SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris PDF

Title SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris
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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris Latihan Soal 01 - STAN Doc Name: USMSTANINGLAT01 Version: 2016-12 | halaman 1 01. During the interrogation, some …. watched 08. Bruno always spends time around his friends, me from outside. most …. are school athletes. (A) police (A) of which (B) polices (B) of them (C) police ...


SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris Latihan Soal 01 - STAN Doc Name: USMSTANINGLAT01

Version: 2016-12 |

halaman 1

01. During the interrogation, some …. watched me from outside. (A) police (B) polices (C) police officer (D) policies

08. Bruno always spends time around his friends, most …. are school athletes. (A) of which (B) of them (C) of who (D) of whom

02. I never talk about my family, ….? (A) do I (B) don't I (C) have I (D) haven't I

09. I wish I …. Chinese. I can only speak English. (A) speak (B) don't speak (C) spoke (D) didn't speak.

03. The …. route to the city is through the mountain. (A) farther (B) further (C) farthest (D) furthest

10. Bertha would rather …. the kitchen than wash the car. (A) cleaning (B) be clean (C) clean (D) to clean

04. …. about human anatomy because I was not a medicine student. (A) Little did I know (B) Little I knew (C) Did I know (D) Little did I knew

11. The University of Alabama …. its research paper about political corruption. (A) was published (B) is published (C) publishing (D) has published

05. Lisa does not understand algebra and …. (A) I do too (B) I don't either (C) so do I (D) neither don't I

12. The celebrities went …. for President Obama's speech. (A) craze (B) crazily (C) crazy (D) craziness

06. I have watched a film about …. in space. (A) the first made human object (B) the first human-made object (C) the first human made object (D) the human-made first object 07. As you are now being punished, you must ….whatever the teacher wants. (A) does (B) do (C) did (D) to do

13. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone, …. , was created by JK Rowling. (A) which is one of the best-selling novels (B) is one of the best-selling novels (C) which one of the best-selling novels (D) which the best-selling novels 14. …., I wouldn't have hurt myself in that basketball game. (A) If I practice regularly (B) If I practiced regularly (C) If I have practiced regularly (D) Had I practiced regulary

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

version : 2016-12 |

15. Many people still buy expensive items …. their lack of money. (A) although (B) due to (C) since (D) despite 16. What …. beneath the sea? (A) does lie (B) lies (C) did lied (D) lying 17. The mechanic …. I paid a sum of money ran away with my car key. (A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) for whom 18. I am responsible for both hitting my classmates and …. (A) call names. (B) calling names. (C) call names. (D) to call names. 19. As a security guard, I sometimes throw people out of the building. Don‟t blame me …. doing my job. (A) of (B) for (C) in (D) to 20. Next time you want to go out, tell me first. Your safety …. to me. (A) is matter (B) matter (C) matters (D) mattering The grizzly bear is a North American subspecies of the brown bear. These awe-inspiring giants tend to be ..(21).. Animals-with the exception of females and their cubs-but at times they do .. (22).. . Dramatic gatherings of grizzly bears can be seen at prime Alaskan fishing spots when the salmon run upstream for summer spawning. In this season, dozens of bears may gather to feast on the fish, craving fats that will ..(23).. them through the long winter ahead.

halaman 2

Brown bears dig dens for winter hibernation, often holing up in a suitable-looking hillside. Females ..(24).. birth during this winter rest and their offspring are often twins. Grizzly bears are powerful, top-of-the-foodchain predators, yet much of their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves, and roots. Bears also eat other animals, from rodents to moose. ..(25).. their impressive size, grizzlies are quite fast and have been clocked at 30 miles (48 kilometers) an hour. They can be dangerous to humans, particularly if surprised or if humans come between a mother and her cubs. Excerpt from: http:/ mammals/grizzly-bear/ 21. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

solitude solitary solitarily soloist

22. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

congregate disperse break up separate

23. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

torment sustain consume rest

24. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

who gave give giving who giving

25. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Yet However Even though Despite

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

version : 2016-12 |

Whac-A-Mole is a popular arcade game invented in 1976 by Aaron Fechter of Creative Engineering, Inc. In Japan, Mole Buster, a similar game, ..(26).. a year before Whac-A-Mole by Kazuo Yamada. A typical Whac-A-Mole machine consists .. (27).. a large waist-level cabinet with five holes in its top and a large, Soft, black mallet. Each hole ..(28).. a single plastic mole and the machinery necessary to move it up and down. Once the game starts, the moles will begin to pop up from their holes at random. The object of the game is to force the individual moles back into their holes by hitting them ..(29).. on the head with the mallet, thereby adding to the player‟s score. The ..(30).. this is done, the higher the final score will be. Excerpt from:https// whac-A-Mole 26. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

invented which invented was invented which was invented

27. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

in on of with

28. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

containing contain contains contained

29. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

direct direction directly director

30. …. (A) (B) (C) (D)

quick quickest quicker quicker than

halaman 3

Choose the wrong part of each sentence! 31. Both dogs and (A) humans share (B) very similar symptoms (C) of depressions (D). (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 32. When two nuclei (A) move closer together, their mutual (B) electrostatic potential energy becomes (C) more large (D) and more positive. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 33. Ears are an evolution (A) innovation that allows us to (B) register (C) sound waves in the air around (D) us. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 34. Inventor Sir James Dyson is about to open his own institute to train engineers, who (A) are badly (B) needed if UK companies want (C) to remain competition (D). (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 35. Whether or not the practice of Daylight Saving Time actually shrinks (A) energy bills seem (B) to vary (C) from state to (D) state and remains up for debate today. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 36. Cephalopods only have (A) a single type of light receptor, means (B) they should not be able (C) to distinguish (D) color at all. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

37. We often measure (A) loudness (B) using a unit called (C) the decibel, naming (D) after Alexander Graham Bell. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 38. UN drug control officers reported that when (A) the Taliban regime opium production (B) was (C) nearly wiped out in Afghanistan — once the world‟s largest (D) producer. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 39. Photosynthesis is a chemically (A) process that uses (B) sunlight (C) to turn carbon dioxide into sugars which (D) the cell can use as energy. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 40. Hong Kong Island, that (A) is an island in the southern (B) part of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in China, has (C) a population of almost 1.3 million (D) people. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D Domestic cats, no matter their breed. are all members of one species. Felis catus has had a very long relationship with humans. Ancient Egyptians may have first domesticated cats as early as 4,000 years ago. Plentiful rodents probably drew wild felines to human communities. The cats' skill in killing them may have first earned the affectionate attention of humans. Early Egyptians worshipped a cat goddess and even mummified their beloved pets for their journey to the next world— accompanied by mummified mice! Cultures around the world later adopted cats as their own companions.

version : 2016-12 |

halaman 4

Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth. They are particularly effective at night, when their lightreflecting eyes allow them to see better than much of their prey. Cats also enjoy acute hearing. All cats are nimble and agile. and their long tails aid their outstanding balance. Cats communicate by marking trees_fence posts, or furniture with their claws or their waste. These scent posts are meant to inform others of a cat's home range. House cats employ a vocal repertoire that extends from a purr to a screech. Domestic cats remain largely carnivorous, and have evolved a simple gut appropriate for raw meat. They also retain the rough tongue that can help them clean every last piece from an animal bone (and groom themselves). Excerpt from:http// mammals/domestic-cat/ 41. The underlined word „them‟ in paragraph 1 refers to …. (A) human communities (B) wild felines (C) rodents (D) Egyptians 42. Which one is WRONG according to the text? (A) Wild relatives of domestic cats are also natural hunters. (B) Cats see better at night than in the morning. (C) Cats can communicate with other cats. (D) Most domestic cats are carnivorous. 43. The underlined word „employ‟ in paragraph 3 is mostly similar to …. (A) inform (B) provide work (C) use (D) talk 44. What is the main topic of paragraph 3? (A) How a cat was revered by the early Egyptians. (B) How a cat hunts its preys. (C) How a cat communicates. (D) How a cat eats.

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

45. The author mentions ‘mummified mice’ in paragraph 1 to …. (A) give example of how a cat was revered by the early Egyptians. (B) give the readers information about Egyptian culture. (C) show that mummification of mice influences the later adoption of cats as human companions. (D) show that mice and cats can live together. 46. The following are the characteristics of domestic cats, EXCEPT …. (A) mostly eat meat (B) they have rough tongue (C) they have poor hearing. (D) they may mark their home range with their feces Two-headed sharks may sound like a figment of the big screen, but they exist—and more are turning up worldwide, scientists say. A few years ago off Florida, fishermen hauled in a bull shark whose uterus contained a twoheaded fetus. In 2008, another fisherman discovered a two-headed blue shark embryo in the Indian Ocean. Now, Spanish researchers have identified an embryo of an Atlantic sawtail catshark. They opened the egg to study the specimen, and study leader Valentin Sans-Coma says it‟s unknown whether the deformed animal would have survived. Sans-Coma and colleagues say a genetic disorder seems to be the most plausible cause for the two-headed catshark, since the embryos were grown in a lab among nearly 800 specimens. To the best of their knowledge, the eggs were not exposed to any infections, chemicals, or radiation. But wild sharks‟ malformations could come from a variety of factors, including viral infections, metabolic disorders, pollution, or a dwindling gene pool due to overfishing, which leads to inbreeding, and thus genetic abnormalities. Ehemann, a master‟s student at the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico, believes that if the two-headed fetuses are more prevalent in nature, then overfishing is a strong culprit as it may cause the gene pool to shrink.

version : 2016-12 |

halaman 5

Galvan-Magana, who authored the 2011 study, doesn't think two-headed sharks are more common—but rather that there are more scientific journals around to publish accounts. Excerpt from:http:// -two-headed-oceans-muattions/ 47. According to the text. the following may contribute to the existence of the twoheaded sharks. EXCEPT …. (A) viral infections (B) inbreeding (C) genetic disorder (D) two-headed embryos 48. The underlined word 'dwindling' in paragraph 4 means …. (A) shrinking (B) expanding (C) increasing (D) varying 49. The underlined word „it‟ in paragraph 4 refers to …. (A) a two-headed fetus (B) institute (C) culprit (D) overfishing 50. The following are the opinions of the researchers an the text, EXCEPT …. (A) Sans-Coma thinks that the existence of two-headed catsharks is mostly genetic. (B) Sans-Coma thinks that two-headed sharks may or may not have survived. (C) Ehemann thinks that overfishing causes two-headed sharks to exist, especially in nature. (D) Galvan-Magana thinks that the number of two-headed sharks are higher than the number of scientific journals. 51. What is the main idea of the passage? (A) Scientists have been trying to explain the two-headed shark phenomenon. (B) Scientists have found an answer to the existence of two-headed sharks. (C) Two-headed sharks were found in the oceans. (D) Scientists studied two-headed sharks both in the lab and in nature.

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

52. The passage above is mo found in a …. article. (A) history. (B) physics. (C) chemistry. (D) biology. 53. The underlined word „plausible‟ in paragraph 3 means …. (A) reasonable (B) improbable (C) important (D) known Steven Avery is an American man from Manitowoc Country, Wisconsin, who was convicted of rape and attempted murder in 1985, when he was at the age of 22, and served 18 years of a 32-year sentence before DNA testing exonerated him. In July 1985. a woman named Penny Beerntsen was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted while jogging on a Lake Michigan beach. Avery was arrested after the victim picked him from a photo lineup, and later from a live lineup as well. Although Avery was 40 miles away in Green Bay at the time of the attack — an alibi supported by a time-stamped store receipt and sixteen eyewitnesses — he was charged and ultimately convicted of rape and attempted murder, then sentenced to 32 years in prison. Appeals in 1987 and 1996 were denied by higher courts. In 1995, a Brown County police detective called the Manitowoc County Jail, saying that an inmate named Gregory Allen, serving a 60 year sentence on rape conviction, “had admited committing a sexual assault years ago in Manitowoc County and that someone else was in jail for it”. The jail officer informed the Manitowoc County detective bureau, but no action was taken.

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halaman 6

Avery continued to maintain his innocence in the Beerntsen case. In 2002, after serving 17 years, the Wisconsin Innocence Project used DNA testing — not available at the time of Avery‟s original trial — to exonerate him, and to demonstrate that Allen had in fact committed the crime. Allen, who bore a striking physical resemblance to Avery, had committed an assault at the same beach where Beerntsen was attacked in 1983, but he was never a suspect in the Beerntsen case, and was not included in the photo or live lineups presented to Beerntsen. Avery was released on September after serving 18 years. By this time, his wife had divorced him and he was estranged from his family. His wrongful conviction case attracted widespread attention. A republican chairman of the Wisconsin Assembly Judiciary Committee recommended improvements to the state‟s criminal justice system aimed at decreasing the likelihood of future wrongful convictions. Excerpt from:https// Steven_Avery 54. What confirmed Avery‟s location at the time of Beerntsen attack? (A) photo lineup (B) live lineup (C) store receipt (D) DNA 55. When was Steven Avery released from prison? (A) 1985 (B) 2002 (C) 2003 (D) 2017 56. The following are TRUE according to the text. EXCEPT …. (A) Penny Beerntsen was the victim of assault. (B) Penny Beerntsen chose Steven Avery as her assailant. (C) Penny Beerntsen was alive even though she was brutally attacked and sexually assulted. (D) Penny Beerntsen admitted that Gregory Allen should have been in prison.

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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 01 - STAN doc name : USMSTANINGLAT01

version : 2016-12 |

halaman 7

57. The underlined word „maintain‟ in paragraph 4 most likely means …. (A) take care of (B) state (C) recover (D) remove 58. The underlined word „exonerate‟ in paragraph 4 can be replaced by …. (A) punish (B) sentence (C) acquit (D) praise 59. The underlined word ‘he’ paragraph 4 refers to …. (A) Steven Avery (B) Gregory Allen (C) Penny Beerntsen (D) Brown County police detective 60. What is the best title of the passage? (A) Steven Avery vs Gregory Allen, (B) Penny Beerntsen: The Victim Who Lied. (C) Steven Avery: 18 Years an Innocent. (D) Criminal Justice System.

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