SDM group NEW Assignment PDF

Title SDM group NEW Assignment
Course E-Business Management
Institution Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Pages 41
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CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment


: 28 MAY 2019


: 18th March 2019











CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

Contents 1.0 Project Planning...............................................................................................................................3 1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Current Business Process.............................................................................................................4 1.3 Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................5 1.4 Assumptions................................................................................................................................6 1.5 Scope, Aim & Objectives.............................................................................................................6 2.0 Agile Principles and IS Methodologies............................................................................................8 2.1 Agile Principles............................................................................................................................8 2.2 Methodologies – Compare & Contrast.......................................................................................13 3.0 System Analysis.............................................................................................................................14 4.0 System Design............................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Conceptual & Logical Design....................................................................................................15 4.11 Use-case Diagram...............................................................................................................16 4.12 Context Diagram.................................................................................................................17 4.2 Physical design..........................................................................................................................17 4.21 Throw-Away Prototype.......................................................................................................17 5.0 Implementation and Deployment...................................................................................................20 5.1 Construction..............................................................................................................................20 5.2 Testing....................................................................................................................................... 24 5.3 System Deployment...................................................................................................................27 6.0 Selection of Methodology..............................................................................................................30 6.1 Burhan Muhammad TP048793..................................................................................................30 6.2 Saad Aamer TP048243..............................................................................................................31 XP – Extreme Programming (Saad Aamer – TP048243)............................................................31 6.3 Yaseen AbdulKayum Dawood TP048142..................................................................................33 Spiral Methodology....................................................................................................................33 7.0 Project Scheduling......................................................................................................................... 36 Burhan Muhammad TP048793........................................................................................................36 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................................36 Saad Aamer TP048243....................................................................................................................37 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................................37 Yaseen AbdulKayum Dawood TP048142........................................................................................39 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................................39 8.0 References.....................................................................................................................................40


CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

1.0 Project Planning 1.1 Introduction MyCloths is a leading Malaysia local retail and distributor for all kinds of Malaysian traditional cloths. They currently serve walk-in customers in their shop located at KLCC. They also receive call and email orders from customers and deliver the cloths to their door step. As their business grows, MyCloths would like to have a better management of their orders, inventory and relationship with the customers. The vision of MyCloths is to be a market leader in the use of technology to provide the best possible customer service with the broadest range of Malaysian traditional cloths. In view of the growing number of customers, MyCloths is planning to establish an online store by July 2017. Your team is assigned the project to develop the online store which will among other standard functions, would have the following functions:

Suppliers of traditional cloths frequently sends list of inventories to the MyCloths store manager. The store manager compiles a list of needed cloths and sends an order to the suppliers. The supplier supplies the ordered cloths to the warehouse. The store manager records the details of new cloths, along with the number of the cloths that have arrived in the warehouse. The store clerk updated the website with and the information of new cloths.

Customers could browse the website for products, for free. Customers who wish to purchase, need to initially register as a member. Becoming members has their privileges such as discounts, gifts, etc. Members will be able to view the cloths, read reviews and compare the online cloths with others.

Members who wish to purchase can select their cloths into the website’s shopping cart. The cart will show the summary of the selection and total cost to be paid. Once the payment is made, the customer will be able to print or save the receipts. The store will send the cloths to the customers within 7 working days.


CT046-3-2 SDM 

Group assignment

The system should manage information about all products (cloths and accessories) and it should also store information about user opinions and product ratings. Staff should be able to manage the inventory of the computer cloths and manage customer delivery.

1.2 Current Business Process MyCloths serves walk-in customers and receive orders through call and e-mails which are later delivered to them.


CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

1.3 Problem Statement The new project requires a well-organized online retail system that allows customers to directly view different types of clothes of their preferences and buy them using a computer system with internet access. The current existing system requires customers to walk-in the shop, call or email to know about the shops items and order them. One vital issue with the current system is that orders are recorded manually which causes Data redundancy. In manual recording we cannot easily identify if the data is repeated. Because of data redundancy, the system lacks consistency in data, hence bringing another problem to the system which is Data Inconsistency. Time consumption is another crucial problem to the current existing system since customer’s orders are through walk-ins, calls and emails. Likewise maintaining customer’s and MyCloths data consumes a lot of time. All these problems can be solved with the arrival of a new online base system that can help the company with an easy and flexible way of recording and managing data. A PIECES Framework will help identify problems in the organizations existing InformationSystem Performance The performance of the current business system has to decrease response time between MyCloths and customer. Currently the orders are done through phone calls and emails which is very time consuming as organization will have limited employees/phones to receive orders and save them. The new system will be able to erase these issues. Information The Customer Information and Orders in the current system is stored in documents and files that cause problems such as data redundancy, time consumption looking for the data. the process of the system slows down just saving, preparing and sending the orders. Economics The current system is Labor-intensive due to the manual recording of Customer orders and information. MyCloths receives orders at any time of the day, more than one customer can call or email the organization for orders. Control 5|Page

CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

Human errors cannot be controlled, due to the increase in orders the organization requires a lot of human effort in managing data. MyCloths also must make sure data is secure and they keep track of orders Efficiency Duplication of data is a problem to employees individually and the organization. Since MyCloths requires a significant number of employees to manage their current system which arises the problems such as data inaccessibility by individuals Services After our development team analyzed the main problem MyCloths is dealing with, i.e. distortion of calls and communication problems. Since MyCloths can receive many orders at once

1.4 Assumptions After identifying the terminology of PIECES Framework of the organization, we conclude that the system our team will develop will solve a lot of issues for the organization especially the interaction between the company and its customers. Using computer systems for saving data will help reduce data redundancy and save time. The company can display their items and can identify customers order if they have been received.

1.5 Scope, Aim & Objectives Scope -

To ensure a user-friendly online shopping system, with an appropriate user-interface


To ensure a functioning system for different type of users. Customers should have an interface with functions suitable to the Customer and the Admin which will be the organizations members who will manage the website such as (Customer information, orders, Items, Admin information)


Online system with a reduced response time for both the users to have a satisfiable system


Ensure continuous maintenance and update of system for user satisfaction

Aim -

The aim of establishing a new system is to provide services for to both the organization and customers to meet their demand and expectations of an online


CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

shopping experience. The system should expand geographically, shipping their items to users who are in different/separate physical location. Objectives -

The objective of developing a new system is to provide a complete version of an online shopping system which will help the company manage an online shop for their customer to view. In this online process the company and the customer will have shared data between each other


Development of an online system with decreased time consumption (automatic data saving)


Advancement of a web-based system, to improve response time (between Customer and MyCloths


A system that is effective for users


CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

2.0 Agile Principles and IS Methodologies 2.1 Agile Principles  What is Agile Methodology? Agile is a set of exciting new practices and techniques that make product development more cyclical (or iterative, as we like to call it in Agile–speak) and incremental and brings you closer to what the customer wants by involving the customer at every step. It relies on lean governance (management) as opposed to more traditional techniques that rely on heavyweight governance. (Holzner.S,2010) Agile Methodology pays attention to the customer’s needs and satisfaction as the final product are to be sold to the customers. Thus, the company needs to expect any unexpected responses or feedback from customers while in the middle of the development process (Gonçalves, 2018).

Figure 1: Agile Methods

 Different types of Agile Principles: As a software development consult, me and my team would like to implement Agile methods to make the project more agile and in turn more successful. By using agile methods, we expect greater customer satisfaction by a frequent delivery of working products and give the user power by letting them add new requirements. This will also affect our programming/ core team as we would be looking forward to giving more ‘control’ to core developers to make decisions while using latest design and technologies and encouraging close communication and teamwork to increase our productivity towards the final goal.


CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

Agile methods consist of twelve main principles which can be implemented depending on the project’s suitability based, they are: 1)

Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software


Welcome changing requirements, even in late development


Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)


Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers


Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted


Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)


Working software is the principal measure of progress


Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace


Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design


Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential


Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams


Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly


 Agile Principles in accordance to our project: In accordance to our project Principle 1 “Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software” and Principle 3” Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale” would be one of the top priorities. As a software development team it’s important to start as soon as the aims, scopes and requirements are given to the team, by developing and rolling out continuous and valuable software, the stakeholders in this case the company who has hired us, get a clear idea about how the team is progressing, what the stakeholders can look forward to as they set there expectations upon the team and therefore make changes to the system, at an earlier stage knowing where things are going. After giving out a few of the working software’s, the team also gets the idea of what the stakeholders views are about the system and what changes can be made to make the stakeholders more satisfied. In traditional mythologies this would not have been possible as the stakeholders would be taking a look at a finished product and therefore wouldn’t be able to give continuous input to the team and set 9|Page

CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

their direction towards what they require. Principle 2 “Welcome changing requirements, even in late development”, the company must be satisfied with what they are investing in, so must their costumers be, even if it means making changes at the last moment. This is why Agile Methods are directed so heavily towards customer satisfaction as the customer is always in control. All of the principles relating to working programs being given out early and frequently wouldn’t be possible without, Principle 4 “Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers” which will keep the stakeholders and the core team updated with each other and therefore know what each party can expect from each. Principle 7” Working software is the primary measure of progress.” will give the company a clear view of what the final outcome will be and give them the satisfaction that the team is aiming towards a practical and technically working approach rather than just theoretic. Principle 9 “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility” and Principle 12 “Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly” will be essential to make the project more agile.

 Implementation of chosen Agile Principles: Knowing what to do and actually being able to do it, are two very different things. To make sure what we’ve planned, we finally go on to achieve, we need a strategery to implement the following principles in a practical way. As the software development consultant, I propose the following steps to implement the important Agile Principles that have been pointed out: Principle 1 “Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software” Customers are much happier if they receive functionable software’s regularly without a long interval, rather than waiting for long periods of time. This principle can be implanted by having regularly scheduled meetings with representatives of the stakeholders to update them on the progress of the core team, show them the working software’s and ask for their feedback. This will give the team more opportunity to steer the software in s a satisfactory direction. It is also imported to set up the core team in a way that it builds a product roadmap, this is a high-level view of the requirements for the project with a timeframe. The team is not spending days or weeks planning out every step, but simply identifying, prioritizing, and roughly estimating the effort each piece of your product will take on the way to making a usable product. 10 | P a g e

CT046-3-2 SDM

Group assignment

Principle 2 “Welcome changing requirements, even in late development” The strategy that would be implemented here is to give out feedback forms regularly to the targeted customers and stakeholders, what they like about the software’s that have been shown to them, what changes they would like to see in the upcoming software’s that will be presented to them, how it affects their daily life basis and welcoming any constructive criticism from the customers. It’s obviously hard to make changes at the later stages of development but it can be minimized by constantly keeping in check with the requirements and the satisfac...

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