Scene Size Up Notes PDF

Title Scene Size Up Notes
Author Jonah Perry
Course Emergency Medical Technician II
Institution University of New Haven
Pages 3
File Size 53.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Scene Size Up...


Scene Size Up ● Pre Notes ○ Starts right as the call comes through ○ You, your partner, then patient ○ Post 9-11 changed everything ○ The on predictable thing about emergencies is that there unpredictable ● Notes ○ Element of scene size up ■ Checking scene safety ■ Taking standard precautions ■ Look for MOI/NOI ■ Determine Numbers of PTs ■ Deciding what additional resources many be necessary ■ Start triage ○ Upon approaching the scene ■ Look and listen for other emergency units approaching ■ Look for signs of the a collision-related power outage ■ Observe traffic flow ■ Look for smoke in direction of the collision scene ○ When within sight of the scene ■ Look for clues to escaped hazmat ■ Look for collision victims ■ Look for smoke not scene ■ Be alert for persons walking along side of the road towards collision scene ■ Watch for signal of police officers and other emergency service personal ■ Evaluate hazard and restrict area based on threat level ■ Different hazard required resources ○ Evaluate for threat of violence

■ Fighting or loud voices ■ Weapons visible or in use ■ Signs of alcohol or other drugs use ■ Unusual silence ■ Knowledge of prior violence ○ Nature of the call ■ Determining why ems has been called ● Chief complaint ● MOI (mechanism of injury) ○ Index of Suspicion ○ Forces that causes injury ○ Understanding forces can predict injury patterns ○ spidering - up and over = head hit windshield ○ Down and under = under the dashboard ○ Severe fall ■ adult - 20 feet ■ Child under 15- 10 feet (2-3 times child’s height) ■ Hight which pt fell ■ Surface patient fell into ■ Part of the patient that ground ■ Anything that interrupted fall ○ Penetrating wounds ● Low velocity (knife) injuries ○ Damage limited to area penetrated ○ May be multiple wounds ● Medium velocity(handgun/Shotgun) ● high velocity- (rifle) ● injuries may be anywhere in the body ● Damage from bullet itself ● Damage for cavitation

○ Blunt force trauma ■ Injuries caused by a blow that strikes body but does not penetrate skin or other body tissue ■ Signs often subtle and easily overly looked ● Nature of injury ○ Why you were called ○ Information may be obtained from sources ■ Patient ■ Family and bystanders ■ Scene ● Things to think of ○ Number of PTs ○ Fire ○ Technical rescue ○...

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