – 2.4


0.5 – 1.4

Strongly Disagree

The table 1.1, shows the mean of each degree of judgement. It shows basis of each interpretation in which where the mean will be bracket.


The National Teachers College Mean. It is the average of all the elements of a set divided by the number of elements in the set. Computation for the average:


sumofallt h eelements numberoft h eelements

PROCEDURE In this study, the researchers will follow these to gather the data. 1. The researchers collect data by using reliable sources from the internet. 2. Recalling the personal experiences. 3. Choosing the respondents. 4. Writing the questionnaire and cover letter. 5. Validation of the questionnaire with the help of teachers. 6. Revising the questionnaire. 7. Writing the questionnaire in its final form. 8. Sharing the link of questionnaire to the respondents. 9. Recording the results. 10. Presenting the results.


The National Teachers College


11 5 1 TOTAL: 3.6 13


Figure 1.1 Respondents’ responses to statement 1

The figure 1.1 shows that there 13 students agreed that they must comply to their parents expectations. This answers the final questions provided by the researchers, it answers that parental expectation are indeed important for the students.

Figure 1.2 Respondents’ responses to statement 2

1423 0

The National Teachers College The figure 1.2 shows that there are 20 students agreed that having parental expectations T motivates them to do best in school in the aspect of academic performances, therefore it thisO T shows that having parental expectations motivates students to perform diligently in theirA L classes. This answers the second question provided by the researchers which means that having: 3 parental expectations affects them in a good way. . 9


1 1 15

TOTAL: 3.8 9

Figure 1.3 Respondents’ responses to statement 3 The figure 1.3 shows that 15 students agreed that they have a good communication with their parents because they were able to express their decisions in their life. This answers the first

The National Teachers College questions provided by the researchers. This means that freely expressing their life decisions to their parents is one of the possible ways to overcome the pressure of parental expectations.

15 2 1 TOTAL: 3.7 9 11

Figure 1.4 Respondents’ responses to statement 4

The National Teachers College The figure 1.4 shows that there are 15 students that are neutral about the performing excellently to avoid disappointing their parents, therefore this shows that students tend to live up to their parental expectations because they are afraid to disappoint their parents.

8 14 1 TOTAL: 4.1 15

Figure 1.5 Respondents’ responses to statement 5 The figure 1.5 shows that there are 15 students answered strongly agreed about openly talking about their desire in their life and it also helps them gain confidence to study well. This as well answers the first question provided by the researchers.

Figure 1.6 Respondents’ responses to statement 6


4 2 2 TOTAL: 4.2


The National Teachers College

The figure 1.6 shows that 21 students strongly agreed that expectations is one of their fears, therefore This shows that students tend to live up to their parental expectations because they consider expectations as one of their fears.

Figure 1.7 Respondents’ responses to statement 7


1 TOTAL: 3.8 14


The figure 1.7 shows that there are 14 students agreed that their parents expect so much from them but at the same time there are also 14 students answered neutral about the said statement.

The National Teachers College


5 3



TOTAL: 3.4

The figure 1.8 shows that there are 11 students agreed that having no expectations at all from your parents de-motivates them but at the same time there are also 11 students answered neutral about the said statement. This shows that having motivation is still important for students.

Figure 1.9 Respondents’ responses to statement 9

14 5 1 TOTAL: 4.3


The National Teachers College

The figure 1.9 shows that 18 students strongly agreed that having good communication with their parents is a stronghold of their relationship as a family, this shows that building a strong bond could help the students be brave enough to tell what they want.

Figure 1.10 Respondents’ responses to statement 10


1 1


TOTAL: 3.8 9

The figure 1.10 shows that 17 students agreed that considering parental expectations in decision making is vital, because for them before deciding for themselves, they still ask for their parents’ opinion first.

The National Teachers College

CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY The researchers found out that having a parental expectations help to them to pursue to have a good grades in their study. It helps also to do their best to all the Academic performances. Parental expectation helps them to achieve their goals and to improve their learning. Having the parent's expectations of the child also influences them not only to do the easily but to do the best and also for the child not to be lazy.

CONCLUSIONS The researchers concluded that; •

Students needs to be honest and open to their parents especially if they want to decide for themselves.

Students’ fear will become their strength and inspiration in their studies.

Students’ need to do their best to accomplish the expectations of their parents.

Students’ need to learn how to handle the pressure coming from the expectations of their parents. Students’ should make their parents proud and ask their guidance to have a successful life.

The National Teachers College •

Parental Expectations are vital in every students’ life.


Time Allotment

2-3 Months

2-3 Months

4-6 Months


Plan of Action

To gather all the To give students students who lived to some advice that can their parents’ help them. expectations and give their seminar. To set a seminar that can give them a courage.

To give students art materials that can help to ease the pressure from parental expectation.

Expected Output

To help students to cope up with their parent expectations.

A seminar where the students teach how to open up with their feelings to their parents.

The students have the courage to speak or to tell what are they feelings to their parents.

Giving some art materials to the students or a stationary notebook where they can use to express their feelings.

By giving this item it can ease the pressure that they are encountering or they can freely express their feelings by writing.

The National Teachers College

BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, Jenny. (2015). Parents: your absurdly high expectations are harming your children’s achievement. Anthony PhD. (2017). What are the Parents Expectations for their Children. Retrieved from

Kumar, Saurabh, Jadaun, Unnati. (2018). Effect of Parental Expectations and Academic Stress on Academic Achievement in Higher Studies with Special Reference to District Aligarh. Vol. 1 No. 1. Ma, Ying & Siu, Angela & Tse, Vincent. (2018). The Role of High Parental Expectations in Adolescents’ Academic Performance and Depression in Hong Kong. Journal of Family Issues. Ross, T. (2016). The differential effects of parental involvement on high school completion and postsecondary attendance. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(30). Sangma, Dr. Zeetha M, Dr. Shantibala K, Akoijam, Prof. Brogen Singh, Maisnam, Dr. Annie B Visi, Dr. Vizovonuo, Dr. Vanlalduhsaki. (2018). Perception of Students on Parental and Teachers’ Pressure on Their Academic Performance. Volume 17, Issue 01 Ver. I. Seifert, Carly (2017). What Effects Do Parental Expectations Have on Kids? Retrieved from

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