Sample final report PDF

Title Sample final report
Author Anak Agung Prasada
Course Commerce
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 32
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Academic stress inventory of students at Macquarie University “What levels of stress do Macquarie University students experience, and are the current facilities offered by the University

sufficient in dealing with this stress

MKTG202: Marketing Research Semester 1, 2015

Deborah Fernando: 43616938 Jonathan Isho: 43689671 Jordan Cappadona: 43266509 Mark Lepre: 43628877 Olivia Pitt: 43666116

Table of Contents

1.0 Executive Summary..............................................................................3 GROUP REPORT 1

2.0 Introduction...........................................................................................4 3.0 Background Research............................................................................4 3.1. Purpose of the Research 3.2. Current Knowledge 3.3. Research Question/Hypothesis 4.0 Methodology..........................................................................................6 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4.

Research method (Questionnaire) Variables & Types of Data Sampling Method Analysis Methods

5.0 Results...................................................................................................9 5.1. Sample (Charts / Graphs of descriptive statistics) 5.2. Numerical results 5.3. Categorical results 6.0 Conclusions.........................................................................................27 6.1. Summary of study 6.2. Limitations of study 6.3. Recommendations for further research 7.0 Appendix.............................................................................................31 9.1. Appendix A: Questionnaire 8.0 References..........................................................................................33

1.0 Executive Summary

The aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive study of Macquarie university students and the stress (or lack thereof) they experience, and whether the stress relief / elimination techniques that Macquarie University currently employs are sufficient in reducing and/or eliminating this stress. The researchers have hypothesised that stress levels are dependent upon a combination of two factors, these being the degree (and associated difficulty of such) studied by the student and socioeconomic status of the student. This report looks into variables that


may influence the amount of stress that students at Macquarie University face, such as:  Age  Type of degree being studied  Whether student lives further away from the university. The report additionally examines the opinions of Macquarie University students on key issues such as:  What factors of their degree stresses students out the most  In what ways students would expect Macquarie University to offer stress support  How strongly students feel that Macquarie University can do more to help stressed students  Whether students believe that Macquarie University can do more to help stressed students who are both working and studying  Whether students believe that students who live further from the University will experience more stress  How students believe Macquarie University can help students who live further away cope with stress. This research uses reviewed and relevant literature as the basis and views the causes of stress from differing points (Lin & Chen, 2009) in order to assist Macquarie University in understanding the related problems of stress in students of modern universities, thereby proceeding to provide assistance and preventative measures.

2.0 Introduction At present, there exists an increasing interest on the causes of stress and the coping behaviour of young people. Research has shown that schools and universities are one of the main causes of stress for young people, with this stress being a significant catalyst and precursor to depression. When examining the life of a university student, stress can often present itself as a major problem when working toward the completion of a degree. Stress can often contribute to compromised mental health, unrealised potential, and, in extreme cases, can be a major contribution to a large majority of illnesses and even loss of life. The following research report shall examine key causes of this stress in the pursuit of assisting Macquarie University to better understand the needs of students experiencing stress, and the methods as to which they should do so. 3.0 Background Research


3.1. Purpose of Research The research being conducted has been put forth in order to gain a greater understanding of the levels of stress of which university students experience, and whether students feel that their university offers enough support facilities to cater for this. The sample chosen to be surveyed are students attending Macquarie University, as the report will be delivered to the administration from the University in order to possibly improve their wellbeing facilities. This research was conducted as a result of the busy lives of university students trying to balance study with employment, social lives and other commitments. 3.2. Current Knowledge Quantitative research has previously been conducted on the topic in order to gain a general understanding of the problem through oneon-one interviews with a random sample of Macquarie university students. The main consensus that was concluded from these face to face interviews in regards to stress was that the workload was a main contributor. Another major issue that was discovered was the accessibility of the stress support. Many students stated that they haven’t bothered attempting to gain assistance, as the process in doing so is not instantaneous. This is expressed more in those students who live further away from the university, which can be relatable to heightened stress levels. Many students stated that the university should offer more innovative ways of offering the assistance, such as online chat help to ensure anonymity. The research technique that will be used in order to gain a further understanding is through an online questionnaire. This is due to the ease of access, the anonymity and the simplicity of the questionnaire, so students will feel inclined to offer input. The constructs in which our research question revolves around includes the students perceived stress, socio-economic status, their distance from the university, their age and the degree they are studying. These constructs all intertwine with each other in order to develop a strong hypothesis. 3.3. Research Question/ Hypothesis Gradation of stress is closely linked to a combination of both the university degree that the student is studying, and their socioeconomic status. This is because the student may have a desired outcome and an overall goal, for example, to become a top firm lawyer or doctor, both careers that require an extensive workload and amount of effort throughout the duration of their degrees, in turn, placing a large amount of pressure and stress upon students who decide upon these career paths. If they come from a low socio-economic background, students may additionally feel stressed as they feel they may not be able to improve upon their current lifestyle. Students who cannot afford to run cars may find it difficult to access stress support as they rely on GROUP REPORT 4

public transport. It is expected that every participant in the following sample will have completely different answers per variable, which will give a unique understanding of how well the university copes with stressed students. Based on current knowledge that we already understand, we have developed the research question: “What levels of stress do Macquarie University students experience, and are the current facilities offered by the University sufficient in dealing with this stress”

4.0 Methodology 4.1. Research method (Questionnaire) The form of instrumentation that was utilised in order to apprehend the current issue was through the use of an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed using Macquarie University’s Qualtrics online survey program. The reasoning behind choosing this particular method of collecting data was due to the sensitivity of the issue. This questionnaire gave the respondents anonymity that allowed them to openly express their input on their perspective on coping and dealing with stress at Macquarie University. The uses of the online questionnaires were also easily accessible, time efficient, inexpensive, and gave accurate information. 4.2. Variables & Types of Data Using the data from the questionnaire, we aimed to understand the cause of stress, if and why students experience stress, if they have used any of the support systems available at Macquarie University, whether the services were effective or not and if not, we gathered reasons on how they believe it can be improved to be an effective outlet for students who experience stress. The relevant variables in our research were: o What degree are you currently studying? (Independent) o In the past moth, how often have you felt nervous and stressed? (Dependent) 4.3. Sampling Method The sampling technique that was utilised in this research was through judgement sampling. The researcher selected Macquarie University students on campus; the questionnaires were primarily distributed online, but some students were physically approached GROUP REPORT 5

by the researcher and asked to complete the questionaries (using a tablet or laptop). The students that were approached were a reflection of the target population, they provided us with diverse demographics, some aspects were; age, degree, faculty, year of study etc. 4.4. Analysis Methods The method of analysis used in our research was the use of a series of independent sample t-tests. This form of analysis gave a comparison between two un-related groups. The Independent sample t-test allowed us to understand the whether there was a difference/relationship between stress and degree (course) that a student undertook, as well as age of the student and level of stress, and whether a relationship existed between the variables. The reasoning behind each question asked in the survey is as follows: What degree are you currently studying? This question was asked in order for the researchers to note if there was any relative trends among degrees that students study. Furthermore, combined with other questions, could see a correlation that some degrees may induce higher stress levels than others. What is your current age? This question was proposed in order to later gain knowledge of a potential relationship between stress and age. The researchers aimed to find out whether younger or older people could cope better with stress. In the past month, have you ever felt nervous or stressed? And In the past month, how often have you felt you can’t cope with all the things you had to do? These two questions were standard perceived stress scale questions. These were used to examine how often a degree will cause you to feel these emotions. Do you believe all students experience stress whilst completing their degree? This question was asked in order to establish if students had seen or experienced stress as the result of their studies. At what stage of the degree do you feel most stressed? This question was used to establish what point in time the highest stress level occurs in the degree being completed. It works well with the first question as we can pinpoint the most stressful times of specific degrees. What factors of your degree stress you out the most? This question determined what exact task required by a degree that students find most stressful. This question also works well with the first question as it pinpoints the specific tasks that the majority find stressful in each degree. Do you believe a student who lives further from the university will find more stress? This question was used to understand students’ ideas on how distance will change the stress level and if travelling further everyday will increase stress levels.


How can Macquarie University help students who live further away cope with stress? This question allowed the students to give their own personal opinion on how Macquarie University can assist stressed students. It also shows the problems with living further away from University. Which services have you used at Macquarie University to help you cope with stress? This question was used to view how many students have used the standard stress services offered by Macquarie University. It also would show how many people are aware of these services. How strongly do you feel that Macquarie University can do more to help stressed students? This question was asked to see how students felt about the effort Macquarie University puts in to help their stressed students and if they felt that the university could further this effort. Do you believe Macquarie University can do more to stressed students who are both working and studying? As the majority of university students work, this question was designed to find out if Macquarie University can do more to help stressed students who are both studying and working. State one example of how you would expect Macquarie University to help stressed students. This question allowed us to see where Macquarie University is expected to help the students who are stressed as a result of to their studies.


5.0 Results (OLIVIA) 1. What degree are you currently studying? Degree Commerce Business/Finance Law Medicine Science Arts Media Psychology Engineering IT Education International Studies Communications

Frequency 25 10 10 1 11 8 3 2 2 4 2 1 1

Statistic Total Responses

Value 80

2. What is your current age? Text Response 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26+

8 17 22 9 12 4 3 2 3

Statistic Total Responses

Value 80

3. In the past month, how often have you felt nervous and stressed? # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Answer Never Less than Once a Month Once a Month 2-3 Times a Month Once a Week 2-3 Times a Week Daily Total

Response 8

% 9%











18 85

21% 100%


Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

Value 1 7 4.55 3.82 1.95 85

4. In the past month, how often have you felt you can't cope with all the things you had to do? # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Answer Never Less than Once a Month Once a Month 2-3 Times a Month Once a Week 2-3 Times a Week Daily Total

Response 15

% 18%











9 85

11% 100%

Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

Value 1 7 3.74 3.84 1.96 85

5. Do you believe all students experience stress while completing their degree? # 1 2 3 4 5

Answer Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
















Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

Value 1 5 1.71 0.66 0.81 85

6. At what stage of your degree do you feel most stressed? # 1 2 3

Answer Beginning Middle End Total

Response 22 28 35 85

% 26% 33% 41% 100%


Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

Value 1 3 2.15 0.65 0.81 85


7. What factors of your degree stresses you out the most? Text Response The exams and assignments the independence exams Passing unit Workload Assessments, meeting new students, socially. Exams Exams deadlines Exams Marks Exams Final Exams Amount of work/Final Exams small assignments due at the same time number of assesments Competition to make it into the masters program Assignments Exams. Results work load assignments Masters Assessments Complexity of IT assignments work-load marks and passes Going thru case studies there is a lot of content for each subject, and when it comes to completing exams/assignments they are all set in the similar period of time-close together. Final exams Starting GPA requirements Too many assignments due in same week Exams deadlines, exams assignment deadlines doing almost double the usual full time load of subjects Assignments Ability to find a job after graduation Work load assesments exams balancing work university and family commitments. overload of assignments all at once assessment Assessment tasks Exams and assignment deadlines Workload, career Workload, assignments, exams, textbooks, degree itself, career Final exams Internships, Career following degree, workload Limited time between assessment due dates Exams Nothing mostly, but if I had to say one probably getting a job after the completion of my degree


Exams. Getting good enough marks Exams THE WORKLOAD Examinations are worth almost the entire course. n/a Workload and exams exams Trying to field 17 players in the bye rounds Major assignments Assignments study Work load Exams Exams Workload Workload Final exams Assignments/workload/exams/quizzes Final Exams, Graduation Exams Assessments/Textbooks Exams The technicality of the maths involved Social Interaction in tutorials and group assessments Exams Statistic Total Responses

Value 80

8. Do you believe a student who lives further from the University will find more stress? # 1 2 3 4 5

Answer Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total

Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses














100% Value 1 5 3.59 1.01 1.00 85


9. How can Macquarie University help students who live further away cope with stress? Text Response Improve online resources online chat dno Online tutorials Counselling? Better online services Better online services Online help Allow for more parking online help not sure Increased amount of transport available (however this isnt really something the uni could do but more the government/NSW public transport), AND make more car parks better off campus courses Reduce Number of Assesments Provide more onlline materials/options Online tutorial work instead of face-to-face work More online based work Just being more understanding Do more work during uni hours NA Online University services Promote services that deal with stress give them free stress support classes easier timetable selection The University can provide more resources for students who live further away. Some of them might find it hard to come down to the campus. These students will feel like they're falling back, if they unable to attend they're lectures/tutes, so the university can provide additional resources for them. Send emails comforting them, asking about feedback and encouraging the students to let them know how they feel so they can resolve the issue. More online facilities Transport assistance Offer counselling services over the phone. Online help Not much they can do that's life sometimes you have to travel a fair bit for work Online units, less pressure on attendance submission of assignments only online find other means of stress relief, ma...

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