Rhythmic Activities-ALL Quizzes More More more more more more more more PDF

Title Rhythmic Activities-ALL Quizzes More More more more more more more more
Author Anonymous User
Course rhythmic Actiivities
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 15
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Exercises in gymnastics can help develop good ______. Answer: Posture

_______ is a regular recurrence of accented and unaccented betas. Answer: Rhythm

This is a systematic exercise requiring the use of apparatus. Answer: Gymnastics

_______ help improve control and coordination of the body parts besides enhancing grace, form and creativity in combining new body movements. Answer: Floor skills

Which of the following is not an example of a floor exercise in standing position? Answer: BRIDGE STAND

When an individua moves in response to a particular rhythm or music, theses movements are called _______. Answer: Rhythmic movements

The floor exercises are arranged in _______ to show unity and harmony of movements. Answer: Sequence

Gymnastics training must be done at an early age to improve ________. Answer: Flexibility

Which of the following is not an example of a floor exercise in standing position? Answer: SUPINE ARCH

Which of the following is not an example of a floor exercise in aerial position? Answer: OVEREAD REACH

Maintain good posture and physical ______. Answer: Efficiency

Name the type of the pair of dumbbells in the image.

Answer: Fixed weight dumbbells

The adjustable dumbbells have a ______ pattern to ensure better grip. Answer: Crosshatch

There must be warm up or conditioning exercises before performing floor skills. Answer: TRUE

Name the position in the image.

Answer: Bells in position

Name the position in the image.

Answer: Bells on chest

Wand exercises are ideal for _______ value in the aims and the shoulder girdle. Answer: Flexibility

A dumbbell consists of two _____ weights attached to a handle. Answer: Square

There has been numerous studies that proved that gymnastics can help lessen the amount of stress. Answer: FALSE

Dumbbells can be made out of any wood, as well. Answer: FALSE

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Mass line

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Radial

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Bells forward

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Adjustable

The wood of dumbbells are about _____ inches. Answer: 10

Develop a ______ and well-coordinated body. Answer: Balanced

It is the best to start with the lightest weight you can in dumbbell exercises. Answer: TRUE

A type of dumbbell that offer a more convenient way to adjust or change weights. Answer: SELECTORIZED

Using the wrong kind of dumbbell may _____ the muscles. Answer: Overstrain

Wands are made of hard wood or rattan of about ______ inches long. Answer: 36 to 39

Gymnastics displays a disciplined body form, performing defined movements at the height of perfection. Answer: TRUE

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Bells backward

Promote ______ freedom. Answer: Emotional

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: V formation

Weights of the dumbbell are removable. Answer: TRUE

This is a term that denotes the aspects of a quality of movement that is sometimes thought of as dance. Answer: Rhythm

Wands come in different colors. Answer: TRUE

Name the formation in the image.

Answer: Bells oblique downward

Dumbbells can made out of any wood as well. Answer: FALSE

The use of dumbbells is good for _____ extremities. Answer: Upper


This stunt is accomplished by partially squatting and walking forward while maintaining this position. Answer: Duck walk

The _______ stunt requires your body to rock forward and backward in position while keeping a tight grip on your ankles or feet. Answer: Prone rocking

This stunt’s goal is to stand up while maintaining the back-to-back position. Answer: Get up back-to-back

Stunts are part of gymnastics that are _____ to do. Answer: DIFFICULT

A light apparatus that is made up of hard wood shaped like a bell at both sides. Answer: Dumbbells

The rocking chair stunt starts with a _____ position, hugging your knees to your chest. Answer: Fetal

Gliding and sliding are examples of ______ movements. Answer: Locomotor

Stride kneeling Answer: KNEELING POSITION

Those activities which involve movement only in one place. Answer: NON-LOCOMOTOR

The body forms a ______ shape in lying bridge stunt. Answer: Triangle

A light apparatus that measures 36-39 inches in length. Answer: WAND

Skipping Answer: NON-LOCOMOTOR

Walking chair Answer: GROUP STUNT

Swaying Answer: NON-LOCOMOTOR

Feet together Answer: STANDING POSITION

Those activities which involve moving from one place to another. Answer: LOCOMOTOR

The first international gymnastics tournament was recognized in? Answer: 1963

Start by lying on your stomach. Grasp your ankles or feet by reaching for it backwards, with your back arched and head up. From this position, rock forward and backward. Stunt name: Prone rocking Type of stunt: Individual

Using your arms and hands as support for your weight, lift your body upwards, keeping it straight. Stunt name: Standing upside down Type of stunt: Individual

With you body bent at the waist, reach for your ankles walk forward while maintaining this position. Stunt name: Ankle hold walk Type of stunt: Individual

Using the arms as support, move your feet towards your hands while keeping your knees straight for approximately 8 counts. From the bent position of your body and your legs straight, move forward using your arms until you’re back to the starting position. Stunt name: Inch worm Type of stunt: Imitating animals

Person 1 stands upright while person 2 is in starting position for push-up, his body parallel to the floor. Person 1 grasps person 2’s ankle and the latter’s body rises from the floor. The pair walk forward with the person 2 using his hands and arms to move and support his weight. Stunt name: Wheelbarrow Type of stunt: Dual

Starting from a squat position and the hands on the floor in front of the knees, push backwards using the feet until the buttocks are lifted. Your body must be supported by the hands. Stunt name: Frog kick Type of stunt: Imitating animals

Person 1 starts with the stride position, feet about a shoulder width apart and with knees slightly bent. Person 1 squats and Person 2 rise to sit on his shoulders. From this position, Person 2 places his feet on his partner’s thighs. Person 1 leans back to gain balance as here moves his head from between Person’s 2’s legs. Person 1 has to grip Person 2’s upper thighs while the latter maintains balance by spreading his arms sideward. Stunt name: Knee stand Type of stunt: Dual

Start by laying upright, with your knees raised and arms straight on your side. Using your buttocks, push your body upwards until your body forms a triangle with your lower legs and body. Stunt name: Lying bridge Type of stunt: Individual

These requires unity, cooperation, leadership ability, and sense of responsibility to be achieved. Stunt name: Pyramid Type of stunt: Group

This stunt starts with lying on your back on a mat. With palms facing downwards, keep both arms at the sides. Bend one knee and keep the foot float on the ground. Raise your other leg toward the ceiling and then move it towards your hip before slowly lowering it almost to the floor. Bring your foot slowly to the right, having your leg point to a direction. Create a circle using these steps before going back to the starting position. Stunt name: Circling leg Type of stunt: Individual


Dances are only made up of muscle stretches and relaxes regardless of its organization. Answer: FALSE

The German word “damson” means to ______. Answer: Stretch

The root combination of letters meaning tension or stretching. Answer: TAN

Dance is considered the ______ of all arts. Answer: Mother

The function of dance in which people dance to convey or express their innermost emotions through movement. Answer: Emotional expression

The movements of early dancing depended on the man’s natural environment. Answer: TRUE

Dance can be used to send a message, idea or story. Answer: Communication

The function of dance to emphasize beautiful elements of movement. Answer: Aesthetic enjoyment

Dancing is known worldwide and dances around the world have some similarities and not entirely different. Answer: FALSE

Dance can contribute to the preservation of culture. Answer: Contribution to continuity and stability of culture

All dances have their own steps and movements. Answer: TRUE

Classical music or pop music can be used for rhythmic gymnastics. Answer: True

Which element of dance does this information belong to? Emotions Answer: BODY

Parallel Bar Answer: HEAVY APPARATUS

Which element of dance does this information belongs to? Direction-Rotating Answer: SPACE

Hook Sittings Answer: SITTING POSITION

Lying Position Answer: GYMNASTICS MOVEMENT

A sport that combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance and apparatus manipulation. Answer: Rhythmic gymnastics

Swaying Answer: NON-LOCOMOTOR

Inch Worm Answer: STUNTS

Wands, dumbbells, rings and hoops are examples of heavy apparatus. Answer: False – light

Jogging Answer: LOCOMOTOR

Side lying Answer: LYING POSITION

Which element of dance does this information belongs to? Syncopated accent Answer: TIME

The word ballet from the Latin word _____ , meaning “to dance”. Answer: Ballo

Which element of dance does this information belongs to? Answer: ACTION

Stretching Answer: NON-LOCOMOTOR


This refers to the visual pattern made by the movements of the dancer’s body. Answer: Design

Skin the snake Answer: STUNTS

Duck Walk Answer: STUNTS


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