Ryk reviews - Reviewing your knowledge tortora PDF

Title Ryk reviews - Reviewing your knowledge tortora
Course Principles Of Biology
Institution Southwestern College
Pages 8
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Reviewing your knowledge tortora...


.1. coronary

arteries: arteries that supply blood to cardiac muscle layer of heart wall containing cardiac muscle 3.auricles: extensions of the atria 4.mediastinum: heart is located here 5.endocardium: lines the heart chambers 6.apex: pointed inferior part of the heart 7.ventricles: two heart pumps; lower heart chambers 8.atria: superior heart chambers 9.epicardium: another name for visceral pericardium 10.base: wide superior part of the heart 11.oxygen-poor: blood pumped by right ventricle 12.oxygen-rich: blood pumped by left ventricle 13.papillary muscles: enlarged muscles in ventricles attached to chordae tendinae 14.trabeculae carnae: muscle ridges in ventricles 15.pectinate muscles: ridges in anterior wall of right atrium 16.chordae tendinae: strings attached to AV cusps 17.inferior vena cava: blood vessel that returns blood from the body inferior to the heart 18.mitral valve: the valve located between the left ventricle and the aorta 19.fossa ovalis: a membrane between the atria that closes after birth 20.Tricuspid: the valve located between the right atrium and right ventricle 21.anterior interventricular branch: anterior branch of the left coronary artery; lies in anterior interventricular sulcus 22.posterior interventricular branch: posterior branch of the right coronary artery; lies in posterior interventricular sulcus 23.circumflex branch: branch of the left coronary artery that curves around left side and lies in the coronary sulcus 24.marginal branch: branch of the right coronary artery that supplies the anterior right ventricle 25.anterior interventricular branch: branch of the left coronary artery that supplies both ventricles 26.left coronary artery: shorter coronary artery that is hidden anteriorly by pulmonary trunk 27.coronary sinus: vein that drains coronary circulation into right atrium 28.great cardiac vein: vein that drains most of anterior ventricles 29.middle cardiac vein: vein that drains the posterior ventricles 30.small cardiac vein: vein that drains the right anterior side 2.myocardium:

Place the following structures in order, tracing the blood flow from the superior vena cava to the heart, to the pulmonary circulation, and out of the heart to the systemic circulation. 1. Superior vena cava 2. Right atrium 3. Tricuspid valve 4. Right ventricle 5. Pulmonary valve 6. Pulmonary trunk 7. Pulmonary arteries 8. Pulmonary capillaries 9. Pulmonary veins 10. Left atrium 11. Bicuspid valve 12. Left ventricle

13. Aortic valve 14. Aorta 1.the

first heart sound is __________ that is due to blood hitting against the ________ valves: lubb; AV second heart sound is _________ that is due to blood hitting against the ______ valves: dubb; semilunar 3.what is a heart mumur: caused from a leaky valve 4.which heart sound is the loudest when auscultated and why?: lubb- more pressure coming from the rest of the body 5.Valerie's radial pulse is 70/min. Assuming her heart and arteries are in good health, what is her approximate heart rate: 70 beats per minute 6.Jaxton's heart rate is 68/min. What is the length of his cardiac cycle/sec?: 0.88/ sec 7.the heart beats without extrinsic stimulation from autonomic nervous system. T/F: true 8.autorhythmic cells are located only in the interventricular septum. T/F: False 9.each hear chamber contracts separately, first the right atrium, then left atrium and so on. T/F: False 10.the ECG record the electrical stimulation of cardiac muscle by the conduction system and not the contraction of the muscle itself. T/F: true 11.the normal pacemaker of the heart is the AV node. T/F: false 12.number the following structure of the cardiac conduction system in the normal order of depolarization. AV bundle AV node Purkinje fibers r and l bundle branches SA node: 1-SA node 2-AV node 3-AV bundle 4-right and left bundle branches 5- purkinje fibers 13.depolarization of the atria: P wave 14.depolarization of the ventricles: QRS complex 15.fast heart rate about 100 beats/min: tachycardia 16.repolarization of the atria: QRS complex 17.repolarization of the ventricles: T wave 18.slow heart rate below 60 beats/min: bradycardia 19.uncontrolled, rapid heart contraction: fibrillation 20.Sam counted his lab partner's heartbeat as 12 beats in 15 seconds. What is the lab partner's heart rate? What other information would you like to have about Sam's lab partner to decide if this heart rate is abnormal?: 48 beats/min. how much exercise per week, age, health 21.Larry had damage to his SA node. What will happen now that the "pacemaker" is not functional?: AV will be the pacemaker so the heart rate will decrease 22.in a normal cardiac cycle, what two chambers of the heart contract first?: right and left atria 23.what two structures directly receive an electrical impulse from the SA Node?: both atria 24.Valerie's heart rate is 80 beats/min. What is the length of one cardiac cycle?: 0.75/sec 25.fibrillation is an asynchronus contraction of cardiac muscle fibers. is atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation more serious?: ventricular fibrillation- the blood is not getting pumped out through the rest of the body so the body is retaining the CO2 and not exchanging the gases 2.the


a myocardial infarction damaged the left bundle branch, how would this affect the spread of the action potential?: the left ventricle wouldn't fire because the left fibers are not receiving conduction 27.How would damage to the left bundle branch affect blood flow in the systemic circulation?: the blood is not being sent throughout the body 1.

elastic fibers, smooth muscle.

tunica media of arteries


smooth muscle, elastic fibers

Tunica media of veins


endothelium, elastic fibers

tunica interna of arteries



tunica interna of veins


elastic and collagen

tunica externa of arteries


elastic and collagen

Tunica externa of veins


The tunica media of veins is thicker that the tunica media of arteries.

false, thinner


The tunica media of elastic arteries contains more elastic fibers than muscular arteries



Venous valves are folds of the tunica externa. True or False

False, tunica interna


Venous valves prevent backflow of blood. True or False



walls of veins are thicker than the walls of arteries of the same size. True or False

False, arteries have thicker walls


the lumen of the vein is larger than the lumen of an artery of the same size. True or False




Holes in plasma membrane through which molecules pass across capillary walls


tight junctions

fusion of plasma membranes of adjacent endothelial cells; forms very selective barrier



vesicles transport substances across capillary wall


intercellular clefts

spaces between cells through which substances

pass 17.

capillary walls are composed of an endothelium and a basement membrane only. True or False


Hydrostatic pressure forces plasma across capillary walls at venous end of capillary, and interstitial fluid enters arterial end of capillary by osmotic pressure. True or False

False, arterial end, venous end



Term used for arterial pressure 11during ventricle systole



Term used for arterial pressure during ventricular diastile



device used to measure blood pressure in the brachial artery



Average normal adult arterial blood pressure


16 mmhg

Average venous blood pressure


Korotkoff sounds

sounds of turbulent blood flow that occur when blood flow resumes in an artery that has been occluded


The blood pressure gradient from the aorta to the capillaries is greater than the blood pressure gradient fro the venules to the right atrium. True or False

False, Right atrium


The blood pressure gradient from the aorta to the capillaries is less than the blood pressure gradient from the arterial end of the capillary to the venous end of the capillary. True or False

False, greater than


Kate's systolic blood pressure is 115 and diastolic is 72. Her pulse pressure is 47. True or False

False, 115-72= 43


Scott's blood pressure is 126/83 and his MAP is 96. True or False

False, MAP-98


Increasing heart rate increases blood pressure. True or False




Systemic vasocontriction decreases blood pressure

False, Increases


Increasing arterial blood pressure increases blood flow. True or False



Recoil of muscular arteries maintains blood flow during ventricular diastole. True or False



Muscular arteries control the blood flow to different body areas



Vasoconstruction of the renal arteries (arteries supplying blood to the kidneys) would increase blood flow to the kidneys. True or False



Blood pressure is higher in the suppine possition than is the standing position. True or false

False, lower


the greater the pulse pressure, the lower the pressure gradient driving blood from the aorta through the systemic circulation. True or False

false, higher


Exercise increases MAP. True or False



In coronary bypass surgery, a section of vein is used to replace (bypass) occluded coronary arteries. Over times, the vein wall becomes more like an arterial. Describe the changes that would occur in the vein wall.

The tunica media would become thicker, containing more smooth muscle and elastic fibers


The smooth muscle fibers within the wall of the artery do not receive their nutrients from the blood within the lumen of the artery. Why not?

The arterial wall is too thick for nutrients from blood to diffuse across the capillary wall.


The blood flow within the capillaries is slower than within arterial or venous vessels. Explain why this is important.

Blood flow must be slow to allow time for nutrients and wastes to diffuse across the capillary wall.


Blow flow to the skeletal muscle increases with exercise. Explain how the autonomic nervous

The autonomic nervous system dilates arterial vessels within skeletal muscles to increase

system mediates the increase in the blood flow to the skeletal muscles.

blood flow.


Explain how blood flow to the kidneys is decreased with excercise.

the kidneys obtain about 25% of the cardiac output at rest. to provide on increased blood flow to skeletal muscle to supply them with nutrients during exercise, the body decreases blood flow to other areas including the kidneys


Why does the tunica interna of the vasoconstricted section of the arteriole in Figure 29.1 exhibit folds?

It's constricted. The tunica interna folds during constriction.


Capillaries within the brain have tight junctions, whereas capillaries within the anterior pituitary and other endocrine glands contain fenestrations, intercellular clefts, and vesicles for transcytosis. Explain how these structural differences are important to the function of the brain and the anterior pituitary

Brain blood vessels exhibit more tight junction contributing to the blood-brain barrier that controls what substances can enter to the nervous tissue of the brain blood vessels of the anterior pitultary have fenestations, intercellular cleftes, and vesicles for transcytosis to: 1.Allow hormones traveling from other areas of the body to enter the anterior pitutiary and affect changes in secretion and 2.- allow hormones secreated by anterior pitutiary cells to enter blood vessels and be carried to target cells in other areas of the blood.


Compare the strength of arterial and capillary walls.

Arterial walls contain smooth muscle and more elastic and collagen fibers ans are much stronger than capillary walls. The arterial walls must carry blood at hianer pressure than capillaries.


Marfan's syndrome is an inherited genetic disorder that results in malformed elastic fibers that are weak. What effect would

The aorta would not be able to recoil to move blood efficiently. Areas that do not recoil may weaken and form

this have on the aorta?


**homeostasis of BP, figure 29.8 **figure 30.17 schematic diagram 1. Which arteries carry oxygen-poor blood, and which veins carry oxygen-rich blood? ** low- pulmonary trunk and right and left pulmonary arteries ****rich- right and left pulmonary veins 2. what are the external iliac arteries called when they pass the inguinal ligaments? femoral arteries 3. varicose veins in the leg are common, wb varicose arteries ? no because artier have thicker walls 4. what are the names of the paired veins that drain the head or neck? 1. jugular veins 2. internal and external vertebral 5. in the arm and forearm, it is the deep veins or superficial veins that accompany arteries **the deep veins 6. which vein of the upper limb is typically used to draw a blood sample? median cubital veins 7. Where is the azygos vein located, and what area does it drain? **’ to the right of the vertebral column and in the thorax 8. Usually arteries carry nutrient-rich blood, but there are veins that do also. What are their names? hepatic portal veins 1.


regresses considerably with age



largest lymphatic organ; red and white pulp


lymph nodes

bean shaped; has efferent and afferent vessels


red bone marrow

primary lymphatic organs



primary lymphatic organs


lymph nodes

secondary lymphatic organs



secondary lymphatic organs



secondary lymphatic nodules associated with nasal and oral cavities



secondary lymphatic nodules located in connective tissue of mucous membranes


peyer's patches

secondary lymphatic nodules located in the small interstine


lymph nodes

filter lymphs



filters blood and contains red and white pulp



Program T cells for immunocompetence


red bone marrow

Program B cells for immunocompetence



fluid becomes interstitial fluid


interstitial fluid

fluid becomes lymph



interstitial fluid plus blood cells and large proteins


cisterna chyli

sac-like vessel


thoracic duct

left lymphatic duct


lymphatic vessels

merge to form lymphatic trunks


lymphatic trunks

merge to form lymphatic ducts


cisterna chyli

the thoracic duct begins here


thoracic duct

drains the legs, abdominal area, and left side of the body


lymphatic duct

drains the right side of thorax, arm, head, and neck


thoracic duct

longer lymphatic duct...

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