SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 Wilmington University PDF

Title SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 Wilmington University
Author Dissertation-hero uk
Course Waste: Sources, Reduction, & Remediation
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 8
File Size 181.9 KB
File Type PDF
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SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University

DOWNLOAD SOLUTION SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Week 13: Test: Chapters 14 Question 1 The lymph nodes of the axillary region receive lymph mainly from the    

thoracic viscera. abdominal viscera. arm and mammary gland. scalp and face.

Question 2 Lymph is ______ ______ that has entered a lymphatic capillary.   

interstitial fluid tissue fluid tissue fluid or interstitial fluid

Question 3 SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University quantity Category: SCI 335 SCI335 SCI/335 Tags: SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University, Science Assignment Help / Biology Assignment Help, Wilmington University / SCI 335



SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Week 13: Test: Chapters 14 Question 1 The lymph nodes of the axillary region receive lymph mainly from the    

thoracic viscera. abdominal viscera. arm and mammary gland. scalp and face.

Question 2 Lymph is ______ ______ that has entered a lymphatic capillary.   

interstitial fluid tissue fluid tissue fluid or interstitial fluid

Question 3 The thymus tends to increase in size after puberty.  

True False

SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Question 4 The spleen    

contains numerous phagocytic cells. is the largest lymphatic organ. contains nodules similar to lymphatic nodules. All of these are correct.

Question 5 Lymph nodes occur in groups throughout the body except in the   

mesentery. lungs. inguinal connective tissue.

central nervous system.

Question 6 The structure of a lymph node can be described as    

being divided into compartments that contain masses of lymphocytes and macrophages. afferent vessels circulating lymph into the node on its convex surface. efferent vessels circulating lymph out of the node at its hilum. All of these are correct.

Question 7 Lymphatic capillaries are thin-walled, closed-ended tubes.  

True False

SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Question 8 The thymus is located within the mediastinum behind the sternum.  

True False

Question 9 Blood vessels converge and join lymph nodes through an indented region called the    

hilium. hilex. hilum. hyoid.

Question 10 The major function of a lymph node is    

filtration of cellular debris. filtration of foreign particles. All of these are correct. production of lymphocytes.

Question 11 Tissue fluid is ______ and lymph is ______. forced out of blood plasma and generally lacking in proteins; absorbed into lymph capillaries and rich in proteins and foreign particles

  

generally rich in proteins; rich in proteins and foreign particles forced out of blood plasma; absorbed into blood capillaries forced out of lymph vessels; absorbed into lymph vessels

SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Question 12 Injections of gamma globulin are sometimes given to provide    

artificially acquired active immunity. naturally acquired active immunity. artificially acquired passive immunity. naturally acquired passive immunity.

Question 13 A newborn may have some defense against digestive and respiratory disturbances because of IgA obtained from its mother’s    

intestine. placenta. milk. blood.

Question 14 A substance that can stimulate a primary immune response but is unable to produce the symptoms of a disease is a(n) ______.  

vaccine vaccine

Question 15 The formation of lymph increases as a result of    

increasing osmotic pressure in tissue fluid. decreasing volume of tissue fluid. increasing osmotic pressure in blood capillaries. decreasing protein concentration in tissue fluid.

Question 16 The foreign, or “non-self” substances that trigger immune responses are called ______.  

antigens antigens

SCI 335 Week 13 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Question 17 Low-grade fever is an effective defense for short periods of time because it is thought    

to increase iron in the blood. the pyrogens destroy the pathogens. an increase in temperature slows the growth of bacteria. to slow the attack of phagocytes.

Question 18 Plasma cells function to    

increase the volume of the blood plasma. produce antibody molecules. directly attack antigens. produce interferon.

Question 19 Which of the following is an autoimmune disease?    

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus All of these are correct. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis multiple sclerosis

Question 20 Foreign particles that are injected into the skin are likely to enter the lymphatic system    

not at all, because lymphatic valves prevent this. not at all, because the skin lacks lymphatic capillaries. rapidly. slowly.

Download Full Course Solution: SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 4 | Wilmington University SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 4 | Wilmington University Question 1 The fetal blood that passes through the ductus venosus is relatively   

low in oxygen but high in nutrients. high oxygen but low in nutrients. low in oxygen and nutrients.

high in oxygen and nutrients.

Question 2 Labor is regulated by    

negative feedback control. positive feedback control. prolactin. estrogen.

Question 3 As a result of the foramen ovale, blood is allowed to bypass the    

kidneys. lungs. aorta. liver.

Download Full Course Solution: SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University Week 15: Test: Chapters 17 Question 1 The micturition reflex center is located in the    

hypothalamus. sacral segments of the spinal cord. medulla oblongata. pons.

Question 2 Gout is a condition in which the plasma has an abnormally high concentration of    

calcium ions. amino acids. uric acid. urea.

Question 3 The juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of the juxtaglomerular cells and the cells of the _____ _____ 

macula densa

macula densa

Download Full Course Solution: SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 2 | Wilmington University SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 2 | Wilmington University Question 1 The primary regulator of water intake is the mechanism of _____ . Question 2 Water balance and electrolyte balance are interdependent due to    

electrolytes being dissolved in water. both being compounds that form ions in blood. water dissolving in electrolytes. both being in an ionic state in the blood.

Question 3

Download Full Course Solution: SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 3 | Wilmington University SCI 335 Week 15 Quiz 3 | Wilmington University Question 1 Male reproductive functions are controlled mainly by hormones from the hypothalamus, and    

interior pituitary gland and testes. anterior pituitary and adrenal glands. posterior pituitary gland and testes. posterior pituitary and adrenal glands.

Question 2 Which of the following structures are unpaired?    

seminal vesicle prostate gland bulbourethral gland vas deferens

Question 3...

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