Sample/practice exam 2020, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 2020, questions and answers
Course Introduction to the Practice of Music Therapy
Institution McMaster University
Pages 10
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Quizzes 1-4 1) A music therapist begins his session with a hello song. Throughout the session he is encouraging self-expression through using improvisation and using precomposed music to facilitate coordination of movement. Sometimes the client changes the words to the song. The therapist supports this as a part of selfexpression goals. Which approach describes the music therapists way of working most? Answer; eclectic approach 2) Some music therapy approaches are psychoanalytically informed Answer true 3) In the early 20th century, music therapy research could be found in scientific publications Answer: true 4) It is only more recently (since the regulation of music therapy in Canada – 1947) that music therapy is being used in mental health and prison settings Answer; false 5) NMT is a research based system of standardized clinical techniques for training in the following areas; Answer; sensorimotor, speech& language and cognition 6) Other health care professionals can provide music therapy as….. answer; only an accredited music therapist can provide music therapy 7) When creating a treatment plan, what must music therapist consider answer; all of the above (background/culture, chronological age, developmental age) 8) What was/ were the outcomes of the study “music therapy in Parkinson’s disease; an integrative method for motor and emotional rehabilitation Answer: music therapy demonstrated significant improvement in UPDRS scores 9) Music is a universal phenomenon, not a universal language Answer; true 10) Which music therapy approach aims to replace irrational thinking ? answer; cognitive behavior 11) Using a metronome to deliver a music therapy intervention is common with which approach? Answer; Neurologic Music therapy 12) NMT is a an example of bio psychosocial model

Answer; false 13) Which of the following is NOT a music therapy intervention? Answer: listening alone to your ipod 14) Music therapy draws upon different music education approaches such as Answer; Dalcroze eurhythmics 15) Music therapists trained to used NMT are most likely to work with clients who have the following diagnosis Answer; Traumatic Brain Injury 16) The Nordoff Robbins Music therapy approach is best define as Answer; tapping into the clients innate musical ability 17) Which of the following statements is true about preliterate cultures Answer; It was believed that music affects mental and physical well-being 18) Which of the following is the best definition for music therapy in Canada? Answer; music therapy is the use of music by an accredited music therapist to facilitate health care goals 19) One of the following is a factor that heavily influences music therapy approaches Answer; societal changes 20) What was the purpose of the study “Music Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease; An integrative method for Motor and Emotional Rehabilitation”? Answer; To explore the efficacy of ACTIVE music therapy on motor and emotional functions in patients with PD 21) Music therapy in a medical setting promotes “normalization” Answer; true 22)Music therapists in Canada carry the MTA (Music Therapist Accredited) if they are recognized by the CAMT Answer; True 23) It is effective for music therapists to use a bio psychosocial approach to pain management because… Answer; Music can address the physical, emotional, and social aspects of pain 24)All music therapists in Ontario, must also be recognized by the CRPO Answer; False 25)Pain is best describe as

Answer; a subjective experience 26)GIM training is a part of most music therapy training programs Answer; False 27) NMT provides measurable outcome answer: true 28) It can be beneficial for MTs to collaborate with other professionals such as speech therapists or physiotherapists a) True 29) “MT in Parkinson’s disease: an integrative method for motor and emotional rehabilitation” had measurable results supporting MT a) True 30) Music can influence physical behavior including autonomic activity a) True 31) Parkinson’s disease is a motor system disorder a) True 32) MTs should not receive supervision or personal therapy as it may bring up issues that will negatively impact their MT sessions with clients a) False 33) NMT would be an appropriate approach for a MTs working with a client toward the following goal… d)Improving gait 34) A MTs needs to be a proficient and flexible musician a) True 35) MT goals and interventions should reflect developmental age opposed to chronological age a) True 36) What is required to become an accredited MT? d) All listed options(Completion of a BA MT or MA in MT, Completion of a 1000hr internship approved by CAMT, Be an accomplished musician) 37) During the Baroque period, it was believed that certain personality characteristics were associated with certain styles of music. This theory is still followed today. b) False 38) What is the aim of MT? d) To reach health care goals

39) MTs in Canada carry the title MTA if they are recognized by CAMT a) True 40) Classical music has the greatest impact on pain relief b) False 41) Which of the following is a reason to refer somebody to MT? a) To improve communication 42) Which organization regulates MT in Canada? a) CAMT 43. MT was used in educational institutions in the USA as early as the 1830s a) True 44.What can instrumental playing as a MT intervention do? b) Improve range of motion, dexterity, and muscle strength 45. According to Piaget, on the of the following is not a primary stage of child development b) Communication operations 46.Music and speech use the same areas of the brain. This is why music can activate speech and communication. b) False 47. In the early 20th century, MT research could be found in scientific publications a) True 48.Why is improvisation an effective intervention in MT? d) All listed options (Offers a creative nonverbal means of expressing thoughts and feelings, There are no mistakes, Provides control) 49. Music entertainment differs from MT because… b) Entertainment is not a healthcare discipline

Midterm 1. What is music therapy aiming to achieve? Answer; Aims to achieve health care goals 2. Music therapy interventions include: Answer: all of the above, lyric analysis, singing, composing 3. For an individual to engage in creating music do they need to be musical Answer; false . No music background is necessary. 4. Song writing in music therapy. Answer; the Client does not need music training. 5. Music entertainment differs from music therapy. Answer: Entertainment is not a health care discipline 6. Precomposed music (not always beneficial). Answer: It can elicit memories. 7. Precomposed music predominantly used in Answer; long term care facility. To help them cope with loss. 8. Accredited music therapist needed for music therapy 9. Refer someone to music therapy to; Answer; facilitate self expression. 10. Music therapist can provide care to Answer: mental health patients, dementia… etc 11. Aesthetic music therapy is Answer: music centered music therapy 12. Music therapist in Ontario need to determine if they use the act of psychotherapy in their work (they must apply to CRPO, only in Ontario, if they use psychotherapy) 13. Community music therapist relate their work as; Answer: primarily music centered. 14. Music child- nordiff robins

15. Behavioral music therapy is defined as; Answer: using music to increase or modify behaviors. 16. One of the following is not a song writing techniqueAnswer; matching 17. Song parody can be effective as a song writing technique Answer; because the melody can resonate with the client. 18. An individual with an acquired brain injury Answer: song writing can provide an opportunity to internalize and externalize emotions. Therapist will never choose an intervention that frustrates the client 19. Instrumental playing as a music intervention will improve; Answer: range of motion, dexterity, etc 20. Individuals need to experience success in order to develop. Music therapy allows clients to experience instant success. 21. Improvisation as a music therapy intervention is Answer: free and unpredictable. (not always the best intervention) 22. A systematic and unique approach to method and technique based on certain principles. This is called a model 23. Common themes in song for ppl with ABI, anger isolation body image 24. Songwriting is tangible…. All of the above

25. Individuals with a physical and developmental delay need help to make meaningful contact with others through music therapy intervention 26. Music therapist may choose to work in only one model or approach. Answer; True 27. Music therapy is still an emerging field and is only practiced in North America and Europe. Answer; False it is practiced all over the world, Australia Africa

28. Who can make a music therapy referralAnswer; anyone 29. A Greater tool to make music greater self knowledge is Answer; Analytic music therapy 30. Music therapy session start with hello song 31. Individual with down syndrome is reason to refer to music therapy Answer; false 32. Which is not something that would happen in MTAnswer; therapist change lyric to client’s song, no 33. Music does not need to be a part of all music therapy session. Just need a therapeutic relationship to be developing between them, rapport building 34. What is the most important part of song writing, Answer; the process. 35. As early as plato there has been documentation of connection between music therapy and health. Answer; True. There is documentation earlier than that (pythagoreas) 36. What is Qualitative data Answer; the process of client/therapist relationship 37. When assessing outcomes in music therapy the data collected Answer; will be quantitative. 38. Music therapy build upon historical understanding of music and impact on mind and body. Answer; True 39. What feelings are not common in a traumatic brain injury. Answer; Feeling independent 40. Music is a reflection of the individual so the person can see themselves in the music they create. Answer; Free improvisation model

41. Example of music centered approach Answer; aesthetic music therapy 42. An approach that speaks to culture and social change Answer; community music therapy 43. NMT is research based system of standardized techniques 44. Domains of NMT- focus on movement speech and cognition

45. Evidence based practice collects; direct evidence (not numbers only)

46. Pythagoreas’ discovery/ technique of mathematical equations used to measure notes and sounds is still used today. Answer; True, hertz 47. Who is most likely to include music into their practice? Answer; Jung often has dancing and singing and playing of instruments in his session (freud did not like music) 48. Mother baby interactions are the base of interactions to create communication goals Answer; true 49. When working with a child with disability only emotional goal is to support goals of happiness. Answer: False. People also need to express other emotions 50. If a music therapist was collecting data/info which model aligns with most evidence based practice. Answer; NMT bc of the standardized interventions 51. Do all music therapists in ontario need to join, CRPO Answer; No 52. Children with physical with developmental delays; Individuals need to have success in order to develop 53. An individual is very musical this is a great reason to refer them Answer; FALSE

60. Does music therapy need to be a part of all sessions answer; No as long as a therapeutic relationship is made with the client 61. What if the following is uncommon in TBI Answer; Independence An approach that is sensitive to cultures and speaks to social change Answer; Community music therapy (music centred) 62. Neurologic music therapy is Answer; A research system of standardized techniques It was not uncommen for this therapist to use music in his work Answer; Jung 54. Palliative care addresses the same goals as biopsychosocial model a. true 55. imitation of non-musical events b) iconicity 56) the use of music to convey human emotions and movements isomorphism 57)these influenced medicine for the next 2000 years and was particularly important in the middle ages four cardinal humors which of the following is described as elemental music? A) Orff-Schulwerk this mt model is based on the belief that human behaviour is influenced by unconscious psychological processes psychodynamic approach this mt model uses techniques from all types of therapy eclectic this mt model has two therapists per one client Nordoff-Robbins this mt model uses lyric-less music/classical music to evoke images for personal insight Bonnie Method

true or false: pain is impacted by one's past or present state of mind true unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another transference the emotional reaction of the therapist countertransference the conscious use of sustained vowel sounds for the purpose of restoring the body's balance toning the intentional use of two chords in combination with the therapist's voice in order to create a consistent and stable musical environment that facilitates improvised singing within the client-therapist relationship vocal holding picking a word and seeing what word comes after freud (lyric creation) specific word, relate it to another and then to the original and then another jung (lyric creation) true or false: aging has a normative standard false true or false: music abilities are preserved in individuals with dementia true carl jung and freud are associated with which type of mt? psychodynamic...

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