Sand training has the following advantages PDF

Title Sand training has the following advantages
Course Sport and Exercise Psychology
Institution Mohawk College
Pages 3
File Size 181 KB
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Sport and Exercise Psychology Assignment 2020/2021...


Sand training has the following advantages: This is a crucial subject.

The advantage of sand is the instability that requires stabilisation of the joints of the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back for constant compensation during movement. In general, sand training contributes to: When you do sand training, dry sand uses up 20% more energy than running on grass (Gian Nicola Bisciotti 2006). Max oxygen uptake improved by about 10% after 8 weeks of twice-weekly sand training, compared to training on grass. Training in the sand has a low impact force, which leads to a reduction in the possibility of injuries. Sand training improves the overall running economy for runners and other athletes who need endurance, strength, and speed. The pressure on the joints decreases when participating in sand training exercises, as it is a training programme designed to avoid the risk of many injuries, especially to the tendons. This type of training contributes to improving muscle resistance to fatigue. Sand training helps delay the onset of the milky sill.

Training in sand barefoot contributes to alerting the various areas of the foot, which are usually inactive due to wearing sports shoes.

Ruffier Dickson's test for retrieval ability: This test aims to know the recovery ability of the athlete and is an important and simple test that does not require much time and equipment.

1- Before starting the test, we measure the heart rate while resting from a sitting position (nS0). 2- Then the athlete stands with the legs slightly apart, according to the examination signal, so that the individual then bends the legs according to a specific rhythm (determined by the rhythm setting device) by performing 30 bends on the legs in a period of 45 seconds, so that the muscles of the back should touch the heel as it should be the muscles The palms of the feet are completely flush with the ground each time, keeping the torso straight and arms extended. 3- Then we measure the heart rate immediately after stopping the test (NQ1) and finally. 4- After a few minutes of rest in a sitting position, we measure the heart rate (nS2).

Ruffier index = [(n s 0 + n s 1 + n s 2)-200]/ 10

- Ruffier index < 0, excellent recall ability. - Ruffier Index [5,0] Very good retrieval ability. Ruffier Index [10.5] Good recall ability. - Ruffier index [15,10] medium recall capacity. - Ruffier index > 15, poor reproducibility....

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