Script for Subject Recruitment 07-10-2014 PDF

Title Script for Subject Recruitment 07-10-2014
Author Meenank Geu
Course Business Statistics I
Institution University of Illinois at Chicago
Pages 3
File Size 88.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 8
Total Views 145


Course Description
Introduction to Management is a survey course touching upon a large number of topics, none of them in depth. By the end of the course students should have gained a broad perspective on organizations and the art and science of getting work done through people.
The st...


Script for Subject Recruitment During Class Time Research Protocol # 2012-1038 “Study Pool for Managerial Studies Department” One or more study pool administrators will attend each class participating in the study pool each semester in order to explain the process. The “Managerial Studies Mass Testing and Study Pool Information Sheet” will be distributed. Information on the extra credit alternatives as described in the menu of extra credit alternatives will also be distributed. The Managerial Studies Department Study Pool is designed to facilitate students’ participation in organizational behavior and marketing research studies. As a student taking a class in the Department of Managerial Studies, you are being asked to join this study pool. Joining is optional and participation is confidential. If you choose to participate, this is a 3 part process. First, in order to sign-up for the study pool, you must visit the link [point out its location on the bottom of the information sheet] to SONA – our study pool administration website, which is located at the bottom of page 3 of the information sheet you just received. SONA is an online site that will list studies and track your involvement so you can receive credit for participation. There, you will create an account. Second, you must complete the Mass Testing survey on SONA. This will ask you to agree to the agreement to participate information on the sheet you received and then ask you demographic questions, such as your age and how many hours you work per week. This information will then be used to screen you for the research studies in the study pool (e.g., some studies will require that you work 20+ hours /week). Third, you can then select from a list of studies for which you qualify. Most of these will be other online surveys in Qualtrics, but some of them may be in-person. Extra credit is available for this course when you participate in these study pool studies (but not the mass testing survey – this makes you eligible for the study pool.) Studies are assigned credits based upon the time they are expected to take (1 credit = 15 minutes.) You may earn a maximum of 8 credits, which translates to 2% of extra credit towards your final grade though study pool participation. If you do not wish to participate in the study pool but still want to earn the 2% extra credit, alternatives to participation are available and detailed on the information you have just received in the document “Mass Testing / Study Pool Extra Credit Alternatives.” Note that research slots may fill up, so sign up early! There is a penalty system for no-shows to in-person studies, which is detailed in the information you have just received. If you have any questions, you can contact any member of the Study Pool administration team. Our information is on page 3 of the information sheet you just received.

Department of Managerial Studies Mass Testing and Study Pool Enrollment Recruitment Script V1.6 Page 1 of 3 07-10-2014 UIC#2012-1038

FAQ: What if the study takes you more or less time than is posted on the site? ?: We assign credits based upon the average time the survey is expected to take. If it takes you more or less time, you still earn the posted credits – no more and no less. Answer: What if I am enrolled in more than 1 course that is in the subject pool? You can earn 8 credits for each course. ?: Can you “double dip” and earn credit for more than one class with the same study? Answer: No. credits can only be assigned to 1 course. ?: Can you reassign credits after you’ve completed a study in SONA? Answer: Yes. You assign credits to a class when you sign up, however, you can reassign credits to a different class later. The SONA instructions posted on your course’s blackboard site explains how to do this. ?: What is the last day of the semester to earn EC through studies or the alternatives? Answer The last day is the last day of instruction for the semester (before the final exam period; also, not the last day of instruction for your course.) This information is posted on the UIC’s academic calendar available on the UIC website. ?: Can researchers email me? How many emails will I get per semester? Answer: Individual researchers cannot email you. Only study pool administrators can do this. This will only be done for system wide announcements. ?: Will SONA remember me from semester to semester, or do I have to recreate the account? Answer: SONA will remember you for 5 years after you first sign up. This way your participation in studies can be tracked, and inappropriate duplication avoided (most studies will only allow you to participate one time). However, your mass testing demographic information will be refreshed each semester (because some of the information will change, e.g. how many hours per week you work). This is explained in the information sheet. ?: When will studies be posted on SONA? Answer: Studies will be posted at the discretion of individual researchers and could be posted at any time throughout the semester. Check on SONA every few weeks to see if new studies for which you qualify have been posted. ?: What if there are not enough studies in a semester to earn 8 credits per class? Department of Managerial Studies Mass Testing and Study Pool Enrollment Recruitment Script V1.6 Page 2 of 3 07-10-2014 UIC#2012-1038

Answer: You can earn the remainder of credits via the study alternatives explained on the sheet you just received. ?: Can I do a mix of studies and alternatives? Anwer: Yes. You can mix and match as you see fit. If you earn more than 8 credits, only 8 can be applied to a grade in any course.

Department of Managerial Studies Mass Testing and Study Pool Enrollment Recruitment Script V1.6 Page 3 of 3 07-10-2014 UIC#2012-1038...

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