Respiratory System - Exam and quiz based on notes provided PDF

Title Respiratory System - Exam and quiz based on notes provided
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 5
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Exam and quiz based on notes provided...


Lab Respiratory Respiratory System Metabolic processes require ATP→ metabolic processes utilize O2   Air Exchange o Ventilation of lungs (breathing)  Respiration (external & internal) o Gas exchange between air→ blood→ tissues Use of O2 in cellular metabolism and excretion of CO2   Cardiopulmonary System o Cardiovascular & Respiratory  Regulate acid base balance and blood gases  Mucous secretions o Mucin→ protein that increases viscosity of mucus to trap more particles o Lysozyme→ antibacterial enzyme o Defensin→ antimicrobial proteins o Immunoglobulin A→ antibodies  Sputum→ mixture of mucus, saliva and the material it trapped Anatomy of Respiratory System  Nasal Cavity o Nose  Epistaxis→ nosebleed numerous vascular beds in the nasal cavity o External nares (nostrils/openings) o Nasal bone o Nasal vestibule  Skin with course hairs o Palate  Hard  Sof o Tonsils  Pharyngeal  Palatine  Lingual o Nasal Conchae → Nasal Meatuses  Superior  Middle  Inferior o Internal Nares/posterior nasal aperture (openings at back of nasal cavity leading to nasopharynx) o Nasal septum  Posterior portion  Perpendicular plate  Vomer  Anterior portion


 Cartilage Paranasal sinuses (pseudostratified columnar—the sinuses are connected by ducts)  Frontal  Ethmoidal  Sphenoidal  Maxillary o Nasolacrimal apparatus o Auditory Tube (Eustachian tube) o Respiratory epithelium  Psuedostratified Ciliated Columnar (goblet cell) Pharynx o Nasopharynx (Psuedostratified ciliated columnar) o Oropharynx (stratified squamous non-keratinized) o Laryngopharynx (stratified squamous non-keratinized) Larynx (voice box) o Functions  Air passageway  Prevents food and fluids from entering respiratory tract  Produces sound  Increases intra-abdominal pressure (Valsalva maneuver)  Sneeze and cough reflex o Cartilages  Unpaired  Thyroid cartilage  Cricoid cartilage  Epiglottis (elastic cartilage) o Glottis o Vestibular folds (false vocal cords) o Vocal folds (true vocal cords) o

Lungs  Pleurae o Visceral o Parietal o Pleural cavity o Pleural fluid o Pulmonary ligament  Right lung (larger than the left lung) o Lobes  Superior  Middle  Inferior o Fissures  Oblique  Horizontal  Lef lung o Lobes


 Superior  Inferior o Fissures  Oblique Markings o Hilum (hilus)→ Root  Pulmonary artery  Pulmonary vein  Primary bronchi o Apex (superior and posterior to clavicle) o Base (rests on diaphragm) o Costal surface—Mediastinal surface—Diaphragmatic surface o Cardiac notch Muscles o Diaphragm o Intercostal Glands o Thyroid o Thymus

Where the hyoid bone located and what is its function? 

Trachea o C-shaped rings  Hyaline cartilage o Trachealis muscle  Smooth muscle o Carina o Primary bronchi (main) o Secondary bronchi (lobar) o Tertiary bronchi (segmental)  Bronchopulmonary segment (autonomous segments of the lung)  Lobule o Smaller bonchi o Bronchioles  Terminal bronchioles (1 bronchiole → 50-80 terminal bronchioles)  Respiratory bronchioles- (1 terminal bronchiole → 50 or more respiratory bronchioles)  Alveolar ducts  Alveolar sacs(simple squamous)  Alveoli  Respiratory Membrane  Alveolar epithelium→ Type 1-cells simple squamous  Capillary endothelium  Type 2- cells cuboidal  Alveolar macrophages (dust cells)



Epithelial Tissue of Bronchi and Bronchioles  Bronchi  Psuedostratified Ciliated Columnar  Large Bronchioles  Ciliated Simple Columnar  Smaller Bronchioles  Ciliated Simple Cuboidal (no goblet cells)  Terminal Bronchioles  Non-Ciliated Simple Cuboidal

Air Flow Pathway Oral cavity/Nasal cavity-Pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx)-Larynx-TracheaPrimary bronchi-Secondary bronchi-Tertiary bronchi-Smaller Bronchi-Bronchioles-Terminal bronchioles-Respiratory bronchioles-Alveolar duct-Alveolus (gas exchange) Where is the trachealis muscle and what is its function? What structures make up the respiratory system? Based on structure; what constitutes the upper respiratory system and the lower respiratory system? Based on function what structures are parts of the conduction zone and what structures are parts of the respiratory zone? What is a typical respiration rate at rest? Volumes  Tidal Volume TV o 500 ml  Inspiratory Reserve Volume IRV o 3100 ml o 1900 ml  Expiratory Reserve Volume ERV o 1200 ml o 700 ml  Residual Volume RV o 1200 ml o 1100 ml Capacities  Inspiratory Capacity IC o TV + IRV  3600 ml  2400 ml  Functional Residual Capacity FRC o RV + ERV


 2400 ml  1800 ml Vital Capacity VC o IRV + TV + ERV  4800 ml  3100 ml Total Lung Capacity TLC o VC + RV  6000 ml  4200 ml

What is FEV1? Air Exchange  Minute Ventilation MV (MVR) o MV = Respiration Rate X Tidal Volume  Anatomical Dead Space (inhaled air that is not involved in gas exchange)  Alveolar Ventilation AV (AVR) o AV = Respiration Rate X (Tidal Volume -Anatomical Dead Space) Identification- Cat  Larynx o Epiglottis o Glottis o Thyroid Cartilage o Cricoid Cartilage  Trachea o Cartilage rings o Trachealis muscle o Carina o Bronchi  primary  Lungs  Diaphragm


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