Sample 1 - Advantages and disadvantages of online learning PDF

Title Sample 1 - Advantages and disadvantages of online learning
Author Carmen Chan
Course English
Institution Taylor University
Pages 3
File Size 71.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 57
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Advantages and disadvantages of online learning Did you know that online learning has actually been around for quite some time where it even predates the 21st century? Most likely not as online learning was not implemented in many educations as there was no need for schools or higher education to do so as there was no need to implement a new form of learning where the current state of learning was working fine because as they say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Though now online learning has become a norm in this day and age thanks to COVID-19 where people were forced to be cooped up at home, schools all around the world had no choice but to use online learning to continue education as there was no telling how long this pandemic will last. Hence, online learning is becoming the new norm now where some people like it and some people don’t due to its pros and cons. The advantages of online learning would be having more time in a day, and access to view past lessons while the disadvantages are hard to focus during class, and hard to make friends.

First of all, the advantage of online learning is that a student can have more time in a day. This is because one does not need to go to school and back home via driving or walking which takes up quite some time. Furthermore, one would have to wake up earlier than usual just to get to school which also takes up ones time. Without all of this, one would have more time in a day which can be directed to anything whether it be productive or unproductive as it may inadvertently help with ones studies. As an example, one would have more time to sleep which may seem unproductive but this helps students to have sufficient sleep in a day which will help them focus more during class. Hence, online learning helps gives students more things to do per day.

Secondly, the advantages of online learning is that it enables students to view past lessons. This is due to every online learning platform has a recording feature where most teachers use for students to view it. This helps as a student will not be left out in their studies. As an example, a student might not have understood the lesson very well during class or if a student was absent, they can just view past recording to not be left out in their studies. Furthermore, instead of studying the old-fashioned way which is reading and doing revision questions a student can view recordings of past lessons as an alternative way to study as it can help jog

their memories of what their teacher has taught. Hence, the pros of online learning is the recordings of previous lectures that comes with it.

Although online learning has its advantages it is not perfect as there are also disadvantages that comes with learning online such as having a hard time focusing during class and it is hard making friends.

The most apparent disadvantage that comes with online learning is that it is hard to focus during class. This is due to no sense of urgency that is not present in an online as compared to a face-to-face class. As an example, in a face-to-face class a teacher can see whether or not a student is focusing in class as they are present in one room. Online classes on the other hand are hard for a teacher to monitor their students as everyone will most likely have their face camera and microphones off and to makes things worse a teacher can’t force them to on it as some student might either be lying or telling the truth when they say they cannot open their microphones or face camera. This leads to students having no restrictions on what they do when the teachers are teaching as there is no sense of urgency some might be using their phones, playing games, or even sleeping during the lesson. Hence, the cons of online learning as that it is hard for a student to pay attention during a lesson.

Furthermore, the disadvantage of online learning is that it is hard to make friends with classmates. This is due to everyone muting their microphones and turning off their face cameras as everyone would resort to just chatting in the chat box. This leads to having no human interactions and making it hard to get to know someone as the only thing you’d see in a chat box are words. As an example, of what one would see in a chat box is a person answering a teachers questions, ok, and thank you miss. Other than that, it is mostly silent when compared to a face-to-face class where there exist actual human interactions. Hence, the disadvantage to learning online is the hardship of making relationships with classmates.

In conclusion, the pros of online learning would be the extra free time it can give, and access to lessons that have been taught through recording. Although its advantages are nice it

comes with its disadvantages which is trouble in focusing during class, and barriers that impeded bonding with classmates. Hence, instead of complaining about the disadvantages of online learning people need to learn and cope with it by embracing its advantages so that they can learn to accept things as it is which will lead them into adapting into this new normal of learning....

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