Sample Friday Nights at NGV Report PDF

Title Sample Friday Nights at NGV Report
Author Jess Chum
Course Marketing for Managers
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 22
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BUSM 1534 Marketing for Managers Spring Semester 2015

Assessment Task 2a NGV Marketing Research Case Study

CLN 3 Claudia Jorquera – s3553617 Sean Paterson - s3570919 Angeliki Sofronidou – s3471478 Alishio White – s3549729

NGV Marketing Research Case Study – CLN 3

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Table of contents



1. Introduction


2. Methodology


2.1. Limitations of the research 3. Findings

6 7

3.1. SWOT Analysis for the Friday nights at NGV event


3.2. TOWS Analysis


4. Conclusion


5. Recommendations


5.1 Targeted advertising 5.2 Improve the experience 6. References


7. Appendix


NGV Marketing Research Case Study – CLN 3

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1. Introduction

CLN 3 was engaged by RMIT to conduct marketing research and to analyse the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) event, Friday Nights at NGV (also referred to as ‘the event’), to apply design thinking to formulate recommendations regarding ideas for improvement.

This report provides details on the methodologies and tools such as the Venn Diagram, SWOT Analysis and TOWS Analysis that were used for the marketing research and analysis. It also contains recommendations on the strategies that may be utilised to achieve the desired outcome of increasing the number of patrons attending Friday Nights at NGV.

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2. Methodology Members of CLN 3 attended a Friday Nights at NGV event on 11 December 2015, to gain firsthand experiences of the event. The night was exhibiting works of art by Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei, which were accompanied by musical performances by Moon Duo (National Gallery of Victoria 2015). CLN 3 opted to use primary data to aid with the marketing research, because primary data can be tailored to specific situations in order to answer the questions that are linked to the problems that the researcher is attempting to solve. It is common practice for researchers to collect the data using surveys, interviews and direct observations (Institute for Work & Health 2015). However, given the budgetary and time restraints, three members of CLN 3 conducted individual marketing research for the Friday night event in the form of case studies. The members listed their expectations of a night out of entertainment on a Friday night and compared their expectations to the individual experiences at the NGV event. Conducting this type of research provided CLN 3 with qualitative data (Baxter & Jack 2008). The tables below provide a summary of the three case studies: Group Member 1 (Alishio) – single male (late 20’s) Expectations Experience The exhibitions were mentally very stimulating, especially with Opportunities to be mentally stimulated (e.g. by works of

the interactive works of art.

art) Opportunities to socialise

There were opportunities to socialise with known and unknown

Listen to music/dance

patrons. The DJ and the band played two separate genres. The band (Moon Duo) played a loud and heavy type of music, for my

Good food

liking. The food was disappointing. It was lacking variety and the

Great customer service

servings were inconvenient, unless seated at a table. Did not experience any out of the ordinary customer service, except at the entrance and exit to and from the venue respectively. Table 1: Case study of Group Member 1

Group Member 2 (Angie) – single female (mid 20’s) NGV Marketing Research Case Study – CLN 3

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Expectations Social interaction (meet new

Experience Many people who attended the event were similar in age (mid


20’s to mid 30’s). There were no allocated smoking areas,

Experience something

which was very inconvenient for a smoker. The kids and floating areas were pleasant surprises.

new/different Be introduced to new artists

Did not have prior experience with the artists on show. The


artists on display were thought provoking and eye-opening. The food diversity was very poor for such an event. Table 2: Case Study of Group Member 2

Group Member 3 (Claudia) – married mother of two teenage boys Expectations Experience Socialise (network, meet new Calming and relaxing environment. Set mood for personal friends and re-unite with old

engagement with friends at candlelit tables.


Felt a sense of connection with people, sense of community


(families, couples and friends all in the one room). Music disconnected to the art experience (preference is

Unique and exciting

Classical /instrumental music) Enjoyed the water mist outside experience from the Gallery

experience (post pictures on Facebook) Convenience to public

The event was near the CBD. Therefore, very convenient with

transport Value for money

public transport. Closed access to other Gallery exhibits (Disregards

Consume food and beverages

International visitor experience) Disappointed with food menu choice (minimal selection of food

choice) Food was not impressive / No food variety as expected. Table 3: Case study of Group Member 3 The members of CLN 3 also observed the other patrons at the Friday night event, as part of the marketing research, in an attempt to ascertain the market segments that were represented on the night.

2.1. Limitations of the research

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CLN 3 was not able to communicate with the patrons of the event. Therefore, the information obtained from the patrons was purely based on the observations of three members of CLN 3. CLN 3 attended only one Friday night event, which limits the experiences on offer by NGV, which can be analysed. Furthermore, analysing only one event will produce results skewed towards that particular event, and the findings may not reflect the other Friday night events at NGV.

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3. Findings After conducting the research, CLN 3 identified key market segments that can be targeted for the Friday night event, based on their personal interests. They are represented by people who possess at least one of the following characteristics, which are depicted in the Venn Diagram: A – Interested in the arts B – Interested in music C – Seeking a venue to socialise D – Seeking for a venue to have dinner and/or drinks E – Seeking a unique experience

Diagram 1: Venn Diagram (Wikimedia Commons 2015 – for diagram only) NGV Marketing Research Case Study – CLN 3

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The above Venn Diagram is used as a visual aid to identify the different market segments with the individual letters (e.g. A, B, C etc that represent individuals who possess only one of the characteristics) and the combination of letters (e.g. AB, ABC, CDE, ABCDE etc that represent individuals who possess a combination of the characteristics). After comparing the individual case studies with the market segments, it appears though the Friday night event has varying degrees of value to offer the members of CLN 3. However, Alishio was the only member of the CLN who had prior experience visiting the NGV. It was later uncovered that Angie did not have prior experiences at the NGV, because she was not aware of the venue and Claudia has not visited the NGV, because the NGV did not appeal to her as a mother with two teenage sons.

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3.1. SWOT Analysis for the Friday nights at NGV event A SWOT Analysis of the Friday Nights at NGV event was conducted to gain an understanding of the internal (Strengths & Weaknesses) and external (Opportunities & Threats) environments, which enabled CLN 3 to create a profile of the event (Muthaly & Leenders 2014). Strengths  Location and 

Weaknesses  Poor

Threats  Music does not


experiences with

space at the rear

complement the

Knowledge and

the food on offer.

exit of the gallery.

general theme of

Educating people

the night.

experience of

Opportunities  Vacant open

Being an art

NGV staff

gallery (many

who do not know

The experiences

people have a

about what the

businesses on

on offer

narrow view of

NGV offers.

Friday nights


what an art




gallery is).

space for NGV


It is not very

sign outside


evident what the



NGV visitors

NGV building is,

opportunities on

The lack of great

offer in CBD. 

while in the venue. 


from the outside.

customer service

Tourists who visit Melbourne.

The diversity of

Did not have

cultures in



advertising for future events. 

The lack of awareness outside the general art

lovers. Table 4: SWOT Analysis on the Friday Nights at NGV event 3.2. TOWS Analysis NGV Marketing Research Case Study – CLN 3

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After conducting a SWOT Analysis on the event, a TOWS Analysis was conducted to formulate strategies that may be implemented to utilise strengths to take advantage of opportunities, utilise strengths to minimise the potential threats, overcome weaknesses with the use of opportunities, and avoid weaknesses and minimise threats (Muthaly & Leenders 2014). The TOWS Analysis as shown in Table 5 contains strategies that may be adopted in order for NGV to reach the desired outcome of increasing the number of patrons attending Friday Nights at NGV.

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Strengths  Advertising in areas such as Federation Square can encourage

that promotes the NGV as more

people (locals & tourists) who are

than “just an art gallery” will attract

already in the CBD area, to take the

people who are not interested in

short walk across the Yarra River to

art, but are interested in other

the NGV.

aspects of the event. e.g. Musical

 Drawing on the wealth of knowledge of the staff employed by the NGV to

Opportunitie s

Weaknesses  Develop an advertising campaign

guests.  Generate more awareness of the

educate people who seem to have a

venue by having more prominent

narrow view of the NGV and art

NGV signs on the outside of the

galleries in general.


 Create incentives for members to

 Provide specialist staff to engage

invite non-members to the events. e.g.

and interact with the patrons

Offer free private guided tours for

during the event, similar to the

members who bring a crowd of over

host in the “flower exhibit”.

20 non-members to the event.

 Improve the menu to include more

 Expanding the interactive works of art

food options and suit the event

in to the vacant outdoor area at the

(many people had to eat while

back of the venue will provide yet


another type of experience for the segment who are looking for something different.  Creating more awareness of the event


 Challenge the perception within

and what it has to offer people who

the community that you can’t have

usually choose to visit a bar or a

fun at a gallery.

restaurant on a Friday night, and

 The musical acts and

convincing a portion of this segment to

food/beverages on offer must be

visit the NGV instead.

able to compete with other venues

that are offering the same. Table 5: TOWS Analysis on the Friday Nights at NGV event

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4. Conclusion The Friday night event seems to appeal to a wide variety of people, CLN 3 has segmented them in to five classifications based on personal interests. Based on the market research CLN 3 has chosen two market segments, those interested in music and those interested in food/drinks. Friday Nights at NGV has the potential to attract and maintain larger crowds by improving the experience. This can be achieved by aligning the music to the overall theme of the night and providing a more appropriate food menu.

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5. Recommendations 5.1 Targeted advertising i.

Direct advertising to people who are interested in alternative/unique musical experiences. It is suggested that this advertisement is targeted at: a. Commercial venues offering similar musical experiences (e.g. Trak Bar). b. Music students at local universities. c. Specialist online (e.g. Facebook groups) and print media (e.g. Beat Magazine).


Focus advertising on people who are interested in food and wine festivals and events (e.g. Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, Taste of Melbourne, Queen Victoria Night Market).


Rebrand the event with less of a focus on the NGV and more of a focus on the experiences on offer.


Foster business partnerships with: a. Music event management companies. b. Food and wine producers. c. Businesses based in the St Kilda Road precinct (e.g. Christmas and corporate functions).


Advertise the event on the giant digital media screens in areas such as Federation Square and on the intersection of Flinders and Swanston Streets, which will target potential patrons already in the vicinity of the NGV.

5.2 Improve the experience vi.

Align the music with the theme/period/style of the art exhibition.


Ensure the food on offer: a. Is able to be consumed while standing. b. Can be shared (provide high bar tables).


Provide specialist staff to engage and interact with the patrons during the event, similar to the host in the “flower exhibit”.

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6. References 

Baxter, P & Jack, S 2008, Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers, The Qualitative Report, vol. 4, pp. 544-559.

Institute for Work & Health 2015, What researchers mean by...primary data and secondary data, available from: . [14 December 2015].

Muthaly, S & Leenders, M 2014, Marketing for decision makers, 3 rd edition, Cengage Learning Australia, Australia.










. [14 December 2015]. 

Wikimedia Common 2015, File:Symmetrical 5-set Venn diagram.svg, available from: . December 2015].

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7. Appendix

Photo 1: Outdoor area to the rear of the NGV

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Photo 2: Interactive works of art (inflated objects)

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Photo 3: The cinema experience work of art

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Photo 4: Interaction with computer screens

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Photo 5: The dinner menu on the night

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Photo 6: Patrons observing musical performance in function area

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Photo 7: The NGV sign on the outside wall of building

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Photo 8: Advertisement of the Friday Nights at NGV outside the venue

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